hey there darlings!

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hey there darlings!


Local time
Today 5:51 PM
under a large rock
I'm corvidae, your local bird enthusiast! I decided to join here after I deemed posts on other sites I'm active on were a bit slow.

let's see, about me... obviously I like to write a lot! ooc, I tend to avoid capitalization just because it looks prettier to me. I'm a filthy hippie who would gladly go live in the woods if you could charge your laptop/phone on a tree. I love love love romance, especially between two dudes or ladies (straight stuff just bores me, sorry fam!), horror, and fantasy!

my interests outside of writing include pokemon, choir, obsessing over bands, drawing, and crying over cute girls!

if there's anything else you may like to know, give me a yell! I'd love to chat with all of you guys!
Crying over cute girls has been my life lately OTL

Welcome to the site, local bird enthusiast! Can't wait to see you get active! o u o)b
(Can you tell me why you can't use febreeze around birds, but you can with other pets??)
Hello Paper, I'm glad to be here! As for your bird question, it's for the same reason they use canaries in mine shafts! Their lungs are so much more sensitive and the bodies of domestic birds are very small, so any chemicals in the spray that aren't enough to hurt a human or a cat can still be pretty devastating to a tiny finch!
Welcome to the IS!!! Enjoy your time here in out little corner of this chaotic universe!!
Welcome to the site! See you around the forums, probably.

Pokemon and birds *infinite thumbs up*
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