MxF LF Fantasy - Medieval, Modern or Cyberpunk - Ideas inside or open to new ones

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MxF LF Fantasy - Medieval, Modern or Cyberpunk - Ideas inside or open to new ones


Wily Switch Vixen
Local time
Tomorrow 3:07 AM
All characters 25+ please
(When I say Cyberpunk, I mean the setting, not 2077. If 2077 is your only reference, that's fine! It just wont have anything to do with the story of the game.)

🌿Im looking for 2-3 paragraphs per post of story-driven smut. I range around 500 to 1000+ words per post. Im pretty descriptive and reactive.
World build with me. I welcome gritty, darker themes as well as light, warmer ones.

🌿I prefer fantasy/supernatural themes, but on the 'realistic' side. Nothing too heavy. Fantasy, but not 'over the top'. If that makes sense inc magic/supernatural powers. Low/mid level Fantasy. Please no anime tropes, or over the top characters. Having abilities and powers is fine, but lets not go anime with it.

🌿Smut is great, but too much with no focus is boring. Doesn't matter if its alot of scenes, or not. Just all smut, no depth is boring.
Details to be discussed! Im pretty flexible and open to things, as long as its nothing extreme.

🌿I only play female characters and non-human humanoid races. No human. Sorry
Im leaning more into 'elf' appearing races at the moment, with some differences to their behaviour and biology. Not traditional elves.
Different than just 'human with different ears' because whats even the point of that??? My aim is to be different to provide a unique experience, while still human appearing.
Quick note, I tend to play independent, strong willed female characters that know what they want. Not suited for submissive heavy rolls. I play a switch, as I like scenes from both sides of the power scale, so switches very welcome, or at least a Dominant that likes/doesn't mind some powerplay.

🌿For you though, im looking for male characters. Im totally happy for you to play Human, or Non human (no anthro).
Im a fan of complex relationship dynamics and character development.

🌿I consider myself easy to get on with. I like shit posting and memes, and unless something requires seriousness - im often the opposite.


Open to ideas and changes to all plot ideas here-

🍁Plot - 1 - Medieval fantasy (can bring into modern/cyberpunk see below)

The world is changing, with wars fought and won and colonies of people conquered or merging. The world is developing. MC secluded, spiritual, forest Clan knows they must grow with the changing world, or be lost to it. In order to ensure loyalty between the two Clans, they have agreed that marriage is to be the catalyst that binds them, ensuring the two leaders are 'forced' to work together and be the driving force for the merger by example. They will have to get used to each others cultures and customs, and not everyone of their clans are happy about the mixing of blood. They will have to work together for the greater good, while also personally struggling with this decision.
Soon, their new combined forces are put to the test as another has declared war on them, aiming to swallow all they've built. I'd like to start it from their wedding night, but open to other suggestions

🔹The two clans could have been enemies locked in war before marriage forcibly ended the blood shed.
🔹Both clan have been allies and the two who have now taken up leadership were childhood friends
🔹Both leaders have very rare traits (a minor power of some kind) and have chosen each other to ally with to carry on this rare blood trait.
🔹The two clans are close in location and one chose the other to propose this agreement to.

Bringing it to fantasy modern/cyberpunk-
Cities could be owned, like modern/futuristic kingdoms, by a bloodline (or other, eg vote, or even battle), or simply run by the most powerful corporation.
Pollution is an on going issue, making the populous sick and greenery is struggling to thrive in the urban utopia.
Her native forest home is regularly subjected to poaching and is now fighting a losing battle over protecting the worlds largest green space as they have done for centuries.
They enter in an agreement where the city will help defend the forest on the world stage, if they help make the city green and thrive again.
It turns out to be a controversial agreement, with half the city rejecting this union.

🍁Plot - 2 - Medieval or Modern fantasy

(Needs developing)
MC has a power of some kind (healing, barriers, or something. Planned to have her as some kind of light druid.) that YC needs. He seeks/hires/kidnaps her for her to aid him.

🔹Hes cursed/has a power he cant control and has found nothing else that has helped/controlled it.
🔹Needs her powers for help winning a war
🔹Has her so no one else does.
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So how did you want to start I really liked the tribal war plot maybe it could be like the war was in secret between two supernatural races in the modern world and the reason they have to stop is because the humans are getting suspicious, and both races know if the humans decide the wild them out there is nothing they can do.
This conversation busted my sides. I cant tell who thought it was me, or just straight up stealing my ideas.
I needed that laugh.

Anyway, Im open again after a hiatus.
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