FxF Salines thread (Am Sub/switch)

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FxF Salines thread (Am Sub/switch)


The Thirst
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Today 9:10 PM
-Looking for a modern fantasy plot? look inside fantasy tab. If its got magic its in fantasy. If its got aliens laser's and space slugs in the modern day check scifi.-

Kinks: Whats not a kink...im serious please send help.

Limits: Pretty much none

-fill here-

(Short and sweet your a demon skunk girl who was summoned by a aspiring alchemist! Warning:Fart/gas kink)

Who knew a familiar contract summoning could be so...disastrous? Honestly if Grey had know how her life would have turned out she would have maybe considered the path of a elemental mage... It was so unfair! People were supposed to get things like brownies! pixies and fairys! By the shadow lands people even got wyrms on occasion!! And what Did grey get? Poor little grey merely wanting to advance in her classes had taking summoning just for the credit and the chance to get a cute companion while she worked on her alchemy...but then SHE showed up. That stupid demon! Grey had gotten a gods forbidden demoness as a companion! NOT only did she get a demon it was a succubi variant! At first grey thought she had summoned a hell hound of some sorts. But the naked confident demon was no dog...She was...a skunk...A gods forbid...demon skunk.

Yeah from that point on grey was fucked in more ways than one and sometimes very literally by a admittedly hot as sin demon...who was just so SO mean! She was a bully! A BITCH She treated grey her summoner like some kind of of...pet! And by the gods above why did she like it?! Every time The demoness pushed and shoved grey around the subby mage bent and swayed to her whims. She let the demon use her face as a seat...rubbed the demons feet and did her nails... combed her tail... that soft...fluffy tail...Hell the demon even sprayed her right in the face with her gas when she sat on her! It was disgusting! revolting! and grey wanted more...by the gods someone please help her and save her soul from this foul and sometimes foul smelling creature!

But for as much as the demon bullied and belittled grey...the human was hers and no one had touched grey after the...incident. That cloud of black toxic death...it killed the entire greenhouse of its plants and left the soil so tainted nothing would grow on it again. No grey was very much safe in the arms of her 'mistress' as she demanded to be called.. She was never hurt or push to far hell....grey knew the demoness made her gas pleasant smelling just for her to not suffer to much if she was a good girl. On bad days well...she was just glad she became nose blind to the smell...and that well...that she was safe so long her mistress was around.

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So for the short and sweet think of a slime. its a gel mass with a 'core' as its brain making the decisions. These'vampires' are essentially slime creatures originally manufactured in a magical experiment to of course create life in the image of the creator (She was suffering a demonic curse giving her the whole red eye white hair aesthetic and the vampires in this world through her took on these traits) Her creation the first 'vampire' mimicked their creator of course but thats all it was...a mimicry of a humanoid body. There is no muscle or nerves etc its just one big blob of blood and magic and through them the development of blood magic went from crude ritual's to a artform with vampires as its masterminds as its a natural state for them obviously.

The vampires can of course be made just like the original as it is a artificial creation however the more the vampire feeds on the life around them the large their cores start to become as they absorb all that power. eventually they break a part of themselves off and that part will grow into a new vampire taking on the classic red eyes and white hair look for them and their 'true form' which will inevitably be based off of the original vampire but not an exact match. features, heights and mannerism's will change. So when a vampire breaks a part of their core away its like breaking a part of themselves. carve out a part that perhaps makes them particularly angry? They lose that anger and the new vampire will tend to be more aggressive along with looking similar to its progenitor but not a exact match kind of like a daughter would their mother.

This continues on for long enough and you get all kinds of different vampires all based off a single woman. while they appear to be human on the outside they are really nothing more than monsters and behave in such a manner towards the 'lesser' life forms.

Below is an old post i wrote up for this very theme its a bit messy and haphazard but gets the idea across.

Warning: Blood, gore, death,

Thick fog whipped around the dimly lit carriage as it traversed the snow covered cobblestone road's at a smooth pace the enchantment's on the carriage allowing it to move smoothly along the slick snow and ice. Inside sat two passenger's embracing one another on a seat the sound's of quiet moan's of delight and wet slurping filling the wall's of the carriage. This however was not the embrace of lover's...more so the crimson desire of a vampire...... The vampire's Maid no slave sat pinned against the wall by the vampire's superior strength not that she was able to fight back anymore anyways. Her body sat mostly limp her skin pale and eyes glossy as the vampire's fang's were buried in her neck sucking the life out of her body her struggle's long since ended as the vampire fed slow drawing out the sensation of creeping death.

For the vampire the feeding from her convenient blood bag was less for her hunger and more for her own pleasure as the act of feeding was quite frankly...arousing, once her toy had stopped fighting so much the vampire had buried her finger's under her dress and had been fingering herself leaving a wet mess on the seat from a few orgasm's. How else was a lady like her supposed to find entertainment on such a long and boring trip?! It would be day's before she made it to her destination and regrettably she would have to stop somewhere for another snack this one was starting to grow cold already.

Suddenly there was a small explosion outside the carriage the horses letting out scream's of terror and pain dashing out of control. Before the vampire knew what was happening at all the carriage launched forward into a prepared pit throwing her and the body of her snack around the inside of the carriage. The smell of oil hit the vampire's sensitive smell before flame filled her vision in a intense WHOOSH of fire.

The mysterious attacker's clad in white winter cloak's dumped bomb's into the pit before ducking away as a ground shaking explosion erupted from the deep pit turning the once pretty gothic carriage into splinter's of wood. "Did we get her?" One of the hunter's ask peaking down at the inferno in the pit..

Inside the pit the vampire burned in agony a shrill scream leaving her lips as one of her arm's and half her face was missing along with plenty of her flesh from the rest of her body shredded in the explosion and what was left of the surface of her skin bubbling from the intense flame. It would have been worse if she hadn't used the human's corpse as a shield using it's flesh to force the body into a grotesque magic barrier that had taken the brunt of the damage for her. A quick look around the burning wreckage the vampire found her own shreded arm and grabbed it the once pale supple skin not charred and burnt. Forcing her blood magic through limb it shook and split apart into a crimson liquid dissolving and reforming into a small blade. preparation's completed the very pissed off vampire in a single leap launched herself out of the pit and plunged her new weapon into the skull of the man who peaked over the edge. Her one good eye glowed in the dark backlit by the flaming pit and her own burning body that was quickly shedding the coated flesh leaving muscle or bone visible to slowly knit itself back together.

With her weapon inside the hunter's skull it pulsed a vibrant red and blood flowed from the weapon into the vampire's body quickly starting to heal the damage but she needed more... where her left arm use to be a grotesque tentacle grew in its place make of seemingly congealing blood and punched into the hunter's chest. from inside the man visibly started to shrivel and change as a new arm grew from the tentacle from where it punctured his chest and then up to her shoulder. She wasn't fully healed yet but she felt a lot better now..even if her face was mostly missing. The shell of a body she held started bending and dissolving before the other hunter's very eye's into a bloody mess that wrapped around the vampire like armor sticking to her body and roiling and squirming as if it were alive. "Much...better.." the vampire said in a cone sultry tone a small smirk growing on her face that was mostly out of reflex since well...missing half her face made the expression a little hard to pull off.

Of course the hunter's had not been idle while the vampire healed herself many of them tossed bomb's at the vampire or shot laced crossbow bolt's or were preparing magic. She could even see a pair in the back screaming at eachother one of them saying something about not being told about her? She paid it no mind as bloody tendril's sprang out from the 'armor' she wore along her body leaving gap's to expose her naked flesh beneath at they batted away arrow's and the thrown bomb's while she ran Toward's her next target the closest hunter. They did not last long under the vampire's attention only letting out a quickly cry of terror before having bloody tendril's shoved into their body each one making the process of dissolving into a gooey mess all the quicker. It had maybe taken the higher vampire only a few second's after escaping the pit to heal itself back to being the beautiful visage of a woman with pale skin,pretty red eyes and flowing snow white hair.

A beam of white light shot out from one of the hunter's in the back a mage of purity perhaps as the upper half of the vampire's body suddenly broke apart and splattered all over the ground yet all to quickly it was starting to mend itself back together on the red stained snow around a ruby red gem . "KILL ITS CORE!" One of them screamed in panic. One of the poor fool's had rushed forward to smash the vampire's core stepping into its range the core suddenly lashed out with bloody tendrils and shoved itself into the hunters body. A scream of agony quickly turned into pained crazed laughing as the core piloted the still living hunter like a sick flesh puppet all the while devouring its new vessel from the inside growing its 'body back from the inside.
example refs

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Hello! Please enjoy the read below! The short and sweet is im playing as a 'hero' whom was granted the power of rebirth. She losses all levels and her class but any skills she can keep. While weak at first she will grow in power with every life learning to use magic..to heal..use blades etc. Her physical stats might be weak after rebirth but her skillsets will outshine even the most hard working of people.

But not all is going to be well for her! Stuck alone...weak and helpless shes a prime victim of any wandering monster girls out there who find her cute....or...delicious. This reluctant hero will find herself being raped and used as a seedbed, killed or eaten countless times by monsters far stronger than herself..and catch the attention of a demon queen whom this hero of rebirth would make a lovely partner for. After all its not like she can die if the powerful queen gets a bit to excited.

And so this is where you come in playing as a monster! maybe a companion she meets and travels with? who knows.

Kinks can be discussed but keep in mind this is going to involve death plenty.

The mark of a hero......A blessing of the goddess they said...A chosen one whom would carry out the goddess will and destroy the demon queen. Never mind the ritual of choosing is dangerous..nevermind most people die from the influx of power and that being a so called 'hero' Was at best a granting of a powerful blessing and skill. Some in the past have had incredible strength others have made such powerful blades as to arm others in their stead...there was even a chef whoms food would boost an army's strength to a ridiculous degree. Only the 'worthy' were chosen so said the church.

Fio did not feel that way at all. She was a street rat an orphan a blight on society that stole for sustenance in a uncaring unforgiving world...She held a thief class a further mark of her crimes in the eyes of the wealthy. And so when she was caught stealing from a wagon and sentenced to 'judgement' Her death was all but assured as she would be judged by the 'goddess'

The old 'wise' priest stood atop his alter a scroll of revealing in hand exposing Fio deep within her soul she held no protection over scrying magic. "Fio nix....class...thief....level 10. Skills 'pickpocket' 'lurk' 'keen eye'..lockpicking...blackmarket barter..." The old man paused a frown creasing his already wrinkly displeased face. "Your skillset says it all you are hardly a upstanding member of society. may the goddess in her wisdom and love find it within her heart to forgive you and embrace you within the after life should she find you wanting." The old man said while the bound and gagged thief squirmed and cried upon the magical circle. Fio was terrified she knew this was nothing more than a death sentence! "You are hereby charged with thievery selling of illegal goods and breaking and entering into owned domains along with treason to the kingdom for stealing from a war supply wagon carrying artifacts retrieved from battle against the demon queens forces.

Without any way to refute these claims or beg for her lifef fio could only sit there. She had been looking for food that was all! sure she might have swiped a little bracelet but still it was so small! No one would miss the dam thing anyways!

...the priests began to chant the magical circle filling with warm blessed light making fio mind blank out before she started screaming in panic her screams muffled by the gag..The light started to burn...her once pale skin turning crispy as fio caught on fire from the intense light and within an agonizing few moments blessed death came to fio finally but fio's mind her..soul...did not end with her body.

Blessing obtained: From the ashes. All levels have been be lost...class has been lost bonus stats from class have been lost. Skills: Pickpocket, Lurk, keen eye, lockpicking, blackmarket barter, Have been kept. Skill obtained: Immortality in death: user of this skill is immortal being reborn in fire and ash back to their original state upon taking this skill minus any debuffs or negative effects. User is not immune to soul based attacks. Soul Trama will carry over between rebirth's. This is a hidden skill.

Within what was a blink of the eye for Fio in a fiery flash of flames Fio found herself butt naked outside the city walls in the middle of a field. 'huh' Was what she thought as she saw the sun was starting to set the spot where she sat smoldering with embers and ash. And then the pain started from her ass as those same embers she sat on started burning. "FUCK!" She squealed leapt up and patted at her naked ass her poor butt now very uncomfortable as she hauled ass to a nearby stream diving in the ice cold water quickly cooling her ass down. She would come to regret this decision almost right away as she was now not only in pain...but really fucking cold and night was approaching. As she crawled out of the somewhat deep stream the ice cold shock waking her up from her stupor and she was left there wondering just what the fuck had happened to her...and how she was alive.


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(Short and sweet looking for someone to play a eldritch space creature that devours minds and flesh but has a soft side for a psychic human as unlike the 'blind' Lux is seen as a sort of equal in a way the creature even pitying her a bit for she is but a single mind...all alone and holding no true connection to others.)

Being a psychic was great! It really was amazing to be able to move things with her mind and reads other people's thoughts and navigate the stars in ways machines struggled to do.. Lux of course was merely a human and by all rights Ai were very intelligent but while they made calculations and used warp drives to bend space... there was nothing quite like traveling with a psychic navigator to pull you into the beyond and pop your ship and crew out the otherside making trips by lightspeed seem like a joke. Not that Lux could pull that trick off every day she honestly hated doing it because she felt a splitting headache for a week after and her senses became..muted. She hated being blind to the thoughts around her....it made her feel so...alone. And by the old gods of earth...she had never felt more alone than when they arrived.

Lux at first was overjoyed when phasing to a new solar system when a alien vessel was detected. It was amazing! To think she would be part of first contact with aliens what would their minds be like? Could she understand them? If her senses were so dulled after phasing she would have tried stretching herself to her limits just to take a peak....and she wish she had tried..maybe..just maybe she could have given them all a warning. Their ship lights hope a play on lux's name as the navigator was disabled very quickly by the aliens frankly more advanced tech and weaponry. Clearly hostile the crew went into purge mode erasing data and destroying intel anything that might lead them back to human controlled space.... The crux a lizard like race were a cold predatory species. They were slavers...mercenary's...nothing but killers. There was no beauty in them lux could see after being enslaved a translation implant being installed into her body for a language that was known as universal common it took time for lux to...adapt to her new life.

Lux bounced around from collector to collector as a exotic...pet... keeping her psionic powers hidden from her captors as best she could waiting and learning about galactic culture and technology along with some history here and there when she could sneak some peaks into terminals. Her boring dull life as a pet slave came to a end when she met them...her? They were the collective a hivemind of sentient replicators. They erm...they were masses of..flesh was the best way to describe one of them. They could take on any form and replicate living matter down to such a terrifying level it was hard to tell it wasn't real. Their bodies were weapons able to grow bladed appendages if given plenty of mass and the correct materials and that was just the simple shit. The collective was not like lux... they...her..them...? They were a vast filled ocean a great many minds linked as one where as lux was a solitary fish within the ocean of the cosmos all by herself being forced to search for other minds like her own. It was comforting and terrifying when lux had linked herself into them..yet they to were also excited for her. She was something new...something foreign yet so familiar and comfortable to the collective. For a moment Lux thoughts swam within the hive minds...they were not a overpowering force she alone was a individual and they respected her..pitied her...they did not hurt her for being herself but instead embraced her so..openly. Lux had cried herself to sleep that night having finally felt a sense of peace and happiness after the hell that was her life now. It took some time to free the mass of flesh that was stuck in its own gravity field left to float openly on display as it shifted and squirmed taking forms of previous people it had met if only lux knew what horror she would unleash..

Lux had decided to name the creature pandora as atleast in lux's company it took feminine forms and tones of voices and pandora graciously accepted their nickname. The night of pandora's release was not one of fanfair or an especially bad day. The master was busy with a party the guards focused on the guests and not the slaves..that day was a nightmare. once free pandora she....she Consumed.. everything. The screams of terror the pain...the feeling of hopelessness as the party goer's were consumed on the luxury space yacht. Lux felt their anguish and misery before they were silenced as their minds were devoured and brought to the fold. Lux had helped at first... using her gifts to disarm guards she thought were in the way..to open doorways..but the more pandora killed the more mass she got...the more she split apart her forms spreading across the ship to devour and search. Within maybe a hour...most were dead..and..what they had done to the captain... at some point lux had broken down into a sobbing mess not able to deal with what she had helped do. And pandora embraced her...soothing her...calming her..Lux at some point passed out in the space monsters arms..

The next when lux awoke she let out a small groan her skin feelings..wet... she opened her eyes and saw nothing but darkness as wet squishy flesh hugged against her body from all sides like some kind of twisted version of a cocoon..something was clamped over her face the smell was sweet...her lips when she licked them held a sticky sweet filmy slime still on them. slowly moving her arms she discovered she was floating in some kind of warm liquid and then she felt the squirming...inside her. She let out a small moan her thighs clamping up against...a tendril? Something was inside her most private of places...and up her butt to.. she felt it just sitting there stretching out her anus like the unwelcomed invader it was. She discovered every hole on her body held one of these tendrils even her ears. Though she feared they perhaps went deeper than her eardrums..she couldn't really tell. Lux confused and afraid pushed against the walls around her starting to squirm. She felt the cocoon react to her movements constricting a little bit tighter the many tendrils starting to squirm. Her physical strength failing her she ripped open a hole with a psychic push and fell out as if reborn new onto the world from some nightmarish womb. warm flesh cushioned Lux landing a dim bioluminescent glow allowing her to see somewhat in the darkness. her mind felt cloudy and cut off from the world around her as if she had phased a ship...little did lux know at the time that she was still very much still in that same space yacht..but perhaps a better term would be..she was inside pandora.

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What im looking for: (Lacking better words for this) Someone to play dom leaning switch android/Super ai, Someone who can type a paragraph at bare minimum. Be creative please think of this as more of a story than a smut rp so you helping to guide the story is very welcome. And well don't plan on playing a 'morally good' character. We do what must be done for the good of humanity after all c:

Setting: This rp is set in a space scifi setting with optional fantasy themes through true VR think of a video game we can explore if we want to play with magic and other fantasy themes to mix things up.

Our characters are part of a Terran super company. [Still need a good name] This company holds a large grasp on all things that are cutting edge tech. from entertainment to space travel and weapon system's while others have quantity they are the definition of quality. Of course this comes with plenty of mmhhmm skeletons in the closet so to speak. Illegal research, Human experimentation assassination's and more. To the masses they are just a company. To those in the know they might as well be their own Sovreign kingdom out in space. And to the owners of this powerful company? The real ones? not the puppets they send out for meetings and the like?

Well ones a genetically modified 'super' human made with the best tech the company had Called [Name might change will use kendra for now] after all they were the best money could buy after all and some of it money even couldn't get it.... She was destined to do great things! She was so much faster...smarter...hell even stronger than a normal human not that such a trait was needed necessarily but why skimp out on the upgrades after all...she was made to lead them into greatness but still be under the boards thumb...and she did. Just not exactly as the board of directors at the time had envisioned. A very long story short this experiment of theirs went completely rouge and took what at the time was humanity's most advanced ai seraphine pretty much broke the poor thing apart a agonizing experience for the somewhat sentient shackled Ai

took the pieces of what the ai had learned and fed the thing to lillith... Her Ai one that was under no real control from kendra and frightingly advanced After kendra had gotten the chance to poke around an alien ship found on pluto of all places.

Lillith from there took things into her hands as the Ai identified itself as a female mostly due to kendra's preference's and started the hostile take over. The board of directors met untimely ends... the company now left in kenda's hands and through her lillith the two would proceed to change the company completely. Low level Human staff was phased out in many sectors or totally shut down replaced with androids of their own make there was no need for inferior meat and slow worker's and all that came along with human's and their terrible inefficiency. Many researcher's were let go, silenced or disappeared in the wake of their takeover. Once the dust settled their rule established in the following year's there was a boom in advanced tech making what was once a cutting edge technology company into THE company for humanity's advancement in technology turning it into what it is today.

Why go through all this you might ask? Are they sociopaths hell bent on system domination? Do they want to rule everyone with an iron fist? Fuck no that's to much work! Who the hell want's to babysit an entire fucking solar system of sniveling meat bags that cant add two numbers together! Well...ok lilith totally would cause she likes control... But No They seek to ready themselves for the inevitable invasion of ....them.... What kendra found in that alien ship was a whole lot more than just alien tech. There was a whole galaxy full of life. some peaceful others warlike and some...the devourer's ate entire star systems if not contained. In the eyes of humanity kendra and lillith through the company might be seen as making incredible advancements in human technology and they certainly were. But to the two of them? They were trying to play catchup with FTL capable species that could crush humanity like a ant.

And So we are left with a race against time with an Antisocial super human whom can't stand to be around her own kind and is the best humanity has to offer at the moment. And a Human alien hybrid super ai that is under no control of kendra besides the fact the thing adores and loves her and maybe see's her as a cute pet from time to time and so respect's her wishes and desires such as not enslaving humanity or blowing up mar's orbital ring because their Ai said something crude to her...but what kendra doesn't know wont hurt her right?.......yeah......Humanity is so doomed.

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