Site Update Update Complete

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Site Update Update Complete

Evening Sanctum.

Just a quick announcement to pin and let anyone who slept through today know that the site update is complete.

You won't notice any major changes, this upgrade was almost entirely on the back end, but it will allow us to do a few things in the future!!!

In the meantime, if any weirdness arises, post it below.

There might be a delay in some users regaining access to the site. This is due to browsers attempting to go where it remembers the site was, rather than where it now is. To expedite the process, clearing the browser cache and restarting the browser completely should solve the issue. If anyone you know still can't get in after that and after waiting some time, please have them ping me in the announcement's Discord: Join the Sanctum Announcements Server Discord Server!

I will also take this moment to remind you of the forthcoming change to images stored in Private Messages.
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