World The Tome of Lost Worlds

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World The Tome of Lost Worlds


The Eldritch Deity
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There are many fantastical worlds that have been lost to legend and time. Through these pages, may they be found again and their stories be rediscovered. Beyond this introduction are the many legendary places created by Celtia.
The Lost Pyramid of Atlantis

The underwater runic temple was once a grand blue crystal Shrine built several thousands of years ago. The crystal seems to be made of the same strange material as the Heart of Atlantis. The beautiful structure is carved by ancient human hands as a way to worship the moon. All symbology and their ancient runes depict an ancient ritual they called a Moon Dance in honor of their Goddess. The mystery as to why the temple and the city of Atlantis was lost is a mystery, but texts hint at a tragic love story between the Goddess of the Moon favoring a human and betraying Poseidon who had wanted her for himself. One carving on the heart of Atlantis shows the Goddess's heart in chains.
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