Character(s) Caerans' Selections

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Character(s) Caerans' Selections


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Tomorrow 7:20 AM
Caeran's Selections
timezone: gmt+8
availability: twice a week or more

Please refrain from commenting here. I'd like to keep this thread exclusively as a gallery for my characters. If you have any interest in pairing with them, feel free to reach me via PM.

Table of Contents
Elizabeth Bituin
Dorothy Ravenlow
Myrl Cherrington
Caeran Cherrytail
MonsterGirl Dex
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"You best slumber before the high moon,
lest you want the Witchdoctor to come and put you in a stew."

Credit: ErinEclair

Elizabeth Bituin

Age & DoB
26, Late Winter


Mother Bituin - Surrogate mother, mentor, a predecessor


In a hut with a large tree growing through the middle of it, deep in the woods that's near an old town.

The first thing anyone is going to question about is of her green skin and hair. Is it her natural tones? Body paint and hair dye? Elizabeth would tell you it is indeed, painted and dyed. That is if you're close enough. Her natural skin tone is a mystery, for even the hottest of baths will not melt away the number of times she has applied her paint monthly.

Elizabeth stands at five foot six and has round grey eyes. She has an hourglass figure and a very ample bust. Although many would find them appealing, Elizabeth finds it a hindrance if she gave more reason for others to gawk and ogle her. She hides her figure with a shawl (see above) and a long skirt that reaches the bottom of her knees. She even further hides by wearing a long black hooded cloak during her outings. Elizabeth would not admit it, but she is very shy of her appearance. Any complement sent her way will fluster her.

She has tattoos etched on her left arm. There is a depiction of an eye on the back of her left palm and a design of the sun on her shoulder.

One moody bitch. Elizabeth deals with the passive hostility of the neighbouring townsfolk daily, yet they come to her anyway for all sorts of ailments that regular doctors could not solve. What comes out of that is one unfriendly witchdoctor who puts a lot of effort to keep others away from her at arm's length. It's not an easy task to worm into her ice-cold heart, which she has reinforced with walls upon walls of stone just to protect herself from getting hurt. She puts no expectations on anyone and trusts only in herself. For all her life, she was independent, so she finds it difficult to ask others for help. Elizabeth constantly looks stressed, having to do all the work at home by herself and dealing with the constant pressure and gossip from her clients. She does have a heart of gold and treats friends (and how rare they come) with a maternal-like love. This includes regularly making sure they're doing alright, in their best health and so on.

Elizabeth is very easy to fluster if she knows you speak from the heart. She has a range of emotions that not many others have the pleasure to witness. She is capable of feeling vulnerable, shyness and embarrassment. She's just very good at hiding it with people she doesn't know well.

Eliza was born in the slums of a Victorian-era English town. Her parents are a drunken father and a prostitute mother. She resented both of them and spent most of her time avoiding home. She liked to pick flowers from gardens of others and sold them for a penny each on the street. Over time, she was able to name various local flora and botanica at the age of six.

When she turned eight, an elderly witch doctor with skin as green as the forest visited the town and took interest in Eliza. The witchdoctor offered to buy all her stock and provide her with a place to stay. For her stock, a small sack of silver. For warmth and food, she must join the witch doctor in her travels. Eliza accepted both offers and didn't bother to inform her family about her decision. When evening fell, the witchdoctor led Eliza back to her cottage on a horse towards a swamp far away from town.

The Witchdoctor went by the name of Bituin, which was a name passed down from generation to generation of the witch doctor ancestry. To make way for the next generation, the current witch doctor must adopt a female child who was willing to be their apprentice. Eliza fit the qualifications perfectly and would be the 6th of the Bituin Witchdoctors.

Eliza was a quick learner, but she was stubborn. She got into many bickerings with her foster-mother and liked to stray from traditional recipes and techniques. Worst of all, she liked to wander the forest at the dead of night. One night, at the age of 15, she met a strapping young man. He was a hunter, and probably a few years older than she was. The first few times Eliza met him, she ran away immediately. She was forbidden to interact with any men during her apprenticeship.

However, as time past, and with a few friendly gestures from the hunter (offering her sweets), Eliza and the hunter soon became secret companions. Their friendship turned to love, but Eliza was afraid of revealing her feelings. Not to mention she was told by her mentor that having any romantic contact with a male will bring nothing but misery to her when she was ready to be next in line.

Two months passed and the hunter was confident that he knew that Eliza's feelings for him were mutual. One day after picking berries together, he surprised her with a kiss on the lips. Eliza was infuriated and slapped him hard across the face, dropping the basket of berries everywhere before running back to the cottage hidden away in the swamp. She refused to leave the house, using the excuse that 'there was a man watching her routine' to her mentor so she won't be forced to go do her tasks. The next time she went out, she never met the hunter again.

Her 18th birthday was the day her apprenticeship came to an end. Bituin dyed Eliza's hair and body green and showed her how to apply it every month. They performed a ritual where her mentor would pass on to the next life, and relayed her powers of communicating with the dead to Eliza. It was the last bit of her training that she had not done, but every witch doctor in her line was able to master it once their previous mentor passed on the gift.

The ritual started, and the elderly witch doctor asked Eliza a few questions before her departure.

"Are you ready to uphold the Bituin traditions?"

Eliza answered yes.

"Will you look for a new apprentice and continue the line of witch doctors?"

Eliza answered yes.

"Did you use your body for pleasures this forsaken world has offered?"

Eliza answered no. Her mentor was usually sharp and could catch her lying, but perhaps it was Eliza's firm self-convincing that worked. She did not consent to her first kiss, so it was certainly not a pleasure, was it?

When the ritual ended and her mentor gave her last breath, the cottage was filled with a deafening silence. At first, Eliza thought there must be a delay. Later, she thought they must have gotten the steps wrong, but that was impossible. Bituin fell into eternal sleep before her, which meant the ritual was a success. Finally, it hit her.

The ritual was not a success after all. All those times that her mentor warned her of the danger and allure of men, why they only could adopt little girls instead of having offspring, it clicked together. She was supposed to be a pure virgin, both physically and in spirit. The hunter's kiss had tainted her.

With no power to communicate to the dead, it brought a lot of difficulty to Eliza. She lost a lot of Bituin's old customers who came to her seeking a medium for their deceased loved ones. She saw no point in seeking an apprentice since she had no power to pass over.

The worst of it all was the heavy silence that fell in the cottage at night when she slept. She remembered how her mentor complained about how her ancestors nagged on and on to her as ghostly apparitions and assured Eliza that she didn't have to miss her because she'll still be there to nag her in the next life too. Eliza never got to experience any of that.

Years past and she's now in her mid-twenties. Days she spent in the cottage were dull since all she could do was make homemade medicines and conduct healing rituals. With the entrance of the new-world 'modern-city' doctors, she didn't have the same steady flow of customers her ancestors once had. Her attitude soured and she was reduced to nothing more than a hermit who healed people for low rates. The only reason why she hadn't given up was that the business gave her something to do, and she had long accepted the swamp as her home.

Her moody temperament was taken advantage of by parents from the neighbouring town to scare their children to sleep. If they didn't go to bed in time, 'the witch doctor will take them away'.

TLDR; Street kid gets adopted by local witchdoctor and is raised to be one. Does pretty well until she gets her first kiss stolen from her, removing any chances of her completing her training. She lies about being pure during her final ritual with her dying mentor, finds she cannot commune with the dead and is unable to become the full-fledge witch she was supposed to be. Still not wanting to leave her home or further disappoint her ancestors, she carries on her duties by making potions, medicines and any other rituals that do not concern the undead.

- Elizabeth smokes. A lot. Usually with some sort of mixture of herbs she grows in the garden which will either help her relax or send her into a trip, depending on her mood.
- When it comes to drinking, Elizabeth is extremely lightweight. She keeps a bottle of brandy or hard wine as a substitute for sanitizing alcohol, but she won't say no to a drink during special occasions. She just won't last after one glass.

Post Log
A Healer's Story - with Aron (cancelled)
The Prince and His Concubine - with Desgonia (on hold)

"In the moonlit garden,
Let's dance, let's play!
Let's call the witch
To take us away!"
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"I could, I just don't want to."
Dorothy Ravenlow

Age & DoB
21, Midsummer

Cecelia Ravenlow - Mother
Adelbert Ravenlow - Father
Reid Threlfall - Fiancé

Baron's Daughter

Large Victorian mansion in a town, near a forest

Standing at 5'5" (often looking taller due to heels), Dorothy is a slender blonde lady with large 'child-bearing' hips. She keeps herself well-groomed enough, often tying her wavy, golden hair into various kinds of braids, ponytails and the like. Matching the family colors, she is often seen wearing red, black and white clothing. She has piercing green eyes and pale skin.

Dorothy is not like the other proper ladies you'd find in fancy galas.

She treats everyone equally and will give the same amount of kindness to her helpers as she does for her acquaintances. She would also give the same brash tongue-lashing to her peers as most do with clumsy servants. Dorothy has no filter and is unafraid to speak her mind. There were times when she willingly cleaned her room just to spend some pent up energy. Dorothy enjoys gardening and doesn't mind getting her hands dirty.

Born as the only daughter of a baron, Dorothy is allowed to do as she pleases, much to her mothers' dismay. She is stubborn and headstrong, tomboyish in her ways. She has taken a liking to the servants and the maids, interested in their work in the mansion rather than her own piano lessons. Her father never berated her about it, instead, he found her curiosity endearing. Because of this, she has always been the opposite of ladylike, no matter how many lessons or scoldings she gets.

At a young age, she was betrothed to Reid Threlfall. They share roughly the same age and have an amicable relationship. However, Dorothy has shown no signs of physical or romantic attraction to him, merely treating him as a friend most of the time. The times she treats him as her fiancé is during social gatherings because she knows it'll help with her family's image.

Things at home slowly deteriorated when she turned 19. Her father took on a mistress after her mother could no longer bear children after Dorothy. Her mother turned to drinking and her fiancé was noticeably more clingy and monopolizing to her when he realised that she was not taking their engagement to heart as much as he did. Dorothy, being the ray of sunshine most of her life, tries to ignore all the shortcomings from the people around her, blinding her own self in an attempt to pretend that her life was not crumbling into shambles.

- Dorothy lives in the same universe as Elizabeth Bituin. The forest nearby is where the witchdoctor lives.
- Dorothy likes to escape from her home from time to time to visit the town and see what it is like to live as a commoner. Most people don't recognise her without her makeup.

Post Log
College Turmoil, Magic Included - with Keksefuzzy (abandoned)
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"Aren't you getting a little too close?"

Myrl Cherrington

Age & DoB
19, Early Spring

Anne Cherrington - Mother
William Cherrington - Father
Nicholas Cherrington - Elder brother
Ivy Seville - Senior coworker

Luxury Lingerie Designer Intern
[Open to any office work roleplay]

Small apartment in a city, preferably near work

You wouldn't notice Myrl at first, even though she's been in the room the entire time. Myrl is a tiny 5'4" and she looks as though she weighs nothing. She is petite with a chest as flat as a washboard. She has naturally straight mousy brown hair and her eyes are a soft hazel colour. Her skin is ivory white, one could almost mistake her as sickly. On the contrary, she is quite athletic and hides a bit of muscle underneath her clothing. It would seem she used to take gymnastics or track and field back in her younger days.

Quiet and meek, Myrl is the sort of person you wouldn't notice was in the same room as you until she speaks up. Which she rarely does anyway. Myrl is painfully shy and allows others to talk over her. She is afraid to voice out her concerns just because she imagined it might inconvenience others. She reacts quite badly to confrontation or scolding, prefers to do as she's told because she believes it's better that way.

Underneath her mousy exterior, Myrl is a surprisingly hard worker with outstanding work ethics. She makes up for her lack of presence by putting her heart into every task she is given. Despite not wanting to be in the spotlight, Myrl craves praises and is easily content with the recognition from one person.

She is a person who is easy to influence. She will pick up mannerisms and attitudes from close friends, and it isn't hard to convince her into doing something she normally wouldn't do if she trusts you enough.

Her father was British, her mother Chinese. Both were working parents and left their children to the hands of a domestic worker at home. While their helper was kind to them, it did not stop Myrl and her older brother Nicholas from feeling lonely. Despite not being at home all the time, their parents had high expectations for them. School, after-school activities, tutors and music classes, the siblings had to survive it all. At the age of ten, Myrl could speak fluently in an array of languages, play the piano and the violin and calculate high-school levels of arithmetics.

All the work came at a price - Myrls' confidence and self-esteem. No matter how many A's she scored, no matter prizes she won for activities she did not want to master, it was never enough for her parents. Especially her mother. As a last-ditch effort to escape the pressure at home, Myrl moved out at the age of 18 to carve her own path. It was difficult since she's so used to having others dictate how her schedule would be every day, but she managed.

After finding her passion in clothes design, Myrl landed a gig as a lingerie designer at a small, but luxurious company. Her mother never approved of it, but for the first time in her entire life, Myrl could not care what her mother said about it. She was finally happy.

- Even more surprisingly, Myrl is very good at drinking. Her father drunk heavily and would give her whatever he was having in his drunken stupor in attempt to 'train her liver so boys wouldn't get her smashed'. It worked quite well. Her favourite drink is brandy.
- Myrl can speak in English, Mandarin, French, German and Icelandic.
- Myrl may look demure but she is still a woman. A woman with a big ear fetish. She loves having her ears kissed, bitten, caressed and whispered to. She listens to erotic ASMR and drama CDs at home. (please don't stick your peen in her ears dear god no)
Myrl enjoyed her day off the next day. Well, she tried. It was raining, so she decided to treat herself to a little show marathon of her favorite series on Netflix with some ice cream at her bed, but for some reason she found herself unable to concentrate. As she fixed her eyes to her small laptop and watched a string of episodes, Myrl would accidentally just.. space out. Her thoughts would return back to last night when she was called into Gregory's office and then..

This better not be a case of pet favorites, and I'm going to check right now.

Her ears flushed once more at the memory of it. Myrl could still feel his palm glide from underneath her cotton shirt and over her warm, flat belly, how his fingers played with the bow of her bra. As her laptop played the banter between characters and sound effects of the episode, Myrl buried her face in her hands and tried to conceal her ashamed face to no one in particular. Rather than not telling anyone about this so that Gregory would not get in trouble, Myrl would never speak of this to anyone because she could not lie to herself. She did not exactly hated what he did that night.

And so the laptop was ignored as she hid under the covers and clung to her soft, white body-pillow. Her ears were still red.

Post Log
Up Close And Personal - with Alevel (ongoing)
Office Affair - with xConstantinex (ongoing?)
Intimate Apparel - with Angel of Mercy (on hold)
Calamity - Group RP, high-fantasy AU (ongoing)
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"Me? You don't really know me."

Caeran "Pinkie" Cherrytail

Age & DoB
20, Autumn

Mutt, but has some Maned Wolf in her
None that she talks about

Part-time Sales Assistant at a big-brand clothes retail shop during the day
Gangster at night

Shares a room with a bunch of other furries in a downtown apartment

Caeran is all about pastel colours. She dyed her fur pink, wears magenta eye contacts and dresses head to toe with bright colors of purple, blue and, of course, pink. The only make up she wears is heavy eye-liner and mascara. She carries a 'harajuku' 'pastel-punk' fashion sense. Underneath her baggy clothing is a curvy and very feminine figure, a reminder of how mature her body actually is. Her mane is black, which is about the only thing that retained its natural colour from her. It's usually styled with a good amount of hair gel, keeping it standing up like a mohawk with dramatic spikes. Her nose is black and her lips bears a small scar. It's usually hidden with a medical mask that she wears, worn for privacy purposes and to protect her health.

At work, Caeran is acceptably friendly and polite. She acts as the big sister to her coworkers but has a quick temper for those who are out of line. Of all the employees, Caeran is the best at handling customers, especially the unreasonable ones. For some reason, she never loses her cool.

Turns out she spends the time releasing steam by smashing heads on the street with a street gang. During this time, she is usually distant from the other gang members, preferring to stay silent rather than speak. She is ruthless, stoic and deliberately messy when it comes to making her kills.

At night, Caeran is part of an unruly new gang. They aren't the biggest, but they are steadily growing in numbers and territory at a frightening pace.


Post Log
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Name: Cassia Oakstripe

Age: 20

Species: Ratatoskr

Height: 4'11"

Weight: Less than a 100lbs

Bio: Oakstripes earned their stripes. That's how the family saying goes. Cassia was one of the many specifically bred Ratatoskr who are trained to become companions for those who seek to take on the world. Whether they be treasure hunters, travelling merchants or mercenaries, they are to guide their partners through the wilderness and ensure then safe travels. Cassia is a lively young Ratatoskr with the penchant for reckless flirting and seducing just to provoke reactions. An entertainment for her daily routine. She does it do much, none would take her seriously anymore. It's all just for fun, right?

She and Axton have known each other since childhood. She was introduced to her client at an early age to encourage friendship and bonding. Even when she was still learning how to be an adept protector, she managed to shield him from a potential life-threatening situation with the neighbouring Tiger Clan. Since there was no malicious intent from the tigresses, Cassia never held it against them for what they did to him. However, she does feel the same fear for them as he does.

Cassia is not only well versed in the geography of the country, but also of the knowledge of many other monster girls from different places. Besides her rich knowledge, she is also quite good at self-defence and making use of her incredible speed and evasiveness.

Goldfang-da-Great-ratatoskr-(MGE)-ecchi-Anime-5545283 (1).jpeg

Notes: she carries around a leather satchel with emergency goods and first aid. She also carries a backpack if Axton needs anything stored away safely.

Kinks: Double Penetration, Voyeurism, Dominated/Owned

Name: Wu Zetian

Age: 26

Species: Kakuen

Height: 5'7"

Weight: Around 130lbs

Bio: It is said that the legendary Kakuen who helped the first Dragon of the East grandmaster to his path for his title was one of Wu descendent and Leader of Bowu village. Years upon years later, Zetian became the newest and youngest leader of the tribe. There she led a happy and carefree life with her villagers, a life of peace and prosperity and plenty of indulgences when it comes to mating season. In charge of all the challengers that dare make their way to her, she would use them as mating fodder for her people. The losing bet is usually to wed one of the women who were ready to take in a husband. Sometimes, if she wants to join in the fun, will hold orgies against the losing party. One man against a whole village. They all were sent home for medical aid, but none of them could ever be the same, not after experiencing the bottomless needs of Kakuens in heat.

One day, Zetian crosses paths with Axton Connors and for the first time had placed herself as the bet, the first time she declared for a husband. She knew the moment she saw Axton, she wanted him all to herself..

Zetian is highly agile and acrobatic creature, able to leap through large gaps at dizzying heights. Her fighting style is unpredictable and wild, changing between offensive to defensive without warning, yet she does it so fluidly. She likes to distract opponents with somersaults and mock them by spanking herself on her plump buttocks or by swaying her hips seductively. Her signature move is a series of feint kicks or punches before grappling her opponent with her tail and smashing her weight against them to the ground. Her tail is quite strong and dextrous, and she can use it to grab objects and lift men twice her weight to flail them around. Sometimes she uses it as a chair.

Notes: She wields a Bo staff on her travels which she lends to Axton. The staff allows the wielder to summon a cloud to lift them up into the sky, but it can only carry the one who holds the staff.

Kinks: Spanking/Flogging, Tail-pulling and Reverse Cowgirl positions

Name: Yuki Himiko

Age: 19

Species: Shirohebi

Height: Tends to assume a 5'5" 'human' stance

Tail Length: From the hips down, about 6 feet long and still growing

Weight: Don't ask her, her tail weighs her down!

Bio: Yuki Himiko is the fourth child of Lady Asuka Himiko of Hotto Village, raised as a sheltered child and a shut in. Trained under various tutors throughout her childhood, Yuki was taught proper manners, conversation, home economics and martial arts as expected for each generation of the Himiko bloodline. Her mother only doted on her when it is convenient, such as when there are guests or during festivals. In truth, Lady Himiko never saw Yuki as her own child, but rather as an investment. All the daughters she's reared grew into capable shirohebi who either were married out of the family or sent away to build their own villages elsewhere.

Yuki is afraid to wed another. Once, Yuki caught her mother in the act of mating with her human father. The obsession and the possessiveness her mother displayed was enough to terrify her. For months, Yuki worried about how she might end up as jealous and malicious as her. Due to this, Yuki trained day and night to polish her fighting skills when a festival is due for a challenger. Match after match, Yuki would have dozens and dozens of victories under her belt until the challengers stopped coming due to fear. None wanted to fall victim under her cobra-like movements.

One day, she meets Axton Connors at the hot springs who treated her as an equal rather than a reward. She was shocked to see how many women he had in tow and was curious to why none of them fought over a man as handsome and kind as he. Intrigued and smitten, Yuki prepared for her last battle, more excited than ever before.


A master of eye-hand coordination, Yuki specializes in a fast-paced martial art that requires her to counter-grapple opponents who can be larger than her and to take advantage of any open vital points with simple taps of her fingers. In her battle stance, she raises her right hand as her offence and lowers one near her waist as her defence, both posing as snakes on either side. Yuki has a very clear head when she fights, able to think ahead of her opponent and make strategies ahead of time.

Kinks: Breast worship, titfucking, tongue-jobs, sex in the bath

Name: Shelbi Woodford

Age: 28

Species: Tengu

Height: 5'4"

Weight: Almost weightless, for flight

Bio: Born near-sighted and with a growth stunt, one would wonder if Shelbi Woodford was fit for flight. In her family of tengus, she was more fitted to take the path of a professor. For the first half of her life, she poured into her books, learning of military history and strategies during her education. She was branded a bookworm, an introvert and one very lonely tengu. She tried to distract herself with a hobby of photography and reading romance and erotica novels. With no friends and a lack of accomplishment, Shelbi was always yearning for more.

One day, the champion of the fortress announced that they would retire. With nothing to lose, Shelbi trained to take the throne. Shelbi is a hard worker and works hard than anyone else and eventually, she was chosen as the new champion as a reward for her efforts. However, her peers doubted her and tengu from neighbouring cities mocked her stature and her need to wear spectacles. The pressure became too much for her and she stepped down.

At least, that's what others thought she did. In truth, she followed both her calling as a mentor and continued on to be champion but did not carry the title. Instead, she gave it to the many students she trained during her reign. Her methods are cruel, harsh and strict, but the results were always above and beyond. Her name was spread far and wide as the most intelligent and active professor of all the tengu clans, dubbing her 'General Woodford'. After each student, she usually disappears for weeks, months or even years to find a new student.

When looking for new challengers for her students, Shelbi would fly down to Earth to find suitable men who can take the challenge. She would take photos of them, study them and often fantasize about them. She would call them 'her muses'. One day, her eyes landed on Axton who was making his way to the fortress from the direction of the Bowu village, and Shelbi knew she found the muse to end all muses..


Shelbi has a very defensive heavy fighting strategy. She uses her wings to appear bigger and wider than she usually is and stands on one foot, the other ready to strike her enemies with her large, pointed talons. Her feet are her biggest weapon, able to deliver powerful kicks and gashes with her claws. She is also an experienced battle tactician, almost rivalling the Shirohebi by a hairs width.

Kinks: Sadomasochism, physically taxing positions, scratching/biting, bondage-play

Name: Tarushi Rajan

Age: 30

Species: Jinko

Height: 6'1"

Weight: 180 lbs, mostly from muscle

Bio: ???

Name: Chun Jihyun

Age: 21

Species: Hinezumi (aka Fire-Rat, formerly Human)

Height: 5'6"

Weight: 140 lbs

Bio: A long time friend of Axton in the past back in Anri Village, Chun Jihyun grew up seeing Axton as the big brother she never had. Over time, she grew to have a crush on him, fawning for him from afar just as a conservative girl should be. However, one day, she had to begin her training at the shrine. With no time to play with him, Axton spent his days' training in his grandfathers' dojo, but did his best to visit her anyway. Their time together was limited, but Chun still had good memories of sharing persimmon fruits with him and watching him demonstrate what he had learned. Little did she know that those happy days would disappear.

One day, her father forbade them from seeing each other after he learned the motives behind Axtons' training. Although the majority of Anri Village had smooth relations with the Mamono, Chuns' family feared the monsters and saw them as savages. He fought with Axtons' grandfather, accusing him of pawning off his grandson to a myriad of monsters just to keep relations with the monster girls afloat. However, her father kept all this a secret from her and lied to Chun that Axton simply found other things to keep him interested, that a certain Ratatoskr had wormed her way to his heart.

Chun wept that day to no end, her heartbroken and dreams of marrying into the Connors family wilted. Her father took advantage of her vulnerable state and sent her off to do her own training under a man named Master Tatsu of the Shattered Hand. The Shattered Hand were a group of people that believed humankind should be the leading race instead of being equals with monsterkind. Their goal was to revert the Mamono back to their natural state, to domesticate them, enslave them or to just wipe them off the face of the earth in the name of peace. Chun stayed with them for five years, the training was harsh and the teachings were cruel. Chun learned to not make too many friends, as they died too easily and to keep her enemies close to keep them at bay from turning against her.

One day, she hears news that a certain Axton Connors has finally made the move to take on the challenge of the Four Pillars. That's when Chun knew it was time for a little reunion.


Kinks: Brother-complex play, oral sex (both ways)
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Yggnast Shadzor

Former Name
Cameron Lhombaerth

Age & DoB
28, Start of Spring

Orc-Elf (Forest Elf race)
Screenshot 2020-07-05 at 7.55.28 PM.png
Bolrog Shadzor - Biological Father
Zuuthu Shadzor - Adoptive Mother
Gruzdash Shadzor - Half Brother
Ulghesh Shadzor - Half Brother
Muglugd Shadzor - Half Brother
Imryll Lhombaerth - Biological Mother

Noble Adopted Son of the Shadzor Family
Bastard Child

Large palace of half-orcs

The black sheep of the half-orc noble family. Yggnast stands out from the rest of his muddy-green family. He bears a dull greyish-green skin tone, paler than his brothers. Instead of the scarlet tint in his irises, his are deep forest green. His ears are longer, tattered from years of abuse and discipline. Two large fangs jut out from his lower jaw and they peek over his lips. The rest of his family towers over him while he stands at a mere 5'9", just an inch shorter than the youngest Shadzor. Yggnast wears minimal piercing compared to his brothers, one over his nose bridge and a few rings over his left brow. His right ear has more decorative piercings, but they were placed there to mock his heritage. A grim reminder that he does not belong.

Cold. Aloof. Disciplined.
At a young age, Yggnast learned that the world is not the warm and welcoming realm his mother once painted it to be. He has become hardened from years of training under his fathers' servants to become even an ounce worthy of the Shadzor family. Even with that, he is still shunned by his brothers and looked down upon from his adoptive parents. Realising that he only exists in the castle for menial reasons, he too isolates himself from his family.

Once upon a time, a half-orc forced his way with a forest elf. What came out of that was Cameron. During his infant life, he lived in peace with his mother in a seclusive corner of a forest. Once he reached his teens, his father returned to seek him after hearing word that he had a son. Not wanting any potential angry children seeking for vengeance, he took the orc-elf away. His first mistake was thinking Cameron gave a fuck about his origins. Cameron was promptly renamed Yggnast and kept under tight training to learn the ways of a half-orc. The Shadzor family had both orc and human blood, a mix of what they thought was the best of two worlds - sharp intelligence and brute strength. Yggnast existence was deemed unclean to them. Unclean, but necessary to protect the family name.

For years, Yggnast had to endure gruelling training and endless abuse from both his brothers. Whatever mischief his brothers were up to, it was easy to put the blame on Yggnast. Their father even encouraged them to do so. Every day, Yggnast was threatened to be thrown back to the streets, to be grateful for his family's sympathy and hospitality, how his tears were a sign of weakness. Yggnast forgot when, but at a certain point in time, he decided to cut off from his emotions altogether. Whatever rambunctious activity his brothers were up to, he stayed far away from it, even if it meant to be on the other side of the palace and be scolded for something else.

Appeared subdued and out of the way, his family went a lot easier on him. They took his stoic aloofness as a sign of lack of motivation to overthrow their name. For the rest of his 20s, he lived in mild peace. Once in a while, his brothers would load off their work on him, which he would do just to stay on their good side.

- Surprisingly heart-warming. Has the urge to take care of beings smaller than him, be they creatures, insects and the like.
- Slightly sadistic, an unconscious trait from his orc blood and the cultivating hatred for the members of the Shadzor house.

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To Brand What's Mine - with Lir_The_Witch (ongoing?)
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Necromancer's worries

Name: Iagothea

Weapon Title: Hope's End

Nickname: Thea

Age: Over a hundred, looks about mid-20s

Bio: Smithed in the depths of the underworld by the highest-ranking group of Lilim blacksmiths, Iagothea had come across many a man and woman who dared to make a contract with her in order to wield the power she could grant. Part of the contract was when her client dies, she steals their soul for her own and converts it into power. The previous lives she absorbs are shared with newer masters, but none ever knew the wiser. Thus was her climb to power as she sought to be the strongest weapon in the land. Her journey was promptly cut short when a dragoness stole her away as she waited for her next victim. Little did she knew that her heart had also been taken by this curvaceous queen.

She laid dormant for years and years, another treasure among the dragoness' hoard. Once in a while, she would be admired. Other times practically ignored. It didn't matter to her as the dragon triumphed in the sheer amount of power and magical energy, one that she could never dare to challenge. Iagothea fell into a deep slumber, part of her nature to do so if she remained unwielded for some time. So she barely knew she was made off by a group of adventurers who managed to sneak into her mistress's den, her being stolen once more.

As they made their way to town, Iagothea luckily fell off the carriage she was tossed in so carelessly. It was on that very day she'd find her one true final master..


Name: Goomi

Former name: Gabriella Drysdalle

Age: 24

Bio: Once a noblewoman of high ranking, 'Gabriella' died getting herself digested from a puddle of slime. However, due to her strong sense of willpower, she was reborn as a slime girl. With her memories wiped out, she renamed herself as Goomi and was adopted by a family of conscious slime-girls to learn the ways of surviving as one of the most under-levelled monsters of the land. Goomi would've been satisfied living her life with her newfound slime family until she saw Argus Hendrickson during his travels. She couldn't say why, but she felt extremely drawn to him. From that day onwards, Goomi would follow Argus around during his adventures and bounty hunts, watching from afar his daily life and observing his everyday routine.

At some point, Goomi decided she wanted to be an Adventurer just like him. She figured her odd feelings and urge to watch over him was because she was envious of his freedom and sense of direction in life. However, no matter how many times she registered herself in the Guild's Hall, she either gets kicked out or hunted down as a slime gone rogue. This made the poor woman fear humans, all except for Argus who she still follows closely to this day.

Goomi finally made her moves on Argus after he had to leave his former home due to a group of aggressive bandits. From there, she pleaded him to take her in and to stay at his side..

Name: Purnima Shirdel

Nickname: Nima

Age: 28

Bio: WIP
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Gregory Oak

Age & DoB
32, Late Winter


Magdaline Lanceister (Mother)
Conrad Oak (Father)
Oleander Oak (Older Brother, 36)

Luxury Lingerie Director of Designs

High-end studio-style apartment​

Tall and lanky, Gregory is a towering 6'2" and he carries an intimidating presence suited for one of his rank. Gregory takes his job ridiculously seriously, known to be stern and frank. When it comes to giving critiscm and feedback to his subordinates, Gregory does not pull with the punches. He is demanding and always has the highest expectations for those in his department and he himself is a victim to his own high standards.

Despite appearing formal in most social interactions, Gregory may come across as a bit of a creep. If asked why he chose to be in the business of designing women's worried under garments, his first answer without a doubt would be, "Because I love women". When with a woman of his interest, he swings between being prim and proper to dropping obvious hints of his affection left and right.
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