MxF Monster Seeking Monster (not really but kinda)

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MxF Monster Seeking Monster (not really but kinda)


World Champion Dog Petter
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Today 3:29 AM
~|:| Greetings, Have fun looking around |:|~

Welcome to my RT; I am super excited to start RPing so I'll keep this short and sweet. I love doing collaborative stories/plots so I would love to speak with you one on one about an idea that's plaguing your mind or I can even coming up with one too! All I ask is you be willing to bounce ideas back and forth to come up with something unique and compelling.
Few thing to note~
  • I do not do fandom RPs​
  • I do not use licensed or copy-writed characters​
~|:| I am not the girl to go to for your fandom needs, but I will do RPs inspired by pre-established I.Ps. This is including but not limited to the Witcher universe, LotR, Bridgerton, ect.
~|:| Writing Style |:|~

I like to think myself that I am a fairly advanced RPer. I love playing with post lengths and diving into super detail about stuff. Think like 3 or 4 paragraphs, probably more. Minimum 2. Although bare in mind that I am human and writers block is a thing; so keeping up 5+ paragraphs might be hard for me. I work a full-time job and most of my posting will be outside those hours, and my schedule is super erratic. (Yay working at a pizza place~) I am a pretty fast typer so I can usually post a few times a day and I will be checking in most days. I'll often let my partners know if I'll be gone for more than a day or two. I am looking for super active to fairly active partners who aren't afraid to bother me if I am lacking in my response times.

I am a 3rd person only RPer, I just prefer it that way. I am looking for someone who is also well versed in 3rd person.

~|:| Story/Plot Content Tolerance |:|~

I am not opposed to most things. I am actually quite flexible with anything. I am totally down for gory, smutty, nasty shit. It's not a huge turn off to me and I'm down to do most things if they advance story. Since it'll be a shorter list, I'm just going to put that I'm not into and not willing to do below.
Not interested in
  • Scat/Water sports
  • Age play (Although I'm like 100% this is against the rule anyway)
  • Impregnation
  • Vore
  • Feet
I am totally down to do any sort of mature themes such as drugs, violence, and whatever else. Hit me with it. I will not be afraid to speak up if things get out of hand though. Communication is important and I will respect your boundaries if you respect mine. I will be transparent when things get outside of my wheelhouse and start overwhelming me. But, I am willing to try anything once it if it legal and consensual.

~|:| Favorite Genres and Settings |:|~
  • Fantasy
  • Kingdom (Think royalty, nobility)
  • Adventure, journey type quests
  • Mafia, Mob, Crime syndicate
  • Celebrity (Hollywood settings)
  • Power-imbalance (Think Boss x Worker, Professor x Student)
  • Historical Fiction
  • Apocalypse​
~|:| Super open to doing just about anything, just shoot me.

~|:| Go to pairings
  • Boss x Secretary
  • Royal x Maid
  • Royal x Knight/Guard
  • Witch/Wizard x Anyone else
  • Professor x Student
  • Whatever else you can think of because I am loosing steam writing this all out.
~|:| Plots |:|~
Here are a few ideas from the recesses of my mind that we could totally do~ A lot of them are just basic ideas that we can expand upon as well. Most are very open ended.

|:| Welcome to the West |:|
Genre~ Western, Drama
TLDR~ A young woman coming from a wealthy family ends up caught up with a group of outlaws after they hold up her family's wagon on the way to her wedding.
Your Role~ The leader of their posse, a stone cold criminal with a morally grey compass.

Young ladies born of high class are given one job, and one job alone, to marry. To be given away and to make children for other men of status as well. If it's all you've known, it doesn't seem bad. Never having to lift a finger or make decisions. Well, some decisions. Like the color of the walls and what to wear out into town. You can have hobbies such as horse back riding, reading, writing, and sometimes men will even teach their wives to shoot. It's fairly mundane and not a bad set up. Yet, this upper class woman has found herself sleeping on the ground in a tent, eating canned beans, and hoping to say the right things to keep her void of punishment. Why you ask if this lady in this situation? Well, her father didn't always find himself on the right side of the law. While his family believed it was from agriculture and livestock, it is actually from the illegal moonshine trade. Owning quite a few distilleries around the area. Bootlegging is quite the job to have, and quite the job to keep from your family. So, when on the way to her wedding their caravan was taken over by a group of outlaws looking to make some money, she was the only one left alive. What will they do with her? Probably hold her hostage to get some money out of the rich fuckers she's supposed to go marry to. Maybe keep her for a bit of fun and games. Only god knows.

|:| Butterfly Finch |:|
Genre~ Slice of Life, Romance
TLDR~ Based off of Call Me By Your Name; A PHD student ends up staying the summer abroad with a professor of their chosen study field, yet they end up getting side tracked when their eldest daughter catches his eye.
Your Role~ A PHD student who can't seem to keep his hands to himself

Summer in Italy is beautiful. It's warm. The skies keep a beautiful shade of blue. Every once in a while a light rain washes across the fields. It was an easy choice when it came to where you'd choose to spend your summer abroad for your PHD requirements. It made it even easier when your favorite professor offered to house you for those two months. You'd be staying at one of the most beautiful villas in Italy. The perfect backdrop for your research. Yet, you find yourself wondering away from your work as his family is also staying at the same times. For the most part they stay out of your way, keeping their distance. Every once and a while finding yourself glancing in their direction. Except for one, their eldest daughter who has taken an extra special interest in you. You keep finding yourself abandoning your studies for days by the lake, trips into town just to talk to her, Italian lessons laying in the grass, and so much more. The summer is short, but you'd wish it'd never end.

|:| One Last Chance |:|
Genre~ Romance, Drama, Slice of Life
TLDR~ A rich business man finds himself yearning for a past love who finds herself working as his secretary
Your Role~ A charismatic business man who might just be a tad bit lonely

You two have a history. Back in college you dated on and off for years. You were both stupid and toxic to one another. Never quite seeing eye to eye with one another. You knew that when you hired her. Seeing her name pop up on a resume you were looking through for a personal secretary. You didn't quite know if she'd remember though. It was a long time ago. You've both dated new people, but it was evident that it didn't last as their existence was wiped from every public social media you have. Life was really going well. Perfect actually. All you could ever ask for. Being single wasn't that bad. At least it wasn't until the woman you longed for was standing right there in front of you. Her first day on the job in the tightest pencil skirt you've ever seen. Maybe life wasn't as perfect as you'd think it'd be.

A little update because I am finally craving something specific. I also just really want to write some smut RN. ;-; Plz message me if you wanna write some smut.

Updated 4/10- Looking for some RP partners.
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