Open Journey In Pursuit of the Magic Lamp of Azhariman

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Open Journey In Pursuit of the Magic Lamp of Azhariman


not a ferengi
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Today 12:22 PM
~Follow me to a place where incredible feats are routine every hour or so~
~Where enchantment runs rampant, just wild in the streets, Open Sesame, here we go!~

~Oh, Kharean niiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiights, like Kharean daaaaaaaaaaaaaaaays~
~They tease and excite, take off and take flight, they shock and amaaaze!~
~Oh, Kharean niiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiights, like Kharean daaaaaaaaaaaaaaaays~
~More often than not, are hotter than hot, in a lot of good wayyyys~

~Pack your shield, pack your sword, you won't ever get bored~
~Though get beaten or gored, you might!~
~Come on down, stop on by, hop a carpet and fly~
~To another Kharean niiiight!~


The story of the orcish warrior maiden known as Zazi begins with humble roots, as so many great stories often do. We know not from where she came, or precisely whom she may have called family, only that she was a woman of Khare, of both orc and human blood, whose ambition and determination to survive against all odds thrust her into the midst of a conflict far greater than herself, with great consequences for the realm as we know it. I shall begin with the day she was hired, by a cantankerous merchant, to the task of pursuing the infamous magic lamp.

It was mid-afternoon on a hot and dry summer day. The previous night there had been a robbery at the warehouse of an orcish merchant named Maghurzikh Shazorku. Maghurzikh Shazorku owned a dockyard by the river, where he had collected many items of great and small value acquired in his travels. The thief came in the night, and stole only a single object: an oil lamp of brass and pewter. To look at it, one would think it worthless! ...but for its auspicious origin; for the lamp was in fact a relic of the ancient Khadajar dynasty, recovered from a long forgotten tomb of a powerful sorcerer by the name of Azhariman.

Maghurzikh Shazorku knew understood true value to the right buyer. Moreover, he understood that there was a strange and fearsome magic hidden within this humble-looking lamp. He sent out at once a request for warriors of fortune to help him recover the stolen lamp and kill the thief who had taken it. This was because Shazorku's own men were not suited to the task of searching a city like Khare for a lone thief, nor were they so expendable as to send them to such ends. Rather, Maghurzikh Shazorku relied for these things upon paid mercenaries, as paid mercenaries were easy to hire and dismiss, and did not need to know too much about the item they were sent to recover.

The orcish maiden known as Zazi was the first to answer Shazorku's call. She had worked for him in prior days to guard his warehouse and shipments, and he knew that she was reliable for such simple tasks. She also knew the city well, having lived among the street rats since she was old enough to hold a spear. Furthermore, Zazi was hungry, and in need of work; and a hungry fighter does not ask too many questions.

So it was that Zazi came upon the warehouse of Maghurzikh Shazorku. She was clad in toughened leather from nave to shoulder, and brought with her a spear that was a hand longer than herself, as due to her orcish lineage she stood nearly the equal height of any human man. Thus it was that she could act in the place of a man in martial pursuits, and having wits more human than orc, could be considered a suitable replacement for any common soldier. Zazi knocked thrice upon the warehouse door, and was answered by one of Shazorku's guards, stout and tall in his full-blooded orcish stature.

"He is waiting for you. This way", said the guard, and he gestured for Zazi to follow him inside. The warehouse, it should be noted, was a modest property compared to some other of the greatest merchants in Khare, yet it was large enough to store at least three hundred tons of dry goods, and further space for one hundred slaves. It was well secured behind a ten-foot wall, which was patrolled at all hours by at least three men on duty. Therefore, it was to Maghurzikh Shazorku's great anger to learn that someone had snuck into his warehouse in the night and taken his most valuable possession from under his nose.

"Sit!", Shazorku bellowed the moment he laid eyes upon Zazi, pointing toward a couch across the room near to him. The orcish merchant was an imposing figure, standing well above six feet, with broad shoulders and mottled green skin. His red eyes shone with fury as he had just been barking orders at his guards to take inventory of what else was missing. At the command, Zazi tensed her jaw and approached the room where the merchant was standing, but she did not sit, instead resting the butt of her spear against the floor and tucking the haft inside her elbow.

"What's this about?", she asked.

Maghurzikh responded swiftly, "The bastards stole from me... ME!!" He beat his chest for emphasis. Growling, he said to Zazi, "I don't have time to search the city for this worm. You will do it!"

Zazi stood motionless, watching the orc curiously until he remembered that she was not one of his regular employees, and her indignant stare came with the expectation of payment.

"The bounty is five hundred silver for the lamp he stole... and another two hundred for the thief's head. Three hundred if he's alive! I want to kill him myself... I want to kill him slowly...", said the orc.

Zazi nodded slowly, and glanced around the room, noting the presence of a woman she had not previously seen before when last she worked for this orc. "What lamp and what thief?", she asked.
Many years had passed since her village had been raised and her mother had perished, separated from her younger brother and sold into slavery. Many years even since she had seen her older brother who had disappeared as soon as he could hunt, leaving the family during their eighth winter. Born on the cusp of spring and summer, she had lived eight years in the Infinite Wilds, suffering and her raised lovingly by her parents along with her brothers. Yet that was the past and a slave was her life now, having been purchased by the orc merchant upon the group reaching Khare, a possessive and quick tempered businessman who had been raging for the past hour or more upon discovery of an artifact being stole in the night.

Furious that someone had ended up sneaking past his guards in the night to steal a seemingly worthless lamp, having already cuffed a guard across the head, sending them spiraling into the wall before sending out a job request. She had thought it was a simple old lamp as well, until her master explained it was much more, a magical lamp from the tomb of a sorcerer. Mercenaries were easy to hire and get rid of and usually didn't ask more than necessary. Accompanying her master from his home to the warehouse, where she had watched him berate and shout at the guards, barking orders to check the rest of his inventory. The fact that the lamp seemed the only thing to have been stolen was suspicious. Yet she stayed out of her master's way, knowing that was safer for her.

"Kalwala, you shall go with whatever mercenary shows up on my job offer to make sure it is returned properly," said Shazorku, pacing the floor in the time it took for his job to be answered. The tiefling knew of what the item looked like and thus she would be able to identify it, yet because of the theft, the orc merchant had not opened his store yet. Not until he knew everything else was accounted for. Kalwala bowed her head in response to the order and lingering threat in her master's words…trouble if she did not return or it were stolen by the mercenary that came for the job.

The tiefling was dressed in a dark red belly dancing outfit including matching veil over her face, the pants having a matching red skirt secured with a belt and open sleeves at her arms, the cloth held in place by golden bracelets as she stood nearby upstairs on the second floor, her ears twitching as they listened to footsteps coming up the stairs, the heavy boots of a guard and footsteps of a visitor. Then the door was opened and immediately her master bellowed at the person in the entrance, demanding they sit. Something the other woman refused to do, two guards watching the mercenary as she moved into the room and stood before asking what the mission was about. Had she not bothered to understand the job before appearing at the warehouse?

Taken from Pinterest & Etsy

Angry, Shazorku responded swiftly to the question, slapping his chest angrily and commanding the mercenary that she would search for the orc's prized possession. Well, not counting her. When the mercenary stared silently at Shazorku, he spoke of how much the bounty was, Kalwala's gaze drifting to the guards who said nothing yet they all knew it would be a long death for the thief if caught. The woman seemed to notice Kalwala as her gaze turned back at Shazorku's response.

"If I knew who the thief was, there would be no need of you," he snapped. "I only know the thief is male and is no orc. As for the lamp, it is quite special to me, being made of brass and pewter.. My slave will go with you."
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