Adult retellings and other things

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Adult retellings and other things


Imagination is the reality of the dreamer.
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Today 12:39 PM
  • I prefer to write in third person and past tense.
  • I don't care about post length. As long as there's enough to respond to. However, I tend to write quite a lot so be aware of that going in. Three + paragraphs is very appreciated.
  • Communicate! Tell me what works and what doesn't so we can work on a solution.
  • For face claims I prefer real life people.
Genres, settings and time periods:
I can write a wide variety of genres and settings. I adore magical realism, both modern and historical, but I also write other things such as slice of life, dystopian, science fiction.

All OOC contact takes place over pm. Comments in this thread will go unanswered.


All the names can be changed, I'm using them as placeholders to make it easier to write.

Little Red Riding Hood - an adult retelling of the traditional fairy tale
Abigail hasn't seen or even talked to her aunt since the funeral of both her parents five years ago, but a series of unfortunate events has left her with little choice but to pick up the phone and give her a call. The conversation is short and at the end of it Abigail has both a new job and somewhere to live. As long as she helps out in her aunt's bookshop she is allowed to live under the woman's roof in her cute little cottage. A week later Abigail and her two suitcases arrive in ***, a village she renames Nowhereland. No one is around, the streets are abandoned and while the shops are open no customers can be seen. It's like a ghost town. Her aunt explains that the town has strong beliefs in religious things and that she will meet most of them the following day. That night she can hear wolves howl as she's sitting by the window looking out into the shadows of the trees surrounding the cottage.
The others are talking. A new girl has arrived in the village, the niece of Eleonora Barrett. There's something different about her, she has a scent most people don't, and it's causing excitement in the pack. Matt has read the stories: stories about a girl whose blood can cure the curse of lycanthropy. Not that he believes in that, it's nothing but a fairy tale, but a part of him can't help but wonder. And when the pack leader wants him to get to know her he's not in a position to say no. Because if the stories are true, if her sacrifice and her blood can save people like him from turning into monsters, then he has to do everything he can to make it happen.
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