My Current Plot Interests

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My Current Plot Interests


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Today 4:28 PM
So, this will just be request thread I'll update from time to time with plots I'm currently interested in. They will mostly be MxM plots(as that is my primary preference) but I will specify if the plot can be MxF if your prefer playing a female character. This won't be fancy and I'll likely be putting some pretty basic details about the plot(s) but all questions will be answered as clearly as possible in PMs.

Current Plot:
The Sin Eater's Burden

Basic Plot- Sin Eater's have existed for as long as humanity has. When religion was created, the Sin Eater was discovered not long after. It was found that what the Sin Eater does goes against the natural order of the souls judgement and has been deemed a blasphemy. And thus, The Order of The Dove was formed and has made it their goal to stop and destroy the Sin Eater every time it appears. However, the Sin Eater is far too strong to kill so they can only contain it but even then it can only be contained for only a short while before it breaks out again and finds a new host. The Order of The Dove has bases all over the world that trains priests in the art of dealing with a Sin Eater, utilizing special weapons designed to weaken it. However, The Order as a whole has been frustrated they haven't been able to so much as capture the latest one.

The Story- Markus(My Character) is the current Sin Eater and has evaded the Order for over 500 years. It's modern day in a big city somewhere(maybe New York or a similar city). He's currently staying in an abandoned apartment building in the slums of the city and has been there for a couple months, the longest he's stayed in any one spot. His mind is unstable due to the power he possesses and the pain that comes with dealing with the eternity of sin the power has devoured. He avoids making friends and keeps to himself as he fears his mental breaks will cause him to lash out and hurt someone. Or worse, cause him to lose control of the power and do much more damage than just hurt.

The Idea- What if there was someone that can see past the fearsome power he possesses and see Markus for who he is and not what he is? What if, despite his pleas, someone wants to stick with him and help him? What if he can find a way to turn the agony into something greater?

What I'm Looking For:
-A male character at least 21 years of age. Will discuss the character details in PMs.
-Collaboration and communication.
-Quality and quantity.
-Romance will eventually be a part of the story. Romance can be taken to explicit/NSFW levels but NSFW scenes will only be there to add depth and spice to the story and not the focus.
-There will be various mature themes such as death, gore, drugs, alcohol, smoking, metal illness, torture, cursing, sexual themes, and various other possible themes in the story. If you are uncomfortable with any of this, turn away now.
-This is not an innocent love story. This is a darker story with tension, drama and angst with a touch of romance. It may lighten up as the story goes on but it will primarily be a darker story. If you're looking for fluff, this ain't it.

There can other elements added to any plots listed. Just send me a PM and we can discuss any points in any plot you choose. Questions about anything to clarify anything are welcomed.

Thank you for visiting!
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