MxF The King and Queen

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MxF The King and Queen

Angel of Mercy

Inner Sanctum Nobility
Dangerous Business Who Are You? 10000 Likes! 10000 Posts!
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665 Neighbor of the Beast
She was selected at the age of 10 from among a large group of similar girls. The King vizier had travelled the villages and towns selected the girls. The parents of each girl were compensated handsomely for the hardship from having their daughters taken away, despite knowing that 99 of the 100 girls would be returned by the age of 18. The last girl, the one selected would one day rule at the future King's side.

She would be taught how to be a lady and behave like a lady. She would learn how to run the King's household and received honoured and distinguished guests, from Honoured Knights, to foreign Ambassadors and Diplomats to foreign rulers themselves. She would learn the cultures and languages of the allied kingdoms as well as those of their enemies. She learned obedience and devotion to one man, and only one man, the King.

The woman was 20 the day the old King died, and so the mantle of ruler ship was passed onto his eldest son (Late twenties to early to late thirties). Preparations were made; first they would be wed just as the sun would set beyond the Western Sea, and the wedding would be immediately followed by the coronation. Following the coronation would be the grand feast, the speeches and finally they would retire to the Royal bedchambers as King and Queen. The life of two people who had never met prior to this day would take on new meaning…

How the King's rule would shape the future of the Kingdom remains to be seen, as is how the Queen would influence it.

So, this is just an idea that had been brewing in my mind. It all started with a picture of a veiled bride. I'm sure you get the concept of what I'm looking, essentially two people who have never met, or even seen each other before. The synopsis above is set in a medieval low magic world, though it could be moved to modern times or even sci-fi.

Is the King a good, kind and gentle man? Is he more of a tyrant, abusive and perverse. All of this is up for debate/negotiations.

I'm looking for someone to play the role of the king. Someone who is willing to help write the story and develop the world. There may be a need to play several NPCs in addition tot he roles of the K and Q. Anything can go here, perhaps the vizier world behind the scene to take over ruler ship form the King and take the Queen as his own. Is the kingdom at war? Is a neighboring ally feeling snubbed because their Princess was overlooked as a perfect mate for the Prince? Etc…

Contact via PM please.
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