FxF Brodie's Load of Prompts

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FxF Brodie's Load of Prompts


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Today 5:20 PM
Hi everyone, thanks for clicking on my thread.

First things first: I'm looking for something longer term. I've recently found myself with only one partner left, out of the handful I'd amassed. Most were respectful due to their work / school / life in general dramatically changing their schedule and availability, which I won't fault anyone for. That said, I'm a little annoyed at this point. I keep getting excited to lay out some characters and build out a world...only to have it fall apart as it starts getting to the good bits. Barring anything else in this post, I'm looking for someone ready, willing, and able to commit to a story with me.

About Me: I've been roleplaying for over ten years, and writing fiction as a hobby even longer. I play doms and prefer to write in first person. I do like a switch dynamic once in a while though and can comfortably play in third person since most people seem to prefer it. I don't really pre-make characters or settings beyond concepts and archetypes, instead preferring to create something unique for each story and partner. One constant though is a preference for playing as futa characters.

Playing With Me: I don't do non-sexual RP. I have no problem with slow burn and / or sections where no smut happens for an extended time, but from the outset it's stated that the story will involve if not revolve around our characters fucking. I make a point of responding with at least two paragraphs so that I can react to my partner's contribution, as well as provide something to move the story forward. Three to four paragraphs is more common from me though. (However sometimes one of those "paragraphs" might only be a few sentences.) I like detail and depth, but have trouble giving more than I get. I usually have time to reply once a day, but I don't expect that from anyone. I'm also no above getting lazy / straight up forgetting to check in, so if it's been a couple days then feel free to poke me

Playing With You: Like I said, I don't want to carry the story. If you give me at least a couple paragraphs to work with, we can go far. I'm really only looking for female partners in my RP. I've done some Futa x Futa in the past but it almost always broke down due to competing for dominance or arguments on exactly what the anatomy should be. If you're really into this then ask, but no promises. Beyond that, be who you wanna be. If you can write well and your character is both a woman and cute, then I want to hear from you. Lastly, I expect a certain amount of trust. Don't try to walk on eggshells with me, because I don't want to with you. If one of us slips up or misunderstood something, I want the other to be able to say "Hey, that was over the line," and have the two of us talk it out respectfully and move on.

Kinks: My two biggest turn-ons are futa and incest. If you share both of those then I definitely want to hear from you. Incest is by no means necessary though, and some of the prompts below won't include it all so don't worry. Beyond that, I'm fairly vanilla. It doesn't take a physics-defying sex position or twelve person orgy to get me going. Some specific kinks that will always be welcome though are face-sitting, riskiness (be it public play or pregnancy), teasing, heavy foreplay, creampies, and squirting. Also been fantasising more and more about age-gap scenarios lately.

Limits: I don't want anything toilet related or that could otherwise fall under gross as a category. I'm also not a fan of horror. I do this for fun, and being scared isn't fun. No animals. No pain or violence between our characters, although there's some leeway with this one for potential emotionally charged scenes. No non-con, but again I have some leeway here for dub-con, especially if it's earlier in the story and is understood and established before-hand. Nothing hyper. I like to push some realistic boundaries, but not with body sizes. No cocks like spears and no tits / asses so big they'd keep someone from walking through doors. These are the biggest ones and what's coming to mind as I write. As always, ask if you're curious / unsure.

Scenarios / Prompts: If you made it this far, then thanks again. Here's what you're looking for. They aren't in any particular order, I want to play any and all of them. They're all fairly vague by design, I want to build out the world with my partners so if you have any questions or ideas then I want to hear them.

Vacation: The simplest offering I have. Up front, I'd ideally like this one to involve incest. Whoever our characters are, and wherever they go don't matter. We just need to be anywhere other than where we are right now. Maybe we're young lovebirds running away with the express intent of fucking all week and only eating room service, maybe a booking error makes us need to share a bed and things progress from there.

Roommates / Co-Workers / (Insert your own pairing): Pure slice-of-life fun, another preference for incest on this one. We see each other every day and there's a sexual tension we can't explain. What happens when we finally give in to it?

Foreign Exchange: Whether it's a school program or one of us is a recent immigrant, we're stuck together now and cultures are bound to clash. Potential for innocence / corruption here.

Dating My (insert person close to me) Just to Fuck Me: I'm not normally a fan of cucking, but something has me envisioning this kind of scenario lately. Ideally this one will include an age gap where I'm stealing the partner of my character's mom / daughter. Especially if I'm the younger partner and domming someone older.

PM's are preferred over replies to this post. Thanks one last time for clicking and reading! I'm looking forward to hearing from you all.
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