Hullo World!

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Hullo World!


Welcome to the Sanctum 100 Posts! 100 Likes!
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Today 9:35 PM
In the effort not to sound like I have no clue what's going, which would be a fun change of pace at least, call me Happi! I work overnight as technical support and have been out of the roleplaying game for much too long. I have been writing since before I knew that grammar and punctuation could make you not sound like a chipmunk on crack, I wanna say longer than 15 years, but that makes me feel like I should know what I'm doing which is questionable most of the time.

That being said I don't usually bite. I am awkward as all getout so there is that to look forward to. I have boundless free time pretty much all the time with August and January both being highly questionable. I'll just stop this here before I get creepy which tends to happen before long. Happy days everyone!
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