MxM Patterns In the Ivy~ (I also do mxf)

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MxM Patterns In the Ivy~ (I also do mxf)


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Today 7:26 AM
Top Craving:
Psychology; I'd like a deep, dark,
fucked up plot with a romance
that blooms between psychologically
damaged characters.

Thє rulєs

oo1. Take the time to make out a well rounded plot with me people. I have lots of twists, turns, and surprises up my sleeve and I can bet you I have a well rounded character for every plot.
oo2. I work very hard on my posts for you, especially the first ones. I take my time and effort to give out nice words for an intro. If you are not serious about roleplaying with me, do not PM me. Do not message me.
oo3. For the most part I play dominant. I can't be submissive. I can make either good. I will be your slave girl, yes, but don't expect obedience to the full degree.
oo4: I can do incest if there is an awesome plot, but never mother child.
oo5: I love Vampires, but you need to have a well rounded race. Keep your brooding Stephanie Meyer vampires out of my world, thanks.
oo6. I do reality and fantasy. I love prophecy.
oo7. The maid died.
The entire plot is not my job.
oo9. The male/dom must be older! It's just one of my things!!!!
o10. I only do forums, so I may log the RPs!
011. I LOVE edgy roleplays with lots of plot layers! The more psychological intrigue, the more interest ill have.



► F/M
► M/F
► MM

I can play Dom or Switch. I'm a bit of a sado-maso at heart. Just let me know your limits when prompting me, please. I'm very flexible.

Species (Fantasy)

► Vampire/Vampire
► Vampire/Human
► Vampire/Lycan
► Human/Lycan
► Seraphim/Demon
► Demon/Demon
► Archangel/Archangel
► Archangel/Demon
► Dragon/Master

► Burlesque Dancer/Body Guard
► Pin up Model/Body Guard
► Pin up Model/Photographer
► Brother/Sister
► Brother/Brother
► Nazi/Nazi
► Student/Teacher (Male must be the teacher and older than the student.)
► Student/Student
► Adoptive Parent/Child
► Prince/Prince
► Prince/Princess
► Prince/Civillian
► Rebel/Royalty
► Murderer/Victim
► Cross Dresser/Straight Male
► Rock Star/Civillian


• M/M
• M/F
• Stocholm Syndrome
• Prince/Male Guard
• Blood and Gore
• Poe-Esque Plots
• Risk of Pregnancy
• Student/Teacher romance
• Incubii
• Battle Royale
• Fantasy Politics (Creating alliances and enemies. Conflict between the people in power.)


• F/F
• Parent/Child (When not referring to a dramatic sort of past)
• Senseless, useless sex.
• Fanplay

Serial Killer/Victim

What to expect?
My posting is abundant two days of the week, the rest can be done sporadically. I might surprise you here and there with one. [:

The historically beautiful structure was gratifying as little sound ever vibrated through the dreadful graveyard. Very few individuals dared to venture forth through the abandoned gates. However, there was a single presence that was easy for demonic senses to pick up on. Something nearly artificial was making it's way to the door, something Jezril had been waiting for. There was something the heavens had wanted and nothing the demons had intended to let them have. A small smirk grazed dark lips in the shadows as one hand nurtured a glass of wine. Elegant fingers trickled idolently over the crystal stemware, pearly white fangs flashing briefly through the darkness. His memories brought him back to a conversation he'd partaken in with a fellow demon. The underworld was buzzing with talk of the many uses for this heavenly creation. None of them could successfully track it.

  • With fingers steepled on the white marble desk in front of him, piercing mahogany eyes looked through the long black bangs that threatened to fall across his face. "Let me make sure I heard you, correctly." He spoke slowly, the midnight caress seeped into something no passion could cool. Rage, and directed towards what he deemed a halfwit who didn't even belong in his presence. The fact the creature wasn't burning was a true testament of Jezril's restraint on his temper. Very few rivaled the man in his temper, save for Lucifer. Jezril was the one who did the day-to-day business, it made logical sense.

    The high ranking demon would love to just reach over the desk and strangle the horned frog-like creature. Though that would be a waste of energy, despite how many different ways he looked about trying to kill the thing, and how many different ways it could die. However a horned frog had more brains than the demon in front of him. Belphegor was still squeezing his hands in front of him as he floated above the stool, even then he still remained on a lower scale than Jezril. Again the condescending voice filled the room, "You let a creation outwit you," Not surprisingly, "And then instead of having his soul Damned to hell for eternity for Satan's army, you let the man find a genuine escape from it's master? And you call yourself a demon."

    Jezril's hands flexed causing Belphegor to flinch in front of him, visibly trying to move away from him, but the air thrummed with power. "Must I show you all how to do things properly?" He stated, palms moving to the cool marble, his legs remaining crossed under the table away from view. The man was easy on the eyes, no doubt. But what had caught his attention then was his open rebellion to the master. Something unheard of, it had clicked into place.

That was how Jezril got here. Now here he lay in the statue of an angel. Arms were outstretched, mourning the many losses of the dreadful place. However, Lucifer had given him clues that led to the forbidden objects...all of them pointed to the grim surroundings. The slight wind of the door blew his hair in a black web across his forehead. There was no traces of abnormalities, nor physical traits of a demon.

...the key had to be near here.
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I am interested in several of these. PM me please, since I can't seem to initiate conversation.
I'd be really interested in doing an MxM blood & gore dark romance. I think angel x demon would be fun, but I would want to be the demon. Send me a pm if you want to work with this idea.
If this is still open, I'm interested in MxM for these:
  • Brother x Brother
  • Murderer x Victim
  • Student x Student
  • Seraphim x Demon
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I have a couple rough ideas in my requests (linked below) along the lines of brothers/twinscest, MxM royalty or possibly angel/angel or angel/demon. Feel free to take a look and I'd love a PM if anything strikes your fancy.
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