FxF Huntin' for fun RP! (Flexible Settings / FxF, open to FxM & FxNB)

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FxF Huntin' for fun RP! (Flexible Settings / FxF, open to FxM & FxNB)


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Today 1:34 PM
Hello! Feel free to call me Night or Daze or anything really. I'm 27F (she/they) with about 10 years of RP experience. I'm a flexible RP'er and enjoy playing a wide range of personalities in a variety of genres! I'm super laid back and like to joke and chatter OOC! Give me a shout anytime if you'd like to talk RP!


RP Info: What to expect from me! ✦

My RP Style: 3rd person, past tense | Flexible 2-5+ paragraphs | Responses roughly every ~1-5 Days | Casual & low pressure | Solid Grammar | Ghost-friendly
I play: Almost always as F | OC's Only | FxF (♥), FxM, & FxNB Pairings
Other: Faceclaims optional (I don't use them unless partner wants to) | Very few limits with kinks & dark themes | Fantasy, Horror, and Adventure lover!
Dealbreakers: Consistent one-liner responses | Not being Queer or poc friendly | RPF | Any use of AI writing or images | Any OOC advances/flirting

When it comes to RP, I'm just here hoping everyone has a nice time! I love OOC communication to keep things cool and am overall very casual in my approach. I'm extremely patient with no pressure on partner response times. I'm mad casual OOC and love to gush over characters and stories with RP partners!

My post length varies, but I tend toward being wordy and always put in a good 2 paragraphs at absolute minimum. If I have a partner who likes to go Novella, I'm happy to match. I don't work well with one-liners and generally would love at least a paragraph or two, but understand that sometimes more isn't needed and am not picky about partner word count. I'll RP with anyone of any gender irl, that doesn't make a difference to me!


✦ NSFW & Dark Theme/Violence Info & Limits ✦

Kink Info: Not into anything Unsanitary (including piss/scat/vomit), Incest Plots, Age or Race-Play. Other than that, I'm pretty open with most kinks! Specific preferences can be discussed in PM's if interested!
Most of the time I run Switches, but will play harder Doms/Subs. A lot of this'll just depend on partner preferences and how our characters end up lining up.
➣ As a personal preference, I'm not interested in any smut involving characters under 21 or with any RP partner under 21. If a character or partner is in the 18-20 range, I'd like the RP to be strictly SFW.

My number one rule is that OOC comfort is king no matter what. I RP for fun and it's not fun if either of us are experiencing any OOC discomfort over a story or scene. When it comes to me, I'm extremely flexible and open for most things! I love plot and characters, even in RP's with more prevalent NSFW content. I don't tend to do any porn with little/no plot RP unless I'm really hooked by an idea. I very much enjoy relationship and story buildup, so smut won't usually happen right off the bat here.

When it comes to Violence and Dark Themes, I am OK with almost anything if it makes sense in the context of the RP. The only hard limit I have is really that I don't love main character death/snuff. A lot of what I'm cool with in certain RP's will be heavily dependant on the tone/world/plot we set. All that said, I'm very open to hearing any ideas you've got, even if it's not my usual thing! I won't give a hard no to many things except, of course, anything against Site Rules or other things I specifically list as a pass!


✦ Wanna RP? Here's some ideas! ✦
I'll list a couple loose settings/pairs living in my brain right now but don't feel tied to any of these ideas or settings. I'm very open to hearing any pitches you've got or just starting from scratch to make something together! I love to workshop and bounce ideas back and forth to build plots with people!
I'm open to most any setting but here's a few of my favorites!

✧ I always love anything Fantasy-esque. High or low is cool, I'm also a big Dungeons & Dragons fan so anything dnd is great by me!

✧ Something apocalyptic or survival-oriented could be fun! It's been a while since I got to play anything in this lane.

✧ Sci-Fi and Westerns are always super interesting to me. When it comes to historical and technological future-y stuff, I try to make things that make general sense but usually go a little looser on the hard details and don't get too caught up in the mechanics of things!

✧ I don't tend to go for realistic slice-of-life stuff unless a plotline really hooks me! I definitely love for there some fun little bits of intrigue and drama to spice things up!

✧ Some Settings I don't personally tend to play in…
✦ Animal worlds with animal-form characters (I'll run with monsters and aliens, but tend not to play totally animal characters like Warrior Cats or playing as Pokemon!)
✦ It goes without saying due to site rules, but I'm not open to highschool settings. College isn't a definite no, but is a really hard maybe!
These guys have no particular story idea attached. Not too much here, just a few things that I think are neat and could be made into something fun!

✧ Anything involving Angels & Demons
✧ Supernatural entity x Human
✧ Supernatural entity x Supernatural Entity
✧ Bodyguard/Knight x Person they're supposed to be protecting
✧ Servant x Person they're Serving
✧ Pirate x Mermaid
✧ Alien x Human

Personifications of Concepts - Vague, but sort of referring to the personification of elements like how, for example, Persephone can be representative of Spring or the wolf in the recent Puss in Boots movie was (movie spoilers) Death, straight-up. It could be fun to do something like that with beings that represent some (perhaps conflicting/opposite?) concepts.

Hunter x Quarry - Some kind of monster hunter x the monster they're hunting? Could perhaps have an awfully rough meeting that snowballs into one where they grow to like each other. I'd be willing to play either!

Supernatural Being x Human Sacrifice - Very loose idea, possibly one in which a person is tossed out of their community to be sacrificed to a some supernatural entity (like a vampire or something) who is maybe not as bad as they're made out to be and isn't too keen on keeping/eating them for some reason. But, perhaps the person isn't exactly willing to return to to the people that cast them out and, together, they form a sort of uneasy truce allowing the person to stay. I'd be willing to play either!
I don't have a lot of specific ideas for these guys, but these are some of the universes I'd be down to play in. When it comes to fandom worlds, I'm happy to run things in a canon compliant way, or just say Fuck it We Ball and only use the general universe as a jumping off point. I definitely know more than what's listed here and am open to new fandoms. Feel free to pitch something, even if it's not on the list! While I only play OC's and not as canons, I would be open to playing against a canon if you prefer to play one.

✧ Pokemon / Legends
✧ Fullmetal Alchemist
✧ Avatar the Last Airbender / Korra
✧ Helluva Boss / Hazbin
Definitely more that I'm forgetting and will add later!

⭐ A few things I'm currently craving...
Fantasy Adventure: A classic setup with two adventurers in a fantasy world! Tone can have a lot of range between dark and light, with silly and dramatic moments abound. I've got a few characters in mind I could run, two of the mains being a huntress half-elf ranger and a tough dragonborn lady I love to use. Or, of course I can make up a new OC! I'm a long time DM and have a bunch of little oneshot plots stored up in my brain that I can pitch us for a short little adventure to use as a tester/jumping off point to see if we want to make it a longterm RP!

Post Apocalypse/Survival-Oriented RP: Anything where our characters are having to survive together could be fun! It could be anything from an apocalypse/post-apocalypse setting to a more sci-fi spin where one or both characters are stranded on some alien planet or anything, really. I just love the stakes, drama, and creativity associated with having to survive! I'd love to get to do anything at all in this lane.
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