I am Zora

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I am Zora


Cthulu Dragon
2500 Likes! Happy Birthday!! Happy Birthday!! Happy Birthday!!
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Today 8:14 AM
So I've just come to realize that I never made one of these to introduce myself despite being a member for some months here now. So hello to everyone, I go by Zora. I don't really have much to say about myself ooc, I like to draw and dye my hair..I have a two year old son who is a dragon in training and is my best friend..we live together with his Dad and our asshat cat.

My favorite games are Okami and Bloodborne, I've played and beaten the story many times through both games. I also like to bake. I'm not for or against ooc chat but I probably won't initiate it because, unlike the character Zora, I am incredibly shy.

I love fantasy writing and reading of all kinds, and can't wait to start finding serious roleplayers who will write with me and destroy our characters. I like really dark and gritty themes and am not afraid to mutilate characters in pursuit of a good story.

I'm not much of a romance writer though I will allow it when the story calls for it, though I tend to use it as more of a way to abuse my character than to help them/give them nice things.

I don't mean to be but I can be rather impatient when it comes to reply times and will send a message if it's been about a week/ ten days since I hear from a partner. I'll lose interest after about a month of unexplained inactivity. If you shoot me a simple "sorry, got busy, can't post for x amount of time/will be gone for a while" then I'll wait as long as it takes if I like the story. I prefer partners who will give me their best effort and will try to have as much fun as I do in the roleplay. That being said, I can't stand one liners and simply won't reply to anything smaller than at least two decent paragraphs. Quality over quantity and DETAILS. I soak that shit up.

Ummmmmm....I can't really think of much else to say so if you have questions you can feel free to ask and I'll do my best to provide an answer. I don't bite unless provoked~ hope to see you around.
We still welcome you to the Sanctum, my dear!
Thanks ^\\\\^
Yay, I get to welcome someone, despite them having been here longer than me lol

Welcome! XD
Woot!! A noob that's not a noob!! :D I hope you're still enjoying it here! :-P
Not a noob, just really shy.
What are your favorite colors to work with when dying your hair? Also, you said cat. They are all asshats, just like mine!
Welcome to the site and while you been here a while, let me know if there is anything you have questions about.
I prefer cool colors like blue, purple and more umber shades of green.
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