FxF Lesbian seeking to write fantasy BDSM with OTHER lesbians (NO MEN)

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FxF Lesbian seeking to write fantasy BDSM with OTHER lesbians (NO MEN)


Professional Girlfriend Worshipper
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Today 8:12 PM

I am a top-leaning lesbian switch in a committed relationship with another writer on the site. I hate men and I want nothing to do with them irl or in any RP. I am looking for other kinky lesbians to write smut-heavy fantasy RPs with minimal strap on/dildo/toy content. I enjoy this type of content sparingly, but I do not want it to become the focal point of our characters' sexual encounters. I much prefer oral sex, fingering, and BDSM/kink elements.

Who are you, how long have you been writing and what kind of things do you like to write?
I'm a graduate student who has been writing since the OG days of Wattpad (~12 years). Unfortunately, now I mostly write academic papers, which is quite sad and boring. With some prompting from my wonderful gf, I am putting myself back out there for more enjoyable writing prospects.

I am a firm believer in quality writing. My girlfriend says I write like a novelist, and I would prefer if you did the same.

Here is a sample of my writing (the story I am working on with my girlfriend):

"Queen Rantala was infamous for her malevolence and insatiable desire for young women. However, her appetite was not indiscriminate; she pursued only the most exceptional individuals in the realm, those who possessed unparalleled characteristics such as beauty, grace, and intelligence. Her fortress-like castle, concealed within the heart of the enchanted forest, doubled as both her dominion and her hunting ground.

Whispers of legend hinted at a mirror within the Queen's possession, reminiscent of the infamous Snow White's stepmother. Yet, this mirror deviated from the enchanted truth-revealing glass; it wielded the power to unveil the inner essence of a person. With a mere glance, Queen Rantala could fathom the depths of a woman's character and untapped potential. Though her craving for these remarkable women was driven by a twisted amalgam of admiration and envy, it wasn't merely ownership that motivated her. She sought to exploit their abilities for her gain, to keep others from experiencing their brilliance.

As the Queen's nefarious reputation cast a shadow across the kingdom, tales of a skilled and defiant woman named Habren Citali began to circulate. This outlaw figure, one the Queen had long coveted, possessed a rare trait—unyielding defiance. Much akin to the legendary Robin Hood, Habren pilfered from the opulent and extended a hand to the destitute. She rescued and harbored potential recruits for the Queen's collection, all while daring to deface public monuments—a bold stance against Queen Rantala's oppressive rule."

Please proofread and check for mistakes (ChatGPT can be very useful for this, but please don't use it to write the meat and potatoes of our story. I want to play with our own ideas.) I write in the third person and ask that my partner does the same. I find first-person writing incredibly uncomfortable, and worse, it makes it difficult to separate yourself from the character, which I do not enjoy.

How long do your replies tend to be and what is your writing schedule like?
I tend to write quite a lot in my responses (4+ paragraphs), and I typically respond at least once per day or every other day.

What is your tolerance level for gore? Violence?
Very high. I love a gruesome battle scene, nailing a disobedient tongue to a headboard, or bathing in the blood of our enemies. If you are shy or squeamish about violent sex or gore, please don't reach out.

Do you write sexual content? If so, what are your kinks? Limits?

Kinks: bondage, spit, public sex, impact, pet play, degradation/humiliation, cnc, non-con, rough sex, free use, ownership/slavery, praise, group sex/orgies, gangbangs, mind break, sex work (FxF only), oral sex, stretching, blackmail, corruption, extreme sexual violence.

Limits: scat, penises, semen, breeding, anything related to pregnancy, needles (non-medically) , vomit (drunken/sick vomit as a story element is fine, but not sexually), vore, amputation, bestiality

Do you write any fandoms? (Please bear in mind that any characters under 18 and any high school settings must be aged up)
I would prefer we create our own characters.

Do you have any pairing or setting ideas?
In general, I want to write in a fantasy world where magic is not uncommon. Within that constraint, here are some options I would like to write (but would be open to other suggestions for the right partner):

Evil Scientist and her fantasy experiment
Professional Dominatrix and her client that falls for her
Overachieving College Student and her bitchy professor
Sorority President and her initiate
Queen and her assigned advisor
Princess and her bodyguard

Do you have any detailed plots prepared?
I have one detailed plot prepared:

Astralis: The Elven Enclave of Arcane Mastery and the Citadel of Cybernetic Wonders

Astralis is not a typical city: it is the home of the arcanists guild and The College. One might think The College needs a more descriptive name, yet, it doesn't…its present name is enough to elicit reverie and awe from most people. Perhaps at one time it did have a longer and much more formal name, but those today refer to it simply. Astralis is the larger and also wealthier of two states in Sancturia, its less impressive counterpart is called Solara. Those living in Sancturia are separated into classes based on intelligence, skill, and magical aptitude as was determined by a member of The College's board during the citizen's childhood (see Appendix 1 and images)."

Unlike Astralis, Solara is mainly agrarian, but in the main city there is significant criminal activity. Solara is the place people are often caught "class switching" a traitorous action wherein one attempts to change test results or assume another identity in order to shirk their responsibility to society. This is done to attain higher social status, but not pay. In Sancturia, everyone earns the same thriving wage for their efforts, as all good citizens who do their duty are entitled to a good life. Similarly, those who make extra contributions, whether through research with practical applications in The College, dedicating additional hours to their roles as citizens, taking on extra commissions as artisans, assisting with the harvest as non-farmers, and more, are entitled to bonus compensation. In theory, Sancturia is a perfectly-designed society wherein everyone could mutually benefit, serve the community, and prosper. However, within the fabric of society, there naturally exists a significant emphasis on certain roles, leading those in esteemed positions to be wary of their children achieving less, "falling," and experiencing a perceived decline, while simultaneously fueling the desire of those in lower positions to witness their children accomplishing more and ascending in status, "rising."

Another difference between Astralis and Solara is the level of ambient magic. The college was placed in Astralis because a font of magic lies there. The elusive font has evaded discovery thus far, leading to various hypotheses on the cause. Many speculate that it exists as an ethereal essence, a primordial wellspring that predates the very fabric of existence itself. Some believe that it resembles an underground aquifer, while others guess it might manifest as a sacred object, such as a grain of sand blessed by all the many goddesses. Still, others think the magical density is a natural fluctuation, vulnerable to change at any given moment, even when it has been constant since before Sanctuaria was established.

Regarding goddesses, there are 16 presiding over Sanctuaria, and presumably the universe. Most citizens dedicate their life to the worship of one deity, but some pray to the goddess they think most able to aid in their endeavor. The goddesses are listed in Appendix 2.

The Penal System:

Within the boundaries of Sancturia, a system of justice prevailed, ensuring that those who transgressed the laws faced the consequences of their actions. This system included a penal system designed to rehabilitate and reintegrate offenders while also serving the needs of the community. The depths of this system were exemplified by the laborious and arduous tasks assigned to those imprisoned within its confines.

For those who found themselves incarcerated, their punishment extended beyond mere confinement. In Sancturia, imprisonment was not solely a means of isolation and punishment; it was an opportunity for individuals to contribute to society in a tangible way, even amidst their transgressions. The worst jobs, the backbreaking and perilous tasks that others shunned, were assigned to those held behind the cold iron bars.

Among these undesirable tasks, mining stood as one of the most demanding and grueling endeavors. Deep within the earth, where darkness thrived and the weight of the world pressed upon their shoulders, the imprisoned toiled tirelessly in the pursuit of precious resources. The mines became their bleak sanctuary, a place where the harsh reality of their actions intertwined with the unforgiving nature of the subterranean realm.

Within the dimly lit tunnels, the sound of pickaxes striking against unyielding rock reverberated, a somber symphony of punishment. Each swing represented a penance, a step closer to redemption, or perhaps a reminder of the depths to which one had fallen. The air within the mines hung heavy with the weight of remorse, mingling with the dust of forgotten dreams and shattered lives.

Days melded into nights as the jailed individuals toiled ceaselessly, their bodies weary and battered, their spirits tested by the relentless monotony of their tasks. The harsh conditions served as both a crucible and a reminder of the consequences of their actions, their sweat and toil etching a somber testimony of their time spent behind bars.

Yet, even within the darkest depths, a glimmer of hope endured. The penal system of Sancturia was not devoid of compassion, for it sought not only to punish but also to guide those who had lost their way. Rehabilitation programs were implemented, providing opportunities for education, skill training, and emotional support. The aim was to nurture a sense of redemption and reformation, to offer a path towards reintegrating into society as productive and law-abiding citizens. Through their labor in the mines, the incarcerated were not only contributing to the extraction of valuable resources but also to the growth and prosperity of the community. Their sweat and toil provided the raw materials necessary for the advancement of Sancturia, ensuring its continued development and self-sufficiency. In this way, the penal system strived to instill a sense of purpose, reminding those imprisoned that even amidst their transgressions, their actions could still serve a greater good.

Thus, within the depths of the mines, where shadows danced and echoes whispered tales of regret, the incarcerated labored. The worst jobs, the backbreaking tasks that others shied away from, became their penance, their opportunity for reflection, growth, and eventual redemption. And as they toiled, chipping away at the unforgiving rock, they hoped to forge a new path, one that would lead them out of the darkness and towards a brighter future.

Beyond the confines of the mining pits, the penal system of Sancturia had other options for rehabilitation. Often, only repeat offenders were sentenced to labor in the mines. Prisoners may also have been assigned to labor below their class such as:

Agricultural Labor: Prisoners could find themselves working in the vast fields and farms that sustained Sancturia. From planting and harvesting crops to tending to livestock, they would participate in the agricultural endeavors that ensured a steady food supply for the populace. The sun-soaked fields and the earth beneath their hands would witness the sweat and toil of those seeking redemption through the cultivation of life.

Construction and Infrastructure: The building and maintenance of Sancturia's infrastructure were not exempt from the involvement of prisoners. They could be tasked with various construction projects, from erecting new buildings to repairing roads and bridges. Guided by overseers and skilled artisans, prisoners would learn valuable trade skills while leaving their mark on the ever-evolving landscape of their society.

Sanitation and Cleaning: The less glamorous but essential tasks of sanitation and cleaning were often entrusted to the incarcerated. Whether it involved scrubbing the communal spaces of the cities, maintaining public facilities, or managing waste disposal, prisoners played a crucial role in preserving the cleanliness and hygiene of Sancturia. Their efforts in the shadows, unseen by many, contributed to the overall well-being of the populace.

Public Services: Prisoners could also be assigned to various public service roles, such as assisting in libraries, maintaining parks and gardens, or aiding in administrative tasks. These assignments allowed them to contribute to the community in meaningful ways, serving as reminders of the potential for personal growth and the ability to make amends for past mistakes.

These tasks served not only as a form of restitution but also as a means for prisoners to rediscover their purpose and potential within society. While the work may have been demanding and challenging, it offered an avenue for self-reflection, personal growth, and the opportunity to forge a new path toward a more positive and law-abiding future. In the grand tapestry of Sancturia, the presence of prisoners in various essential roles acted as a reminder of the imperfections within the social fabric, as well as the potential for redemption and the capacity for transformation. Through their contributions, the incarcerated sought to mend the threads of their lives and weave themselves back into the very society they had once challenged, striving to create a new narrative of hope, growth, and second chances.

Class Switching:

In the realm of Sancturia, where the pursuit of a harmonious and egalitarian society was paramount, the act of class-switching was considered a grave offense—an act of treachery that struck at the core of the social order. Class-switching involved deceitfully attempting to alter one's assigned social status, seeking to ascend or descend within the structured hierarchy without the merit or approval of the governing institutions.

Recognizing the severe threat that class-switching posed to the delicate balance of Sancturia's social fabric, the penalty for this transgression was indeed death. The ultimate consequence served as a stark reminder of the society's commitment to upholding the principles of fairness, equality, and the sanctity of its carefully designed system. Upon discovery of an individual's treasonous act of class-switching, a swift and decisive judgment would be passed down by the Council of Masters—a body entrusted with the responsibility of safeguarding the principles and welfare of Sancturia. The punishment, administered by authorized law enforcement officials, would serve as a solemn spectacle, witnessed by both the condemned and the populace at large.

The severity of this penalty underscored the profound importance placed on maintaining the integrity and stability of the social order. By extinguishing the life of those found guilty of class-switching, Sancturia sought to deter others from entertaining similar subversive notions, thereby preserving the societal equilibrium and preventing the erosion of trust that underpinned their way of life.

However, it is important to note that while the punishment for class-switching was indeed death, Sancturia was not a society driven solely by punitive measures. It also prioritized rehabilitation, education, and the belief in the potential for personal growth and redemption. The penal system of Sancturia, although unforgiving in cases of treasonous acts, offered opportunities for reformation and reintegration for lesser offenses, acknowledging that individuals could learn from their mistakes and find their place within the social fabric once more.


In the enchanting realm of Astralis, where the ancient art of arcane mastery dances alongside the ethereal beauty of elven heritage, there resided a young prodigy named Kyzen. Born of both human and elven lineage, Kyzen possessed a captivating blend of grace and a fervent passion for the spoken word, weaving tales that would enrapture the hearts and minds of all who listened. Her destiny as a formidable arcanist and master storyteller was written in the stars as the child of an arcanist and an artisan. From her earliest years, Kyzen's childhood was imbued with a sense of wonder and imagination. The whispers of tales and legends stirred in her soul, fueling her boundless curiosity. Amidst the magical ambiance of Astralis, where the mysteries of arcane energies flowed freely, Kyzen found solace and inspiration in the ancient tomes of forgotten lore, their pages alive with stories waiting to be retold.

As a young girl, Kyzen's imagination knew no bounds. She would lose herself in the depths of Astralis' sprawling libraries, delving into tales of heroes and villains, of epic quests and ancient prophecies. With each page turned, her mind would soar, painting vivid landscapes and breathing life into characters both mythical and mundane. Through her fervent love for storytelling, Kyzen's innate connection to the arcane arts blossomed, infusing her tales with a touch of magic that set her apart.

During her teenage years, Kyzen's transformative journey took her on a path where the spoken word met the weaving of spells. Her reputation as a mesmerizing storyteller spread throughout Astralis, capturing the hearts of those who yearned to be transported to worlds unknown. It was then that the renowned College, a beacon of arcane wisdom and learning, beckoned to her, recognizing the unique power she possessed as a half-elven arcanist and bard.

With the College's invitation in hand, Kyzen embarked on a new chapter in her life, bidding farewell to the familiar and embracing the halls of academia. Surrounded by sages and scholars, she became an eager student of both ancient texts and the subtleties of the magical arts. Her voice, a vessel for the stories she crafted, became an instrument through which she wove enchantments and painted tapestries of wonder.

Within the hallowed halls of the College, Kyzen discovered a vibrant community of fellow arcanists. They shared in her love for the written word and the melodies of the spoken tale, their collective passion nurturing her growth as a master storyteller. Through collaboration and the exchange of knowledge, she honed her craft, infusing her tales with the very essence of magic.

As Kyzen delved deeper into her studies, she began to understand the intricate dance between words and spells, their interplay giving birth to captivating narratives and the manipulation of arcane forces. Her performances transcended mere entertainment, becoming immersive experiences that transported listeners to realms both fantastical and profound. With each tale she spun, Kyzen unveiled a piece of herself, captivating audiences with her gift for breathing life into stories.

Like a flame yearning for new fuel, Kyzen's creative spirit hungered for the stories of others. While her own tales were captivating, her heart longed to weave the narratives of great heroes and villains, the stories of everyday struggles and extraordinary triumphs. Her insatiable curiosity drew her to seek out the tales of the mundane and the exhilarating, eager to breathe life into the experiences of those who walked the realms of Astralis.

Within the esteemed halls of the College, where the threads of magic intertwined, there stood a figure of wisdom and incomprehensible skill known as Master Junip. A renowned enchanter of healing arts, Master Junip was a beacon of light amidst the tapestry of arcane knowledge. Kyzen's path intersected with that of Master Junip during the yearly awards banquet, as she lamented her boredom with the current availability of stories. After that evening, she sensed an undeniable connection, an invisible thread that bound their destinies together. It was under Master Junip's tutelage that Kyzen would uncover the depths of her healing abilities and the unique fusion of magic and bionics.

As Kyzen embarked on her journey of apprenticeship under Master Junip, she discovered the remarkable intersection of arcane energies and the healing arts. With an extraordinary blend of enchantment and technological innovation, Master Junip possessed the rare ability to mend the wounded not only through the weaving of spells but also by incorporating intricate bionic enhancements into their very being Under Master Junip's patient and nurturing guidance, Kyzen delved into the secrets of healing enchantments and the delicate balance required to harmonize arcane forces with mechanical augmentation. She witnessed Master Junip's deft touch as bionic limbs sprang to life, imbued with a harmonious blend of magic and engineering, granting those in need a renewed sense of vitality and purpose.

As Kyzen studied the intricacies of healing enchantments, she marveled at Master Junip's ability to seamlessly integrate bionics into the lives of those who had suffered injury or loss. Through Master Junip's teachings, Kyzen learned not only the theoretical aspects of enchanting and healing but also the profound impact such mastery could have on the lives of individuals and the world at large, and she finally discovered what kind of stories she wanted to tell: epics.

Master Junip's teachings went beyond the realm of technical expertise. With each lesson, Master Junip instilled in Kyzen a deep sense of empathy and compassion, emphasizing the importance of understanding the stories and struggles of those they would heal. In their sessions together, Kyzen witnessed Master Junip's ability to listen, to truly comprehend the complexities of each individual's journey, and to channel that understanding into the healing process. Kyzen grew adept at channeling her magical energies, infusing her performances and stories with healing enchantments that resonated with her listeners' hearts, offering solace and rejuvenation. Master Junip's guidance expanded her understanding of the interplay between music, words, magic, and bionics, empowering Kyzen to weave a symphony of restoration and renewal. As their bond deepened, Master Junip became more than a mentor to Kyzen; she became a source of inspiration and guidance, nurturing her talents and instilling within her a profound reverence for the healing arts. Kyzen dutifully took down the stories of all who passed through Master Junip's clinic, finally feeling content that her abilities were being put to good use.
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