All [fxm] 70s cult leader x undercover detective

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All [fxm] 70s cult leader x undercover detective

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Today 8:19 AM
I'm looking for a long-term, literate partner of any gender willing to play multiple characters and build the world alongside me to flesh out the story of a 1970s cult and a girl looking to infiltrate it to save her older sister. I would primarily play the detective, and we would both share the responsibility of creating and writing side characters, other cult members - and you, of course, would write the piece de resistance: the cult leader himself. Ideally, the story would start with my character trying to find an in to the cult - maybe by approaching the second-in-command, maybe by painting herself as a runaway to get recruited.

How deep it goes and how dark it gets are up to us - and I'm intentionally leaving some areas vague so we can sort them out together and leave us both feeling invested. Whether this is a good end with the character succeeding or a bad end of her succumbing to the cult leader is yet to be determined.

A bit about me: I'm 28F in EST. I do work full-time and occasionally work events and odd hours that prevent me from being online constantly - but even then, I'm still pretty plugged in. Barring IRL events, which I'll always communicate in advance, I try to reply once a day, if not more. I'm happy with a partner who only posts a few times a week, however. As far as writing length, I go as hard as several paragraphs or as soft as a quick rapidfire paragraph/one-liner. It's all about the impact and the feeling of a scene to me.

Additionally, it's important to me that any dynamic between our characters stays between them. I love to be friends and chat OOC with my partners and gush and share playlists, but I'm not interested in anything more than that!

That's all I got! Please feel free to reach out in DMs if you are interested.
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