MxF ̶M̶y̶ ̶t̶o̶u̶c̶h̶ ̶i̶s̶ ̶l̶e̶t̶h̶a̶l̶ My touch is power [crime drama]

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MxF ̶M̶y̶ ̶t̶o̶u̶c̶h̶ ̶i̶s̶ ̶l̶e̶t̶h̶a̶l̶ My touch is power [crime drama]


A Hot Mess
Local time
Today 12:25 PM
Silent Hill
Standards for you and me:
  • 3rd person narrative
  • At least 200 to 500 words on average, 1k+ for setting the mood and introductions of the scenes/characters/other (I wrote posts that were long several google doc pages when I'm particularly inspired)
  • 3/3/3, no fluff, no fade to black, words worse than f-bombs being thrown around
  • Use of more characters
  • Use of realistic art or real life people references (no anime characters or simplistic drawings, I'm a very visual person)
  • Use of imagery and music for roleplay (optional for you)

"Brave men of steel… Favored by God for their strength and discipline… How blessed are they to die for such a righteous cause… And in death, they will reunite with Him…"

Blood slowly began to soak into the soil.

Outside of the kingdom's walls, a deathly silence covered the scenery like a heavy blanket.

In the distance, bells from the cathedral slowly began to ring, the song eerily echoing underneath the dark gray skies, ravens chiming in as they flew towards the new gravesite.

Bones, flesh, metal, fur and weak wails were all that was left behind. A weak, trembling hand, soaked in blood, reached towards the sky.

"G…God… Forgi… Me…"

And so the last breath was lost in the cold wind…

"I almost envy them. For I bear the burden of both their ancestors and their children, and their children's children… Nay… I am God's chariot in this cold, rich land…"

The bells were strong and powerful within the walls of the castle, with the maidens of the court huddling and whimpering softly as they clutched on to their terrified children. Any attempt to peacefully console the innocent little beings once the bells fell silent were in vain. They felt the fear of their mothers and gentle maidens that offered comfort and protection, and slowly the silent tension that was building in between those walls started to grow as the faint sounds of battle became louder by the minute. The church bells managed to snuff out the horrifying sounds of war, even inspiring the presence of God, yet when the chiming stopped, the brutal reality had set in once more. Perhaps God was not with them… For if he was… Would things truly be like this?

They broke through all defenses, it seems. Which only means that the battle against those demons is slowly coming to an end, but at the cost of their own lives.

The throne room was a colossal area, dark and cold, graced by the pillars that welcomed the visitors in row towards the lone throne that sat up on the podium. As much as it inspired power and intimidation to all who stepped inside, it also would remind one of loneliness. Once, this place was more lively. They had candles and torches illuminating the cold architecture of the northern ruler. And back in those days, what had felt like a century ago, the halls were graced by the brightest of smiles and softest of voices that made this place feel like a little warmer place. A presence that melted even a king's heart at times.

He had cursed the day he had met her. Because if he didn't know of the life that he had, the life that he had lost, he wouldn't have known any better and living life would be easier. Because now, in the absence of the warmth that he had known, everything is cold, empty, lonely and meaningless.

And that is why, on top of those stairs of the podium, there was a place for one to sit and reign.

Beside the stairs of the podium stood a smaller figure, in an armor that was a little big on his form. He had the stance, he had the confidence, but his blue eyes were set on the lone and elevated figure that sat upon the throne. Benedict's eyes were slightly widened as he stared at his father, pupils slightly trembling as he listened to the king's words. Though his expression remained unreadable, the blond-haired boy's eyes spoke volumes.

And he wasn't alone. Guards that stood still like statues in the room had heavy expressions on their faces as they would eye at each other or just simply stare at their king. Nobody said a word, but the orders were given and they had nowhere to run. There was a sense of finality even before anything had happened within those walls.

One of the unarmed guards stood behind the pillar and in front of one of the many barrels that were assigned to each guard. His trembling eyes were closed, whispering to himself softly as he prayed. And as a man of God as he was, he was holding back tears, knowing what he was about to do if the king gave the final and definite order.

"And I will be damned before I let those heathens and spawns of hell take our God's land. I will take them down with me if I have to."

Hemmet's voice was low and without force, but there was powerful intent behind every word he had said. He glared at the doors of the entrance, eyes filled with determination and anger. Everyone in the throne room was afraid. Both of the enemy and, even worse, of their own king.

The noise from the outside was louder, but it was not the sound of swords clashing or any screams that would end abruptly. As a matter of fact, a very familiar and beloved voice was heard just outside the entrance.

"Go! Move, men! Drag the wounded inside!"

A voice that urged men to hurry and gather around. It had offered a moment of hope to everyone upon hearing prince Nicholas' voice as the double doors were being pushed open. And the moment it gave way, the first figure to enter was of a young man with dark hair and kind eyes. He was adorned in magnificent armor that represented Winthrope and with the sigil of his homeland etched on the breastplate and the battered shield that rested on his back. The man was dirty and exhausted, perhaps even slightly wounded as he pushed his rushing men into the castle, helping out those who struggled to run, but he left no one behind. The sight of him before the guards and maidens was enough to brighten their day and give a shred of hope even in this dreadful time. Even when he was covered in grime, blood and sweat, he was the welcome sight to sore eyes.

On this day, Nicholas was the leader. He was the future of Winthrope, one to take Hemmet's place. And he was beloved and respected by the people, perhaps more than they had loved and respected Hemmet even in his best days. Plenty said that, out of all five children, it was Nicholas who was graced with virtues from both of their parents.

And the moment dozens of soldiers had entered the throne room, both wounded and ready to fight, the doors were barricaded behind them. Not everyone had made it into the castle, but they had the priority to protect the king, no matter the cost.

Nicholas turned around and looked at his father who sat there, with that well-familiar look on his face. The expression that Nicholas abhorred. He immediately frowned as he confidently walked towards the podium, armor clanking with each step. But as he stood next to his younger brother Benedict, Nicholas bowed down before his father, despite the dissatisfaction and the exhaustion. Nicholas was a man of honor. He was the pride of Winthrope. He was the knight that everyone strived to be. Yet his burden was great.

Themes for this story:
  • Complex characters that should be more fleshed out as we go, these will be bad people
  • Organized crime and action, some intrigue
  • Multiple characters involved
  • Forbidden romance, affair, character differences/polar opposites, age gap, enemies to lovers
  • Modern day, big town in the USA (Chicago, New York, fictional American city)

The main cast and concept of the story
Your main character
(I'll refer to him as YMC)

They don't make men like these anymore in the US. From the late 20s or older in age, a tough, dangerous and rugged man, strong and masculine, someone you just don't wanna mess with. Someone notable in this specific gang that rule over the streets. They're like the rabble, weapons, drugs, sex work, underground clubs - all of the unwanted people of the society will come here to find success and wealth, living a liberated life. The gang could be like a group of bikers or something similar: informal and the types of people that would make you want to cross the streets or at least be in their good graces. They're direct rivals to MC's side.

YMC and MC are two different worlds that would clash throughout the story. However, differences attract, which would become a fatal attraction.

Your (side) character 2 (optional) or just an important NPC
(I'll refer to him as YC2)

This is if you want to deal with a little bit of an "affair" but even if you don't want to take on this role, I suggest you read it as it is relevant to the story.

An ambitious man from an influential Italian family. They're a mafia, while their roots in this business are not running deep, they have been breaking through. This character's father has been friends with MC's father for decades and now they're coming with an agreement to arrange an engagement between their children: YC2 and MC. This would not be an easy task as MC is an incredibly difficult woman who wants nothing to do with this engagement and is being forced into this position, the feelings of YC2 about both the situation and MC is up for discussion. Regardless, neither of them have enough authority to have much say in this scenario, as there's deeper reasons why this arrangement is created.

He can be a decent man, he can be manipulative and cunning, he could be abusive, there's plenty of choices to go about it, whether he's a side character or story important NPC.

My main character
(I'll refer to her as MC)

Fake it all like Hollywood - Lorena Beneditti - This is her brief character sheet.

It would seem like she has it all, a mafia princess. Old money family, conservative, strict and misogynistic, the Beneditti empire was built long before her and even her father, Giovanni. Standards have been set and traditions are followed. It is an elite, it is formal, pristine, Christian on the surface. And MC needs to adhere to these standards. She is no soft woman, she is cold and sharp as a blade, she had done terrible things in order to be where she is today, yet she feels like she has nothing. And after her brother's death, Giovanni could not have illegitimate bastard sons to run the family and he never married again after his wife's death. Without a man to run this family, Giovanni was left with a dilemma: allow his very capable and relatively young daughter to take on the nearly a century old burden or find a man who will continue the tradition.

He couldn't have a woman lead the Beneditti empire. That would be ridiculous. So he decided to mask the weakness as an offering of good faith to his good old friend by introducing an arranged engagement, which would mean that the other family will get some of that Beneditti power in their grasp. Who would pass up on this spectacular opportunity.

MC knows she deserves all the credit and power. And she would never settle for a man. So she needs to be smart and sneaky in the way she deals with this situation. She has few of the men under her authority that answer only to her, but it is far from enough for her to deal with this unfortunate situation.

And it just so happens that strange circumstances bring her face to face with the rival of the Benedittis...

How does the story start?

I have a few ideas. One is that she is forced to stay over at YC2's place where she is trapped in some way if you decide to make this character your secondary one. MC is forced to be around him and they can develop an interesting relationship through the interactions, but he is not the focus. He may be romancable with MC, but like I said, he's not the focus. In the meantime, she would try to seek men out that she can pay, with the intention to have them under her belt as she's trying to figure out how to get herself out of this predicament (she's not below figuring out a way to kill YC2 and his whole family if necessary). As to how she meets YMC, I had this one spicy idea. She comes across a "neutral ground" where a lot of criminals of different statuses come to make quick and dirty buck through selling drugs, offering other services and, most importantly, is like a fight club where all the money is. And that's where YMC is, coming out of a ring, sweaty and bloody, looking at her with a smirk on his face, recognizing the princess in this shithole of a place, where she does not belong. And that's where the story begins. They are rivals and also enemies, so their dynamic should be "enemies to lovers". Which also means intense gun pointing, hate sex and I am a sucker for intense falling in love.

The second idea is that YC2 is actually coming to the Beneditti estate on and off as the arrangements are being made, which would work even better if YC2 is just going to be a story important NPC. Meanwhile, there was an incident that involved drugs and the Benedittis men - which is unacceptable, as Giovanni prohibits any dealing or using of substances among his made men. Fingers are pointed immediately at YMC's gang, as they're the kings of the drug deal market. Giovanni is willing to start a war, but MC has noticed that something is quite off and she chooses to investigate, which leads to YMC and her meeting up. Turns out that there's a third party trying to sabotage the two biggest gangs in the city so they could do whatever they want to do and claim the streets. And this is where MC sees the opportunity to get an upper hand on everyone to free herself from the shackles of the family and be the queen of the empire she believes she deserves to be, but naturally that's easier said than done as there's many odds against her and YMC in the picture could either make that harder or easier for her.

Or we can do a mix of both, which I'd love! Or you have your own ideas and suggestions, which I would love to hear!
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Feud of Kings -
Family drama, kidnapping, political intrigue, Game of Thrones-esque, fantasy

Note: YC can be of a different fantasy race, if you wish!

YC is the prince, a son among the other sons, who doesn't have to be necessarily the next in line to be the king, but among his brothers, he is well-versed in fighting. He can be the favorite son with a lot of pressure and high standards put on him, or he can be the problematic son who is rebellious and does things his own way despite what his parents want, it is entirely up for you to choose his position in the family. But he has a mission - his father, the king, has started a war with his old friend, another king, that being MC's father, for unclear reasons. True, there has been political tension in the past decade or so, but the decision to start a war was quite surprising. Still, nobody can deny king's orders, so his capable sons would be sent off to prove themselves worthy strategists and warriors/knights by conquering the kingdom. However, YC's father made it clear - don't kill the king. One can only be the true victor when the opposing party admits the defeat. There's no victory or honor killing a man by force - that is not the true display of power. And for a prince to bring a king to such a position would heavily boost YC's reputation and credibility in the eyes of his father and the people, as well.

MC is the oldest daughter and second oldest child in the family. Only getting along with her older brother and youngest sister, she hasn't been having too much luck in being accepted in father's kingdom, especially because of the way she looked and what it meant to her late mother's kingdom. Blood red hair and golden eyes were not common features one would find, but in the legends of her mother's kingdom, that was the pure bloodline of extinct dragons and MC is the last woman to have the features that indicated fiery blood, next to her living uncle. And living in cold north in her father's kingdom, she cannot fit in, especially not after her mother's death. Looking so much like his late wife, the king in the north cannot stand his daughter, seeing her as a form of an impostor. Rumors circulated within the castle walls that the king has gone mad, but no one ever confirmed it, given that the symptoms of his madness are unusual. Some even went as far as to blame magic, even though the existence of it is only a superstition.

With her dear older brother being the next in line to be the king and also a knight, he taught her swordfighting in secret, which was extremely frowned upon in the north for women to practice any type of fighting, however, little did she know it'll serve her great use...

When the kingdom is sieged by YC and his army, they will manage to break through and get to the castle to face the king after breaking down his defenses and force him to surrender. But this will be the first time the king will show some form of instability - he will throw his sons into a battle he knew will cost them their lives just so he doesn't admit defeat.

The oldest son steps in to fight YC to protect his own father, the two will match in with their power, but MC's brother will already be exhausted at this point and at a clear disadvantage. This is where MC will storm out with her own sword, without armor, to defend her brother with her life and spare him of their father's madness in mighty rage. YC realizing that he cannot kill the king, given that those were the orders, in the heat of the moment decides its best to (easily) defeat the inferior princess in a spar and take her away, with hopes that the king will drop the act there.

However, YC ends up dragging the angry princess away without the king even bothering to stop him and deciding to present her as an optional bargaining (perhaps even a blackmailing) tool against the king, given that her father would not admit defeat, even after he's been stripped off of everything. It should be easy, right? The king's army was defeated, the kingdom was left in ruin, he just needed to be pushed further in order to finally admit defeat. But things are not the way they seem.

She's being held captive in YC's kingdom, how she would be treated there is open for interpretation. At first, MC will be absolutely furious with YC for doing what he's done to her, but also for hurting her brother. The princess is a woman with a vicious tongue and fiery anger, and with the position she is in, she's not pleasant to deal with (who would be?) Their dynamic is open for us to interpret. But also, while she is there, truths of their fathers' relationships and reasons to why this war was necessary to start in this way will unfold themselves. Truth about MC's bloodline and the mysteries behind her kingdom will slowly reveal themselves, as well as many other elements we wish to touch on and add! I am more than happy to discuss all the ideas for a very interactive and deep story!

Bound by Blood -

Taboo, forbidden romance, fantasy steampunk, possible supernatural themes, I'd prefer to use this picture for their faceclaims, I have more images of them

A rich artists and a very powerful female politician had a loveless and fruitless marriage, but with such high status and no children to pass on their legacy, the two agreed for once to adopt a child. However, once paying a visit to the orphanage, the two twins caught the eye of the rich couple. There is a strong belief among their people that people with red hair, who are extremely rare, actually bring good luck. While the couple wanted just one child, they couldn't separate the twins from one another and they ended up adopting them both.

The two parents were quite awful at their role of guardians, but the twins were also quite mischievous too. They have always been inseparable and when their parents were busy, the two would take one another's clothing and pretend that they're each other just to confuse the staff around the house. They've grown up very close, being one another's family, but it was later in their adulthood when their caring closeness has began to feel slightly inappropriate. Nothing quite outright, however they tend to get a bit touchy and too close for siblings. And whenever they're not running their errands and working, the two would be seen at parties, socializing and charming everyone around them, but constantly be around each other.

While they never uttered it to each other, but there's an underlying obsession between the twins that slowly began to turn into sexual tension. But it all started with one spying the other while the siblings is bathing or preparing for bed. The voyeuristic tendencies prove to be fruitful as the brother can observe his sister indulge in herself. But all this spying would prove eventually to be quite burdensome, as this leads to stronger hidden desires and the twins begin to dream about one another. The dreams feel so real that they eventually feel impossible to ignore. Not only that, but the twins share the same dreams and at the same time, once they meet in person, it feels like they've truly done something they shouldn't have done.

But they don't indulge, they fight the urges, which makes the sexual tension between the siblings unbearable. However, they begin to treat this wild estrangement with each other like a game when their control begins to slip.

"If we don't touch each other, it's fine." they'd vow to each other as they'd openly watch each other do inappropriate things...

And break the vow.

"If we don't kiss each other, it's fine." they'd make a deal as their touches would slip beneath clothing...

And break that deal.

"If we don't fuck each other, it's fine." they'd decide together as they share their first kiss...

And break yet another vow.

Until there is no filter, no morals, only their secret meetings as they'd hide from their strict parents and the society that would overthrow them for it. They mustn't be discovered.

I do have more ideas for this pairing that are not tied to sexually explicit themes only. Some politics would be involved and even talk of marriage of one of the siblings that needs to be sent of elsewhere at one point in the story. But the twins are so enamored with each other they couldn't simply allow such a thing to happen. There needs to feel like there's a lot at stake here.

If you have some supernatural and magical ideas to add here, do please let me know! And finally - THIS IS A SLOWBURN. THE TWINS HAVE YET TO DISCOVER THAT THEIR OBSESSION IS, IN FACT, VERY UNHEALTHY AND SEXUAL. IT SHOULD BE GRADUAL!!!

When Summer came to Skyrim -
Drama, action, adventure, can go many ways

Everybody knows that the Black-Briar family owns Riften in its palm, Maven was a tyrant despite not being even a thane of the realm. With such connections to the Thieves Guild, the Dark Brotherhood and Jarl herself, Maven is untouchable. YC is not only the muscle, the information broker, but he is also the man who makes sure people keep their mouths shut (basically like Maul). He might be directly tied to the Black-Briars or he's member of the family, he's the man nobody wants to mess with and everyone steers clear of him. Whenever there's a new face in town, he makes sure they introduce themselves to him.

Eventually, Riften would get a visitor family welcomed warmly by Jarl, offering them temporary hospitality in Riften during the war in Skyrim. This family is well-known, not just in Skyrim, but across Tamriel. A family of Nords and some mixed bloodlines, they have travelled across Skyrim with their goods and making friends all over the world, especially is Elsweyr and Yokuda. They were an open-minded family and it showed. By the way they acted and dressed, they have involved themselves in different traditions and cultures and adapted some of it. MC has lived her entire life travelling and learning, and this was her first time in Skyrim in years, though she did feel at home as a Nord - even though she got used to the warmth, her Nord blood helped her prevail.

MC is soon going to be the head of the family as the oldest daughter and continued their well-known business in Riften for the time being. Maven saw this family as possible rivals and she wanted to make sure they learn their place. However, the current head of the family, MC's parent, didn't take the threats too seriously, having dealt with all sorts of criminals in their journeys, this was hardly anything new and they made themselves right at home in Riften.

In all this mess during the war, Maven didn't like how comfortable they were and YC would be observing them closely. MC, feeling the weight of her name, would feel the necessity of holding her ground and not allowing anyone to mess with them. Besides, Maven did not have Jarl's support in this - the Jarl actually made sure the family is protected well.

MC, personality vise, comes of as a bit strict and entitled, very hard-headed and all business. She's witty, intelligent, sharp, brutally honest and straight-forward. However, she carries that feminine timidness with her and she became quite popular in Riften really fast for her Nordic beauty and Dibella amulet that she always wears around her neck.

How we take this rp is open to interpretation. I really would like to discuss this with my partner.

Adventures of the unlucky dancer -
Medieval or steampunk fantasy, adventure, slavery and disciplining, action and aventure, drama and romance

The idea I had for my character was for her to be something akin to a Kitsune (Examples for the faceclaim: X - X - X - X - X) although I would make a different story for her race and they wouldn't be solely based on foxes, but other mammals, too. I'd like to make some specific characteristics about the race. She would quite timid but also agile creature, though she will not come from a background where violence is the answer, making her a target for those who prefer to harm others. She is a dancer (something akin to a belly dancer) and a performer.

I have three different storyline, which can be tied into one story with different timelines, or we can just pick one and stick to it. What I am looking for in your character, in all three storylines, is that he is inhuman. Make your own race, it's entirely up to you!

1. MC has left her homeland to master the art of dancing and performing from around the world, with the intention to make something of her own and make a living out of it. However, her race is quite desired and wanted in the people trafficking illegal companies, mostly tied to sex trafficking rings, and the mercenaries spotted her and kidnapped her when the timing was right.

YC, who comes from one of the most superior races in the world and they often show distaste for other races, thinking of them as inferior. And when she is shipped off to YC, he let's her know just exactly how uninterested he is in her well-being. But before he sells her off to someone else, he needs to see what she is capable of, but also to properly discipline her and make sure the slave he's selling is going to be good to her next slave master.

MC, however, is manipulative. She will use her body to her advantage and will go as far as to break those walls. Perhaps soften him up a little bit. That won't be an easy task. In the meantime, he will be getting a lot of money from her when she's performing under his name to other customers. She's not wasting his time. What happens with them? Where will the story go? It's up for discussion.

I do have the idea that ends up selling her to a rich merchant or even a noble, and that he does it with a heavy heart. The second part of this roleplay can easily be tied to the third storyline as a continuation after several years of their parting.

2. The second storyline is the continuation of the first, so if we settle for this one individually, MC's background will be that she used to be slave, but she managed to manipulate her owner to let her go, which made her a free woman. As much as this was a good thing, it was also slightly troublesome - she is back at the square one. She has no money, no nothing.

However, stars don't smile at her, as the owner of a shady locale has his eye on her and she's captured by his goons and is owned illegally. She is forced to perform for the clients that come to this tavern, where she's inappropriately treated on a daily basis, until YC, who is a silver tongued devil and a pirate, doesn't like the fate that befell MC, and proceeds to save her from this madness, but it ends up in a big tavern fight and couple of casualties, both of our characters manage to get away alive.

They can form an interesting relationship, I feel like they're two rogues who kind of milk off each other, which can grow into something more as time progresses. Our characters in this city currently have a poor reputation and they need to get away. Besides, YC is traveling the world as well and he is looking to find something - a legendary treasure. How this storyline goes? It is up to us to decide together!

One of the ideas I have that at the end, they separate, each of them going their own separate ways. But like I said in the first storyline, this story can have a second timeline that is based in third story.

3. Third storyline is also a continuation of both stories in MCs background - she was enslaved twice, got away and went on an adventure for a legendary artifact and once more ended up alone in the biggest city in the world, the city of businesses and opportunities, where she found her own fate, seemingly everything she's been through has paid off.

She works in an internationally famous brothel/spa/tea saloon as a woman that serves costumers both as a waitress and privately in the bedroom, occasionally performing in the brothel for everyone.

If we have done the first storyline, YC the slave master has maybe had some change in career as well or whatever you choose. He visits the brothel, given that it's one of the spots in the city that is well-known and to his shock, he sees how far MC has gotten, after just being bratty slave he needed to discipline. If we did the second storyline, the point is the same. YC has been through a lot and maybe he finally achieved his goals and became wealthy after finding this artifact! With money in his pocket, he decides to treat himself in the well-known brothel, where he will reunite with MC. Where we go from these points? I'm open to discuss!

In case we'll be starting our roleplay from this point, YC can be a noble or a general, someone of high status and is tied to the governmental activities. His family name holds weight in the city, which means that him being discovered in the brothel could stain his reputation, but it's part of his vice and he likes the thrill. And this is where our characters meet, where MC represents this vixen in his life that could ruin everything for him. I'll keep it open-ended for discussions!

Collision and conflict -
The plot is taking place in real or fictional town in the US, that on the surface it seems like a city with very specific tractions (we can figure out if it can be like Chicago, Vega, LA or something entirely we come up with, something with a certain flavor that would make this city attractive and specific.) It is a rather large city that has its own suburban and downtown areas, ports, natural environment and more. The city, offering so many opportunities for businesses, has attracted people from all over the world, so seeing foreign brands from Europe, Asia and even Scandinavia wouldn't be anything new, so the competition is quite strong between the brands, to the point where it literally becomes cutthroat. However, among the locals, it is known that this city is brimming with illegal criminal activities that are perfectly obfuscated on broad daylight. Everyone knows at least one person who's involved in crime, whether they're aware of it or not. It can be small time street gangs, or something far larger and complex than anyone outside of it could understand.

One of the largest organized criminal organizations is actually an Italian family who have settled their foundation since the 1930's in the city. They're a Sicilian mob who stick to their initial code very strictly. They're dangerous, influential and very powerful family that are liked by the public, but everyone knows not to step on the toes of the Benedittis. They mostly deal with money laundering, human and sex trafficking and illegally dealing with Italian brands in the city through which they earn a lot of money, while also making sure any and all competition would eventually bite the dust and violence is always the easiest way to accomplish this. Giovanni Beneditti is a force to be reckoned with, known for his charisma and incredible work he's established throughout the years, however, after his wife has passed away, he didn't have any more children, with only his daughter left, Giovanni has caught himself in a tricky situation. Someone needs to carry the name and the legacy of the Benedittis in the city, and just like in Sicily and the way it was handled ever since the beginning of the mafia code, only a man can claim ownership of the famiglia legacy. It is a still very old-fashioned and patriarchal lifestyle. However, Giovanni's daughter is not a soft woman. As the matter of fact, she is immensely dangerous and she doesn't like to be treated this way. Especially disliking the idea of being sold away to a man just so he can claim her last name.

In the meantime, while Giovanni is weighing in with the options on how to deal with the legacy issue, the biker gang that has always been around in the city have been slowly becoming quite troublesome and climbing up the ladder of power among the criminals, becoming a big thorn in the Beneditti's side. The biker gang will prove to be more capable than anyone would've given them credit for, with their activities and ways becoming effective (I will not go into detail, since I am leaving this up to you.) And with the word around that Giovanni is currently at a potentially vulnerable state with no one to follow after his steps, which can crumble the whole legacy if they take down the head of the family, the gang sees this as an opportunity to take over the whole illegal system - to take down such a goliath would prove to everyone in the city that you're a force to be reckoned with. However, there are other gangs who would love to take the bite of the cake, too. The competition is strong and deadly.

Overall, the biker gang in this story will be the main issue for the Beneditti family. But in these troubling times, everybody seem to have forgotten that Giovanni has an offspring - and his daughter will make quite a statement and remind everyone that the Benedittis are not to be fucked with, even if she's just a woman, she is still quite an obstacle... Even if she despises her own father... Which might make her want to side with her father's biggest enemy... Which would be YC.

The twist in this story is that MC, who is sick and tired of being treated by her family as only a woman and a breeder, she would conspire against her own father. Through some circumstances, she will meet with the biker gang, and directly speak to YC where they will secretly come to an agreement. Even if the two of them will not trust each other, they will stick to their word, but whenever they're around others, they treat each other as if they're enemies. MC will need help in sabotaging her father's successes in establishing an agreement with another Italian family, in which there's a man she is supposed to marry, while YC's interest in taking down other dangerous competition and possibly to rid himself of some life-threatening situations.

My character - A woman raised by mostly men in her family, she's extremely gracious and feminine, although her bitterness and cold nature made her to be quite a dangerous woman. She's in her early to mid twenties, and her life has not treated her nicely, as she was treated like nothing but a good pair of legs and all the respect she gained is through her ruthless nature. She has a reputation that she's not a kind woman at all and that she is quite frightening. She's cold and calculative, quiet and observant, but beautiful and seemingly unreachable, she breathes with ambition and assertiveness. I plan to have her to be a tough shell to break, but this is for the purpose to develop her into a softer character towards YC as she allows herself feelings to develop. After all, she is a woman who is meant to lead ruthlessly, hence why she needs a personality to suit such an image of a character. So she is not meant to be easy to get along with - she needs to be a challenge before she reveals all the warmth and softness.

Your character - His position and expertise in entirely up to you. He can be a leader or co-leader of the gang, someone who has a trusted position and a personality that people look up to. I would GREATLY prefer if he is older than MC - I don't mind him being a decade or so older than her, which would show the level of maturity of MC and how she can simply click with such a man, but also adding the spice with her sexual playfulness that he'd only get to feel from someone younger and softer than him. He should be a hardened man, maybe a veteran, someone with a dark past, but a responsible and dangerous individual who will show that he is not to be fucked with, someone who would demand respect. I leave that to you!
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