In a swirl of mist, a figure of a young stranger appears...

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In a swirl of mist, a figure of a young stranger appears...


Grand Archmage
Local time
Today 5:37 AM
A silhouette of a young adult walks out of a swirl of pale mist. A dark green cloak is draped along their shoulders, hiding their face. By looking at their body, you can't figure out the age and gender of this mysterious visitor, and something about it strikes you as intentional. As they step closer towards you, they flick their hood off and smile warmly. Untamed curls of warm ginger hair fall around their face and past their shoulders. The stranger stops about a foot away from you and extends their hand as an introduction.
"Hello. I am known as Coma. I thank you for welcoming me here to the Sanctum," the stranger greets you with a small bow. "I am excited to see how events turn out."
A puff of rather obnoxious purple smoke of unimportant location preceded the appearance of a rather strange floating woman. Large purple cat ears were poking out from under her cascading, shoulder-length chocolate curls, while her amber yellow eyes peered curiously at the mysterious new figure. A smile played onto her lips as Coma spoke, and the long, fluffy, purple tail poking out from between her black lounge pants and her white, oversized t-shirt began to flick back and forth.

"Welcome to the Sanctum Coma. I'm Cheshire Cat, not a furry, you can call me whatever you like, just don't tell Disney." She extended her hand to take Coma's, her shirt collar falling from one shoulder as she reached.
"Welcome!" chirps a cheerful voice. A young woman has entered the room, wearing a colorful sundress and a wide smile. She is holding a stack of papers. "We're so happy to have you here in the Inner Sanctum. I'm Peachy, one of the members of Sanctum Staff and an official greeter on the site." She hands you the papers. There is a cover sheet with a large smiley face sticker below the title. "Be sure to take a look at the site rules and familiarize yourself with the forum layout. If at any point you have questions about anything, feel free to send me a message or reach out to me in the chat room if I'm there," she leans in and says in a low voice: "and I'm usually there, even if you don't see my name anywhere." She pops back up and rocks on her toes, her grin back to full-strength. "So, that's the scoop! I-- We hope you come to love it here, and I hope to see you around!"
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