MxF Fantasy- High or Mid- Pitch me a plot you've been dying to do!

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MxF Fantasy- High or Mid- Pitch me a plot you've been dying to do!


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Today 6:29 AM
UPDATE: This thread is temporarily closed/paused. I'm at my cap for stories at the moment and want to make sure I allocate my focus appropriately . I'll bump when I'm looking again!

Who are you, how long have you been writing and what kind of things do you like to write?
My name is Tort, I've been role playing/writing for a little over 13 years now. I started on World of Warcraft (the dark days of my RP history lmao) and over the years have rped across various games/apps. This will be my first foray into forum rp! (I would like to remain on site for now, no discord etc).

How long do your replies tend to be and what is your writing schedule like?
I tend to average 2-4 paragraphs, somewhere in the 1k word count on average. Obviously this can fluctuate higher or lower depending on the circumstances. I.E. if we're in a dialogue heavy scene me meticulously writing every facial movement and clogging our posts up with irrelevant inner monologue gets in the way of your responding dialogue so I try to avoid it.

I like to get one to multipe replies in a day but if there's blockers stopping me from hitting that goal I'm very communicative about them OOC.

What are you looking for?
I'm looking for any high fantasy/mid fantasy plots you have to pitch! I've been GMing for the past three years and am finally looking for a break. I'm happy to worldbuild/flesh out a plot with anyone but bonus points if you have a world already pre-fabricated that I can lose myself in! I enjoy politcal intrigue, questing, grand adventures, and admittedly I am a sap for angsty romances (enemies to lovers/doesn't always have to be a happy ending)! ATM looking to exclusively play female characters in MxF pairings.

If you have anything in that vein brewing in your head pitch it to me via PM's and if it sounds like something I'd be a good fit for, I'll get back to you!

What is your tolerance level for gore? Violence?
I'm comfortable with some gore. Anything too extensive or graphic can get a little iffy for me, violence is welcome but the same gist as gore.

Do you write sexual content? If so, what are your kinks? Limits?
I am comfortable with reasonable/scene appropriate smut but it is not my modus operandi for writing. I am much more driven by plot/exploring a characters emotions/dialogue etc and I think sex can be a side effect of those things when it makes sense. But it will always be a measured part of the writing for me, if we are on day 3 of writing the same smut scene my eyes will glaze over and I will try to politely steer us back to the plot. Expected a 80/20 (plot/smut) ratio for me.

I'm not big on creating a whole kink/limit list for each fictional character I intend to protray. In general I'm sure people would consider my work vanilla with light BDSM themes, my hard NO's are: non-con/ age play/bloodplay/ gore/ scat etc.

PM if you have a pitch and I'll keep this as a living post to add any future plots I create in the theater of my mind :p
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