*taps mic* Is this thing on?

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*taps mic* Is this thing on?


"Someone once said Burn My Dread, baby."
100 Posts!
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Today 6:41 PM
*taps it some more as the speakers screech due to the interference*

... Yeah, it's on.

Soooo, what's the deal with airline food--?

Just kidding! I'm pretty sure there isn't even a punchline for that one.

With that out of the way, hello! I'm Vaip@, but you can call me Vi, or pretty much anything you can think of. Within reason, of course. I'm... *counts with fingers* a 21-year-old college student studying Psychology, or at least trying to, and whenever I'm not freaking out about homework or playing on my PS4, I'm pretty much always online.
I've been writing for about nine years now, I believe, and though I was pretty terrible back when I was 12, I'd like to think I'm decent nowadays. Notice I said decent, cuz' I think there's always room to improve.

I'm pretty much open to any and all genres because, in my opinion, good writing isn't defined by what it's about, but by the quality of one's ability. Just like music, movies, art are all defined by the passion of their creators, writing is something that comes from the very heart, and its quality is all dependent on the one holding the quill.
... Does that sound condescending and presumptuous? Hehe...

That being said, I'm capable of writing from a few paragraphs to around a 1000-word responses, depending on what I'm given to work with and if I feel the need to really define a scene, its scenery or there's a lot of stuff happening at once. I won't always write as much, though! I like to adjust myself to what my partner/partners write, so you can say I'm flexible, above everything else!

And, uhmmm... I think that's all I have to say for now!

I hope to be able to become part of you guys' community!
~ Vi.
You have 21 fingers!?!?! You must be an amazing typist.

Welcome to the Inner Sanctum.
*smirks* Sounds like Hit Record. Welcome! :)
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