FxF Seeking creative female for a different type of FxF story.

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FxF Seeking creative female for a different type of FxF story.

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Lady Irony

Local time
Tomorrow 6:35 AM
Hello and thanks for reading.

First and foremost I like story, character development and did I say story?

Although a lot of my ideas are smut based they tend to be more about how the characters communicate with each other and how they deal with the crazy scenarios I place them in.

This story is about x2 long time female friends. One is married and outgoing the other is single and more of a bookworm type.

The married one is ill (a made up illness to suit this plot) she is unable to have sex with her husband or have any type of physical interaction with him due to that. She feels guilty about this and would like him to have that outlet as he is a good carer yadda yadda.

So she asks her friend if she would be a sex surrogate of sorts. If the friend would have sex with her husband.

So it sounds like porn, I know. But I am not wanting the married one to watch or anything of the sort. I would like to explore how these two cope with this situation, the asking of the question, how the other responds. How they navigate the whole thing, the discussions and emotions involved. I certainly would not be looking at the single friend just saying "Sure" and jumping in bed with hubby. I am more interested in exploring the dynamics and how it effects their friendship. The single friend may not even do it which is fine too.

I am more interested in the journey.

PM me if interested.
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