FxF ♥ A Thread Of Hopeful Desires ♥ Updated

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FxF ♥ A Thread Of Hopeful Desires ♥ Updated


Persuasive Little Brat
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Today 12:20 AM
Don't You Have A Request Thread Already?
Yes, I do actually but in the interests of organization and accessibility I have decided to update my old request thread while creating this new thread strictly for FxF pairings. If you're interested in my other request thread feel free to find that linked in my signature.
An Introduction Of Sorts ♥​
I'm back after an unexpected hiatus so I thought I should update my request thread. If this post looks familiar it is because I do have an old account I've gotten locked out of and much of what is written here is taken from that original request thread. Some old plots are still available while news have also been added so please feel free to skim. I do have quite a bit of experience roleplaying and writing and I'm most excited to find someone I can build a story with. I am a character-driver writer who loves provocative and sometimes intense dynamics with captivating sexual tension. I exclusively play female characters and I almost solely play personalities of a submissive (periodically mischievous) disposition. Despite having sexually submissive characters I prefer all of my women to undergo some form of character growth and development over the course of a story, coming out of their shell as situations change and transition.
What I'm Looking For ♥​
  • First and for most, given my hiatus I'd really like to find someone who is willing to be patient as I get back into the swing of things.
  • I'm open to working with male or female characters.
  • I fancy finding someone who is both articulate and captivating with their writing. Appropriate grammar and basic spelling are appreciated. Nevertheless, this is a hobby for me and so I'm not terribly picky about small mishaps, I make them myself.
  • Ideally, assertive possibly dominant personalities to pair with that of my more yielding one.
  • Writing between one and two paragraphs during subdued times and a couple of paragraphs during more heightened moments would be preferred.
  • I would enjoy having a partner that would be willing to discuss plot points and twists as we build the story together; brainstorming and conspiring to create this world together is half the enjoyment!
Romance/Smut ♥​
  • Creating a bond between characters is critical for me. The build up can make or break a scene for me and I can't imagine appreciating the emotional depth of most moments or simply enjoying an intimate scene without having created some kind of chemistry between characters.
  • Smut is important to me as well as a central theme within most of the pairings below. However, I am the type to become more carried away with steamy scenes once our story has become established and the connection between characters solidified.
  • As I have mentioned I am interested in finding someone who is assertive and dominant. My kinks definitely fall between "vanilla" and "extreme". We can discuss this in more detail if/when it becomes necessary.
Hard Limits ♥​

[*]Force or Non-Consensual
[*]Removal of limbs

Storyline and Character Pairings ♥​
Themes ♥​
  • Dominant x submissive dynamics​
  • Enemies to lovers​
  • Whirlwind romance
  • Temptation and corrupted innocence
  • Greek Mythology
  • Historical or Period plots
  • Low and High Fantasy (vampires, werewolves, witches, curses, etc.)
I must admit I much prefer working with a partner to established a pairing, storyline and dynamic that work for us as apposed to working off prewritten plots. With that being said below are pairings I would love to try. I have left the stories open-ended and I am entirely open to them being influenced and tweaked to work with a partner.
OPEN -------------------------------------- Pairings marked "Open" are available.
PENDING --------------------------------- Pairings marked as "Pending" are currently being discussed with someone.
CLOSED----------------------------------- Pairings marked as "Closed" are no longer available.
IN USE ------------------------------------ Marked "In Use" when this storyline has already been started with someone.
Rating System
I rate everything out of 5 hearts
I enjoy the vague idea of but it may take a little bit of planning and discussion OOC to get me invested and interested again.
♥♥ I'm interested in it but the pairing or plot may need a bit of work.
♥♥♥ I would be happy to write these ones.
♥♥♥ If it's got 4 hearts I'm practically craving to write this storyline/pairing.
♥♥♥♥♥ I've put substantial amounts of thought and energy into anything that has 5 hearts. I'm already quite invested and because of this I may be more picky about partners and the like. These plots are most likely ones I would hope to turn into a longterm roleplays.
A seamstress who longs for adventure is staying late one night. In wanders a mercenary or rouge fighter. It starts with a simple exchange, mending the rouges clothes for her life but soon the conversation changes. Soon the rouge is speaking of desires she has, that she needs satiated. Will Lottie go with the mercenary and be swept off into such a world?

The lanterns that lined the outer walls of most buildings had been lit and a cool breeze swept through bringing with it a thick fog. Dusk had fallen and there was almost no one walking the dirt road. Nearby chickens clucked inside their hen houses and horses neighed in their stables. Lottie pulled the shutters tight agains the brisk wind, shivering softly.

She knew with the shutters closed the small cabin would warm up soon enough. She brushed a stray thread off of her pale green dress before making her way back over to the wooden seat by the fire. She had stayed after closing to finish fixing a torn knee in her neighbours pants. He was a farmer and had offered her a case of corn for the odd job. It seemed he had grown an abundance this season. It hadn't mattered if it made Lottie nervous to walk home alone at night, jobs had been scarce of late.

After tearing several holes in your shirt and pants during a scuffle you've managed to find your way to a small, sleepy little town by horseback. Thankful dusk has started to fall and you manage to slip unnoticed through the main road. Glancing about you, you notice the sign for a seamstress and you guide your horse in that direction. Once you've dismounted and tied your horse up you make your way up to the window. Inside a fire is lit and it's flames illuminate the room inside. A young woman sits by the fire, sewing and humming contently to herself. Her long blonde hair falls in wisps around her face and her features are delicate save for the dark lashes framing her almost icy blue eyes.
I'm open to nearly any pairings set in the North American frontier.
  • Hunter x Barmaid
  • Fur Trapper x Barmaid
  • Tavern Owner x Barmaid
I would like to graciously thank you if you have made it this far. I will continue to update this thread as I write more storylines and pairings so be sure to check back in the future! I encourage you to message me directly if there is anything you'd like to discuss, questions you wish to ask or if you'd like to inquire about any of the above pairings!
- Kisses, Chrissy ♥
Last edited:
Thanks to the the fantastic staff here at the Sanctum I've actually regained access to this account. The above thread has been updated, some old plots are still available while new ideas have also been added. I look forward to writing with all of you again.

- Kisses, Chrissy ♥
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