Looking for semi-advanced role-play partners! :-)

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Looking for semi-advanced role-play partners! :-)


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Hey, I'm new to this site, so I apologize if this is posted in the wrong place.

I'm a pretty experienced role-player, been doing it since I was probably 11, so I'd say I'm fairly good at it. I really enjoy it, but I'm a picky person, so finding role-play partners is difficult for me. If you feel like you fit the criteria below, lemme know and we could figure something out!

What I expect from a partner:
- Flexible and generally understanding
- Fairly active (at least one reply every other day)
- Also at least semi-advanced and likes to read and write long replies (at least two paragraphs per reply)
- Okay with LGBTQ+ subjects (I often play nonbinary characters and am most comfortable playing them--someone enthusiastic about gay shit is a plus for sure)
- Bonus for someone who can role-play a dominant romantic partner

What you can expect from me:
- Everything listed above
- Experimental! New experiences are fun for me and if you discuss experimental stuff with me beforehand I might be down to try it
- Lots of inner dialogue; I deep dive into the thoughts and emotions of the characters I play
- Perhaps the occasional art piece inspired by our role-play if I'm really feelin' it
- Characters that I develop well
- Someone who just wants both parties involved to have as much fun as possible

Stuff I would like to role-play:
- Love me some romance and drama holy fuck
- Pretty much anything fantasy or medieval
- Stuff with aliens and monsters and shit
- Forbidden love, rivals-to-lovers, romantic/sexual tension
- To be honest, I prefer to role-play as more submissive characters in relationships, but I can play a dominant one on occasion
- Imma be real with y'all, I may or may not be a monster fucker so...inter-species relationships like humans and aliens/monsters, vampires and werewolves...that's good stuff (obviously assuming both characters are intelligent enough to consent to the relationship and whatnot)
- Soulmate AUs and stuff are always fun
- Something with action! I get bored of the same old same old daily stuff; if a role-play just feels like going through the motions I get bored easily
- I have a massive weakness for romancing powerful characters

Stuff I WON'T role-play:
- Extremely heavy gore and horror, but a good amount is fine (I have a thing for scary characters after all, so I'm not opposed to some)
- Relationships that are abusive; I love me a power dynamic but I have a limit
- Most fetishes and kinks (ask me! It depends on how much there is and how extreme I consider it, so it's really up to specifics)
- Anything I express I'm uncomfortable with at any given time (if I tell you I'm uncomfortable doing a certain thing or replying to a particular aspect of a response)
I am new too... I wouldn't mind roleplaying....
Honestly the combo of fantasy and supernatural elements is- *chef kiss* -so if you feel like brainstorming a roleplay, I'd be more than willing to do that with you :D
hey! id love to rp with u! and i promise my grammar is a lot better when im serious, this is just faster and easier. and im like brand new to this site, but ive done rp stuff before.
Hi friend! I'm a member of the LGBT community if you want a queer pal to chat with :D
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