Sinister Crowley: Just one OK-Guy

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Sinister Crowley: Just one OK-Guy


Impeccably dressed
Local time
Today 8:48 PM
Hey dearies!

Nick's Crowley, but the real name is Olli, just so you know.
Did a lot of Roleplay via many platforms for years - mostly Roleplaying Servers of several MMO's or even Persitent Worlds created by Map-Editors of NWN and NWN2. Last entries about 2 years ago in an activity forum for a Vampire Live Group I attended back then.
Right now my Partner Lina Lionheart and I are looking for something new and are both impressed quite positively by the elaborate way this forum is structured.

I cannot wait to attend a game, create one or read of you guys. Ask if you have questions, i guess.
Welcome to Inner Sanctum, friend!
Welcome, welcome!
Welcome to the game! Sounds like you're into many different types of RP!
I'll be interested in what you get up to here.
Let me know if you have any questions.
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