MxF In Need Of Dominants.

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MxF In Need Of Dominants.

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Today 3:21 AM
Greetings & Salutations fellow RP'ers!

I'm new to this forum, but I've been RP'ing for a long time.

Seeing as this is a request thread however, I do have a few requests of my potential RP partners.

  • Please be active! At least a reply a day!
  • Be prepared to play whatever dominant role is needed for the RP. I'm sorry but I can only play submissive characters.
  • No one-liners! At least 3+ sentences.
  • No text-talk! Even during OOC!
  • I ask that we write in 3rd person paragraph style; 1st makes me uncomfortable.
  • I'm open to just about everything kink / fetish wise.
  • I love RP's that are dark & gritty, so do be prepared for that. To me they just have more story to them.
  • I can play male or female characters, but I prefer the female role.
Vampire / Vampire
Vampire / Human
Demon / Human
Alien / Human
Neko / Demon
Torturer / Victim
Kidnapped / Kidnapper
Master / Slave
Demon / Angel
Runaways / Torturer
God / Mortal​
If interested in RP'ing with me, please don't be shy to send me a PM and hopefully we can work something out together!
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My friend! Do please message me if you're still looking for partners; I'm very intrigued by your parameters and love writing doms.
Hiya , super interested wanna pm? Im a first timer but had Larping experience if that counts
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