That Owl; An Introduction

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That Owl; An Introduction


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Hey, I usually go by Zef as a nickname online. I'm in my 30s and have RPd for more then half my life. I started back when I was 12 on the AOL dial up chats. (Fun fact, back then we used :: 's to mark actions. So for example a post may look like, ::Takes a sip of their drink.:: )

I started in Fandom RPs (Zoids) and branched out into Fantasy and other areas. Since then I've Roleplayed on MMORPGs like WoW, Champions Online and recently FF14. I've also been to various RP forums, AOL chat partners, and was a fairly active member on an adult Role-playing discord. (If you recognize me, Hey!) Obviously as I've gotten older, my themes and role-plays have matured with me, everything from historical Role-playing to very dark themes. Though I admit, I still have a soft spot for goofy anime-esque fight scenes and heartwarming tales.

I'm also an active DM, one who had DM'd 3.5, 5e, and now Pathfinder 2e. Also dipping my toes into Lancer, I did say I started Role-playing with Zoids and a love of mechs also never died.

In RP I tend to RP every gender and every pairing. Male, female, futa, monster love, I usually find interest in just about anything so long as the characters got the personality to keep it interesting. For me the story and the personality of the characters are key to keeping any sort of written Lewd scenes interesting, and while I don't mind writing pure smut... I like to mix my story and adult themes. I also adore writing multiple characters, some of my earliest RPs involved quite a few 'main characters' at once, and it still has a special place in my heart. Love the dynamics if mixing different pairings, personalities and so on.

Now, as for out of RP? Well, I'm a weird sort, expect me to drop into chat out of the blue unannounced making puns, it's sort of what I'm known for in any community I've spent a long time in. Obviously I like my games and quite a bit if literature. I'm actively trying to learn Spanish and enjoy my walks round the town.

As for why I'm here? I'm in a writing rut, I haven't put word to a post in a few months now and that must cease. I think I needed a change of scenery, new faces, a new place, new inspiration to get the writing juices flowing. I'm hoping here will work out well.
Oh man, I remember Zoids. Never did rp in that universe, but I watched the show religiously as a kid and even had a few toys.

I hope you enjoy your time here, and find many writers with whom to collaborate and weave lovely tales :)
::Fists bumps in AOL/AIM style::
Oh man, I remember Zoids. Never did rp in that universe, but I watched the show religiously as a kid and even had a few toys.

I hope you enjoy your time here, and find many writers with whom to collaborate and weave lovely tales :)
It was an interesting introduction to Roleplay. Obviously kinda dominated by young teens as the roleplays where less 'make a cool story' and more 'Beat someone in a fight to show I'm the best zoids RPer!'

Since the RPs where more competitive and less 'cooperative writing' (Again. Young teens writing this no surprise), there was this... Rule for dictating who hit in combat. Someone would write an attack post first.

Then, whoever was attacked, would need to write how they avoided the attack and a counter attack, but make it longer in word count.

This would go back and fourth ad nauseum until someone cracked and couldn't keep up with the post length, then the 'hit' was allowed to land. It was a, very silly and counter intuitive way of RPing that made absurdly long posts with no substance as someone spent like 5 paragraphs describing the exact size and measurement of the bullets their zoid was firing.

Good times I never wanna go back too haha.
Hello and welcome. I hope you find some good stories to tell.
Welcome to Inner Sanctum, friend!
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