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We are a writing and roleplaying site which accepts all genres and all skill levels. Novice or Novelist, your writing home is here.
This thread lists the rules under which the site operates. Failure to follow them as written will result in a warning or a ban, depending on the discretion of our Staff. Read them thoroughly, reread them periodically. PM a staff member if you have any questions or concerns.
If you observe any violations, report them to a staff member immediately via PM or the site report button.
Sitewide Policies
1. To be a part of this site, you must be 18 years of age or older. This is a non-negotiable requirement. Your listed age must be your real age, and it must be over 18. If for any reason either is suspected not to be the case, you will be given the option to verify your age (consider it a compliment, you're youthful at heart). Failure to verify within 48 hours of a request will result in a ban. If you suspect an underage user, inform a staff member immediately
2. Respect must be shown, always, to fellow users, to Staff, and to the site itself. We are all here to write. Let cooler heads prevail—we have a zero-tolerance policy for drama. Disrespect towards users, the site or its Staff will result in disciplinary action. Additionally, please note:
a. We are not a dating site. While friendliness is encouraged, this is not a place for relationships or relationship drama outside of Roleplays. Excessive flirtation, obsession, or sexual harassment will be dealt with strictly.
b. This community accepts people of all identities and backgrounds. Hate speech, bigotry, transphobia or homophobia are unacceptable in any public forum. These may be explored freely within fictional stories.
c. We are not Facebook. Drama, angst, and obvious attention-seeking do not belong here
d. We have a zero-tolerance policy for 'catfishing,' attempting to solicit sympathy, attention or donations through fictitious stories and all similar behaviours. We do not require members to disclose details of their personal lives, but anything you choose to disclose must be truthful.
e. All Moderators and Heralds are volunteers contributing their free time to ensure our community runs smoothly. They have full authority to use their discretion and will not be overruled outside of extraordinary circumstances. Any issues or complaints involving a member of staff should be brought up, in private, with an Administrator. Public disrespect towards Moderators or Heralds will not be tolerated under any circumstances. Public disrespect towards Admins is allowed so long as it's funny.
3. All Roleplay Threads and solo work in the forums are limited to the creator of the thread and their chosen partners. No other user may post there. The free joining of threads is allowed in The Unfinished Tales forum and in the Sanctum Tavern, where OOC and casual discussions occur.
5. No Roleplaying of any kind in Private Messages (PMs/DMs/Conversations). These are for OOC (out-of-character) conversations only. We reserve the right to monitor all private messages to ensure compliance with this and other site policies. If you have questions about the appropriate forums for a specific story, ask a staff member.
Character Policy
6. Characters under the age of 18 are permitted, with these major stipulations:
a. A child will NEVER be exposed in any way to sexual acts or graphic violence (the latter can be implied). This will result in an immediate and permanent ban. The offender will then be un-banned to give us the pleasure of banning them again. Seriously, DO NOT DO IT.
b. No character under 18 may be the main character of a story. Flashbacks and side characters are allowed so long as they are brief, not sexualized and not subject to graphic violence. Pregnancy and childbirth are permitted as part of the natural progression of a story but may not be its starting point, nor may they be sexualized in any way. Kinks focused on the act or risk of impregnation are permitted.
c. The literal age of the character is not relevant. An ancient vampire that looks 15 is considered 15. The character must also act 18 mentally—age regression and similar stories are forbidden if they are used as a way to bypass other rules. This rule applies to all character art as well—some leeway is allowed for art style, but anything that looks unambiguously like a child will be treated as a child.
d. Any scenario that naturally implies underage characters is forbidden (for example, high school Roleplay is not permitted). Any scenario where an under 18 character would be the logical assumption will be viewed as underage Roleplay.
e. Fandoms that feature underage characters are permitted, so long as any characters underage in canon are explicitly aged to comply with site rules and any setting that implies underage characters is altered or avoided (for example, replacing a magical school with a magical university). If staff notice any ambiguity on this point in a story, the thread will be subject to removal—if you do it, make it clear.
7. All characters engaged in sexual acts must be humanoid and possess human intelligence. Beastiality is strictly forbidden
Shared Content Policy
8. All public content, including but not limited to signatures, avatars, thread and profile covers, usernames, character threads and intro posts, must be appropriate and in compliance with all site policies.
9. Do not post, share, or ask for any personal information outside of PMs. In PMs, you can share off-site contact information, with three stipulations:
a. These are permitted only for sharing in established conversations for the purpose of off-site OOC conversation. Sharing contact information without solicitation will result in staff action
b. Recruitment for private off-site roleplays, sharing other roleplay sites or servers will result in an immediate ban.
c. The Sanctum cannot monitor or police off-site interactions. We are not responsible for any off-site issues resulting from contact information being shared, and the act of sharing contact information occurs at your own risk.
10. To limit data usage for mobile users and visual distractions for others, large images in signatures must be put inside a spoiler. The maximum displayable size of signatures is 250 pixels tall. GIFs are forbidden sitewide in signatures, avatars and cover images. They can be used in threads and chat if they are spoilered. Please - USE YOUR SPOILER!
11. Do not link to outside content or sites unless it is compliant with all site policies. If you aren't sure, contact a staff member first. If your Character Sheet or world are on another site, you can post the content from them in this forum.
12. We allow the promotion of commission services, off-site projects and charities, so long as they are not in violation of these other policies and are not promoted to the point of spam
Site Use Policy
13. Confine all Role-plays that are premised around sex to The Forbidden Sanctum forums. Other sections may contain sexual content, but it cannot be the central pillar of the plot. When in doubt, ask a staff member.
14. All users are permitted a single account. Secondary accounts are forbidden and will be deleted after being confirmed as such.
16. Our Staff has the final say in the interpretation of these rules. If they say you are breaking them, arguing is the fastest way to escalate a warning into a ban. We want things to be handled amicably whenever possible and are willing to explain our policies and the reasons for them—but that does not translate to the ability to refuse when you're told you're doing something wrong.
Look here for a full guide to our forums and threads.
When in doubt, ask the Staff.
We're happy to help. We'd rather provide you clarification now than have to ban you later.
Staff positions:
Administrators: Purple names. They are the ones in charge of discipline, forum oversight, tech support and directing other staff. All technical issues should be directed here.
Moderators: Blue names. They can do almost everything an Admin can, know the site in and out, and can move it up the chain if need be.
Heralds: Green Names. These staff members are in charge of overseeing our chat feature, enforcing chat rules and greeting new users, as well as just helping out around the site, they can answer most questions you might have or direct you to someone who can.
Virtuosos: Pink Names. Our specialized art team, these staff are focused on creating artwork for the site and can help with coding and formatting
Other Username Labels:
Dungeon Masters: Red Names. These users run site-supported D&D tournaments.
Sanctum Nobility: All other coloured names, these are users who have donated to the site. They are not staff members, just users who have contributed.
Chat Rooms:
General Chat is for general discussion. Minor roleplay actions are allowed
The Sanctum Confessional is for ranting, venting, mature discussions, controversial topics and topics that are innately depressing
The Gaming Dungeon is for Games, Dice Rolls and relevant discussions.
The Sanctum Theatre is for the sharing of Music and other media.
The Lounge is for mature conversations without roleplay actions.
Staff reserve the right to redirect discussions to the appropriate forum.
Chat Rules:
1. Chat operates under the general principle that everyone should act like an adult. Playful immaturity is fine, actual immaturity, disrespect or general lack of common sense will result in staff action. Dark humour and topics beyond PG-13 are permitted, but they should be clearly telegraphed and placed within spoilers like so. Open bigotry and violence against children will result in an immediate removal from chat, these are not "dark humour."
2. Excessive Roleplay is not permitted. Occasional random actions are fine. Three actions directed at the same person or four total directed at multiple people in a short span of time is considered excessive. Certain actions are also explicitly forbidden:
3. No drama. No harassment, creepiness, temper tantrums, interpersonal drama or melodrama. Any and all ranting, whining, complaining or melodrama, as well as any discussion that is becoming too heated, should be redirected to the "Sanctum Confessional" room. Chat is intended as a lighthearted feature everyone is able to enjoy, keep it that way. If you need to talk about something that is objectively depressing, it should go to the Confessional directly.
4. Chat is designed to serve as a conversation between multiple people. Any user found to be attempting to dominate the conversation whether by spamming, non-sequiturs or other means is subject to discipline by staff. Trying to start a conversation is fine, even encouraged, but if you are the only one who has been talking about something for multiple messages—stop. Regarding other disruptive behaviours:
5. Whispers are subject to viewing by staff and rules will be enforced there. They are not for extended private conversations, as they make it difficult to monitor the chat. Any exchange of more than three messages long (unless directed at a member of staff) should be handled in PM. Do not use it as a place for Roleplay OCC. Proposing a RP is fine, but it should be moved to PM as soon as it is agreed to.
6. No sharing of personal information is allowed in chat. This includes whispers.
7. Rules are subject to change and Staff interpretation. Our one and only goal is to make chat an enjoyable addition to this site. If we feel your behaviour is in contravention of this principle, you will be asked to change it or be removed. If you feel another user is acting inappropriately, use the report button.
8. Staff are fallible—they can miss context, misunderstand remarks or misunderstand rules. But chat is not the place to litigate that. If they say stop, you stop. Message the admins if you feel like you were warned in error
This thread lists the rules under which the site operates. Failure to follow them as written will result in a warning or a ban, depending on the discretion of our Staff. Read them thoroughly, reread them periodically. PM a staff member if you have any questions or concerns.
If you observe any violations, report them to a staff member immediately via PM or the site report button.
Sitewide Policies
1. To be a part of this site, you must be 18 years of age or older. This is a non-negotiable requirement. Your listed age must be your real age, and it must be over 18. If for any reason either is suspected not to be the case, you will be given the option to verify your age (consider it a compliment, you're youthful at heart). Failure to verify within 48 hours of a request will result in a ban. If you suspect an underage user, inform a staff member immediately
2. Respect must be shown, always, to fellow users, to Staff, and to the site itself. We are all here to write. Let cooler heads prevail—we have a zero-tolerance policy for drama. Disrespect towards users, the site or its Staff will result in disciplinary action. Additionally, please note:
a. We are not a dating site. While friendliness is encouraged, this is not a place for relationships or relationship drama outside of Roleplays. Excessive flirtation, obsession, or sexual harassment will be dealt with strictly.
b. This community accepts people of all identities and backgrounds. Hate speech, bigotry, transphobia or homophobia are unacceptable in any public forum. These may be explored freely within fictional stories.
c. We are not Facebook. Drama, angst, and obvious attention-seeking do not belong here
d. We have a zero-tolerance policy for 'catfishing,' attempting to solicit sympathy, attention or donations through fictitious stories and all similar behaviours. We do not require members to disclose details of their personal lives, but anything you choose to disclose must be truthful.
e. All Moderators and Heralds are volunteers contributing their free time to ensure our community runs smoothly. They have full authority to use their discretion and will not be overruled outside of extraordinary circumstances. Any issues or complaints involving a member of staff should be brought up, in private, with an Administrator. Public disrespect towards Moderators or Heralds will not be tolerated under any circumstances. Public disrespect towards Admins is allowed so long as it's funny.
4. Users retain all ownership of their own work. Any use of user creations by the site or members of staff will be done with explicit permission. Acts of plagiarism towards other users will not be tolerated. As a result of this, no roleplay thread will be removed by staff unless permission is given by all parties. 5. No Roleplaying of any kind in Private Messages (PMs/DMs/Conversations). These are for OOC (out-of-character) conversations only. We reserve the right to monitor all private messages to ensure compliance with this and other site policies. If you have questions about the appropriate forums for a specific story, ask a staff member.
Character Policy
6. Characters under the age of 18 are permitted, with these major stipulations:
a. A child will NEVER be exposed in any way to sexual acts or graphic violence (the latter can be implied). This will result in an immediate and permanent ban. The offender will then be un-banned to give us the pleasure of banning them again. Seriously, DO NOT DO IT.
b. No character under 18 may be the main character of a story. Flashbacks and side characters are allowed so long as they are brief, not sexualized and not subject to graphic violence. Pregnancy and childbirth are permitted as part of the natural progression of a story but may not be its starting point, nor may they be sexualized in any way. Kinks focused on the act or risk of impregnation are permitted.
c. The literal age of the character is not relevant. An ancient vampire that looks 15 is considered 15. The character must also act 18 mentally—age regression and similar stories are forbidden if they are used as a way to bypass other rules. This rule applies to all character art as well—some leeway is allowed for art style, but anything that looks unambiguously like a child will be treated as a child.
d. Any scenario that naturally implies underage characters is forbidden (for example, high school Roleplay is not permitted). Any scenario where an under 18 character would be the logical assumption will be viewed as underage Roleplay.
e. Fandoms that feature underage characters are permitted, so long as any characters underage in canon are explicitly aged to comply with site rules and any setting that implies underage characters is altered or avoided (for example, replacing a magical school with a magical university). If staff notice any ambiguity on this point in a story, the thread will be subject to removal—if you do it, make it clear.
a. Any character engaged in sexual activity must possess human-like reproductive systems. Knotting, oviposition, tentacles, and similar acts are forbidden.
b. Furries are permitted, so long as all other stipulations are followed
c. Weres and shapeshifters are allowed but must be in human form for sexual acts.
d. Half-humans (Centaurs, Lamia, etc.) are likewise only permitted to engage in sexual acts if they can shift to human form or possess the requisite human organs.
b. Furries are permitted, so long as all other stipulations are followed
c. Weres and shapeshifters are allowed but must be in human form for sexual acts.
d. Half-humans (Centaurs, Lamia, etc.) are likewise only permitted to engage in sexual acts if they can shift to human form or possess the requisite human organs.
Shared Content Policy
8. All public content, including but not limited to signatures, avatars, thread and profile covers, usernames, character threads and intro posts, must be appropriate and in compliance with all site policies.
a. Pornography, excessive vulgarity, images depicting underage seeming characters, as well as content that otherwise violates the spirit of site rules is subject to removal without notice. In less serious cases it may incur requests for change from staff members. Repeated or severe instances are subject to site discipline up to and including an immediate ban.
b. Any content that a user chooses to represent as their own intellectual property is required to be represented accurately. Plagiarism will result in immediate and severe repercussions, as will false claims of ownership over art.
c. Content created by AI tools. large language models and similar technology are permitted only so long as no representation is made that the work created by such software is the creation of the person posting them.
d. Anyone caught using AI to write roleplay posts will be immediately and permanently banned. Minor edits are permitted.
b. Any content that a user chooses to represent as their own intellectual property is required to be represented accurately. Plagiarism will result in immediate and severe repercussions, as will false claims of ownership over art.
c. Content created by AI tools. large language models and similar technology are permitted only so long as no representation is made that the work created by such software is the creation of the person posting them.
d. Anyone caught using AI to write roleplay posts will be immediately and permanently banned. Minor edits are permitted.
9. Do not post, share, or ask for any personal information outside of PMs. In PMs, you can share off-site contact information, with three stipulations:
a. These are permitted only for sharing in established conversations for the purpose of off-site OOC conversation. Sharing contact information without solicitation will result in staff action
b. Recruitment for private off-site roleplays, sharing other roleplay sites or servers will result in an immediate ban.
c. The Sanctum cannot monitor or police off-site interactions. We are not responsible for any off-site issues resulting from contact information being shared, and the act of sharing contact information occurs at your own risk.
10. To limit data usage for mobile users and visual distractions for others, large images in signatures must be put inside a spoiler. The maximum displayable size of signatures is 250 pixels tall. GIFs are forbidden sitewide in signatures, avatars and cover images. They can be used in threads and chat if they are spoilered. Please - USE YOUR SPOILER!
Hi, I'm Rawr. Fear me. 
11. Do not link to outside content or sites unless it is compliant with all site policies. If you aren't sure, contact a staff member first. If your Character Sheet or world are on another site, you can post the content from them in this forum.
12. We allow the promotion of commission services, off-site projects and charities, so long as they are not in violation of these other policies and are not promoted to the point of spam
Site Use Policy
13. Confine all Role-plays that are premised around sex to The Forbidden Sanctum forums. Other sections may contain sexual content, but it cannot be the central pillar of the plot. When in doubt, ask a staff member.
14. All users are permitted a single account. Secondary accounts are forbidden and will be deleted after being confirmed as such.
a. If you made any mistake in the setup of your account regarding your username or personal information, contact an admin to have it remedied.
b. If your friend, spouse, roommate, significant other, or anyone else who is likely to have matching IPs (connecting to the same Wi-Fi network usually causes this) wishes to make an account here, please contact administrators ahead of time to let us know so we do not mistake their account for a secondary account of yours.
c. This rule includes deletion of accounts. Unless a specific exemption is requested and granted by an admin in advance, any user who requests account deletion is barred for one year from creating any new account. Access to the old account can be restored at any time via the site contact form
d. If you lose access to your account for any reason, please use the site contact form first, ideally with the email associated with the lost account. Admins are able to restore access.
15. All forms of spamming are forbidden: b. If your friend, spouse, roommate, significant other, or anyone else who is likely to have matching IPs (connecting to the same Wi-Fi network usually causes this) wishes to make an account here, please contact administrators ahead of time to let us know so we do not mistake their account for a secondary account of yours.
c. This rule includes deletion of accounts. Unless a specific exemption is requested and granted by an admin in advance, any user who requests account deletion is barred for one year from creating any new account. Access to the old account can be restored at any time via the site contact form
d. If you lose access to your account for any reason, please use the site contact form first, ideally with the email associated with the lost account. Admins are able to restore access.
a. Do not spam the Profile wall. Greetings should be done primarily through PMs and Introduction threads; anything longer than the character limit should be continued as a comment on the same post. Consecutive posts by the same user will see all but the first removed unless posted at least 1 hour apart. Additionally, no user should have more than three of the five total profile posts on the wall at any given time.
b. Bumping of request threads should not occur more than once every three days. Please note that request threads can only be bumped using the "Bump" button in those forums. Posts in the thread do not bump the thread. Users are limited to two active request threads per request forum (active meaning visible on the first two pages).
c. Spamming of recruitment messages and mass recruitment PMs are forbidden. If you wish to start a roleplay, either post a request thread/interest check in the correct forum (Link) or read through and respond to ones by other users. Sending identical PMs without having read the user's request threads WILL be treated as spam, as will excessive chat mentions, profile wall posts and so on.
d. All replies to request threads should occur via private message. Posts in another user's request thread are subject to removal without notice
d. All replies to request threads should occur via private message. Posts in another user's request thread are subject to removal without notice
16. Our Staff has the final say in the interpretation of these rules. If they say you are breaking them, arguing is the fastest way to escalate a warning into a ban. We want things to be handled amicably whenever possible and are willing to explain our policies and the reasons for them—but that does not translate to the ability to refuse when you're told you're doing something wrong.
Look here for a full guide to our forums and threads.
When in doubt, ask the Staff.
We're happy to help. We'd rather provide you clarification now than have to ban you later.
Staff positions:
Administrators: Purple names. They are the ones in charge of discipline, forum oversight, tech support and directing other staff. All technical issues should be directed here.
Moderators: Blue names. They can do almost everything an Admin can, know the site in and out, and can move it up the chain if need be.
Heralds: Green Names. These staff members are in charge of overseeing our chat feature, enforcing chat rules and greeting new users, as well as just helping out around the site, they can answer most questions you might have or direct you to someone who can.
Virtuosos: Pink Names. Our specialized art team, these staff are focused on creating artwork for the site and can help with coding and formatting
Other Username Labels:
Dungeon Masters: Red Names. These users run site-supported D&D tournaments.
Sanctum Nobility: All other coloured names, these are users who have donated to the site. They are not staff members, just users who have contributed.
Chat Rooms:
General Chat is for general discussion. Minor roleplay actions are allowed
The Sanctum Confessional is for ranting, venting, mature discussions, controversial topics and topics that are innately depressing
The Gaming Dungeon is for Games, Dice Rolls and relevant discussions.
The Sanctum Theatre is for the sharing of Music and other media.
The Lounge is for mature conversations without roleplay actions.
Staff reserve the right to redirect discussions to the appropriate forum.
Chat Rules:
1. Chat operates under the general principle that everyone should act like an adult. Playful immaturity is fine, actual immaturity, disrespect or general lack of common sense will result in staff action. Dark humour and topics beyond PG-13 are permitted, but they should be clearly telegraphed and placed within spoilers like so. Open bigotry and violence against children will result in an immediate removal from chat, these are not "dark humour."
2. Excessive Roleplay is not permitted. Occasional random actions are fine. Three actions directed at the same person or four total directed at multiple people in a short span of time is considered excessive. Certain actions are also explicitly forbidden:
a. Any actions that are harassing, vulgar or generally inappropriate
b. Any actions that control another person without their consent
b. Any actions that control another person without their consent
c. Any actions someone has already been requested not to perform
3. No drama. No harassment, creepiness, temper tantrums, interpersonal drama or melodrama. Any and all ranting, whining, complaining or melodrama, as well as any discussion that is becoming too heated, should be redirected to the "Sanctum Confessional" room. Chat is intended as a lighthearted feature everyone is able to enjoy, keep it that way. If you need to talk about something that is objectively depressing, it should go to the Confessional directly.
a. Excessive flirting, fawning or obsession between users can and will be stopped
b. Users who engage with chat only for such behaviours are subject to warning and removal
b. Users who engage with chat only for such behaviours are subject to warning and removal
4. Chat is designed to serve as a conversation between multiple people. Any user found to be attempting to dominate the conversation whether by spamming, non-sequiturs or other means is subject to discipline by staff. Trying to start a conversation is fine, even encouraged, but if you are the only one who has been talking about something for multiple messages—stop. Regarding other disruptive behaviours:
a. Images and videos should be spoilered. If you cannot make the spoiler work, inform a staff member and your message can be edited
b. Chat rules are made to be enforced by staff. If you feel another member is violating them, please inform staff rather than telling them yourself. This does not apply in cases of harassment—you can tell them to stop directly.
b. Chat rules are made to be enforced by staff. If you feel another member is violating them, please inform staff rather than telling them yourself. This does not apply in cases of harassment—you can tell them to stop directly.
5. Whispers are subject to viewing by staff and rules will be enforced there. They are not for extended private conversations, as they make it difficult to monitor the chat. Any exchange of more than three messages long (unless directed at a member of staff) should be handled in PM. Do not use it as a place for Roleplay OCC. Proposing a RP is fine, but it should be moved to PM as soon as it is agreed to.
6. No sharing of personal information is allowed in chat. This includes whispers.
7. Rules are subject to change and Staff interpretation. Our one and only goal is to make chat an enjoyable addition to this site. If we feel your behaviour is in contravention of this principle, you will be asked to change it or be removed. If you feel another user is acting inappropriately, use the report button.
8. Staff are fallible—they can miss context, misunderstand remarks or misunderstand rules. But chat is not the place to litigate that. If they say stop, you stop. Message the admins if you feel like you were warned in error