MxM shizu's plot-heavy request

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MxM shizu's plot-heavy request


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Today 4:38 PM
  • Hello all, thank you for checking out my thread! You can call me shizuu. I'm a 24-year-old female roleplayer with more than a few years of experience writing. I can assure you that, haha. I'm renewing my thread to hopefully attract my fellow lurkers who would rather PM others than construct their own thread.
  • PLEASE READ THE FIRST POINT IN THE BELOW TAB BEFORE MESSAGING!! If you message me, I will assume you understand and agree to my terms.
    What to expect from me:
    • CURRENTLY, I am amid another heavy workload that is expected to continue until late May. During this period I will likely reply around once or twice a week. It could be even less. However, I will always tell you. You may be wondering why I'm even doing this if I'm so busy and I do acknowledge I'm not being the best RP partner I could be but I figured that, whatever free time I have after the day, I ought to spend that doing something mentally engaging instead of doomscrolling for a few hours before bed. SO, please consider if this schedule is right for you before starting a roleplay with me.
    • I typically write between 300-800 words. In a relatively engaging roleplay, I would hover around 500 words but with the right partner, I presume I can write even more than 800 words; although I haven't been as lucky yet haha. Perhaps you be that person? I will always try to match what I'm given unless I've got more to say.
    • Carefully considered responses with good grammar. Typos may occur, albeit rarely.
    • Third-person perspective. Past tense.
    • Frequent OOC chatter. I'm always trying to make this experience as smooth as possible without any miscommunication. Admittedly, I'm not the best at coming up with unexpected but perfectly executed ideas on the spot so I may be querying you about various things.
    • Pinterest boards and playlists! This is one of my favorite things about starting new roleplays. Being able to expand on our characters and their world before reaching such points in the roleplay is very important to me.
    • I'm in the GMT+8 time zone.
    • Ghost-friendly. Being completely transparent, I also have such tendencies so it's only natural I am tolerant of it in other people as well.
    • Illustrated FCs only. If you use realistic FCs and don't like illustrations, I'd be willing to settle on just writing up a description without any images attached.
    What I expect from you:
    • A thought-out roleplay request with either your own plots, pairing ideas or one of my plots/pairings as well as your own queries about the plot ideas. As I've mentioned, I always like to keep things well-clarified and pre-established. Please do not message me with a "Hey, saw your post. Wanna RP?" for the sake of saving both of our times. Let's be efficient with our requests, yeah? Although, if you really don't have any ideas but still really eager to start, please do mention that and brainstorm with me! Tell me what you like and we can take it from there.
    • PATIENCE for my replies!!
    • You may also post as infrequently as I do but please don't leave me hanging for like a month.
    • Similar in length to my responses, but absolutely add more if you've been struck with ideas. Or alternatively, tell me when you can't think of anything more. I will try my best to help you.
    • Willing to engage in lots of OOC talk with clear enthusiasm.
    • Warns me about delays/disinterest. If it's an enjoyable roleplay, I am willing to wait for months until things settle down on your end but please warn me and give accurate estimates. My biggest pet peeve is when people give me false estimates and just keep saying 'soon' with no clear idea of when 'soon' is. If stuff keeps piling up beyond your control, tell me and I'll understand.
    • Good spelling and grammar.

    I love building up relationships slowly and agonizingly until they're at the point where there's so much deep pining that they haven't even realized. I also like to have characters initially be inexplicably attracted to each other but these two things would preferably not be happening for the same characters. It's one or the other.

    I also adore the dynamic between two dark, brooding characters and the way they shed their cool exteriors solely for the other. Not the biggest fan of specifically Grumpy (M) x Sunshine (F), though if the genders were switched (Grumpy (F) x Sunshine (M) or Grumpy (M) x Sunshine (M)), I like it.

    I prefer plot over smut and any smut should be tasteful and well-suited for the development of their relationship. It should be at a pivotal moment or at the end when they've finally earned it after their immense pining. I'm not currently looking for lots of smut right now but if that changes, I'll update this thread to match. If I had to apply a number, around 90:10 plot-to-smut ratio.

    I'll admit and say that I'm a vanilla writer. I'm not particularly interested in truly rough sex with themes such as gangbang/pain (like actually hurting past arousal)/BDSM etc. (Again, ask and we'll see if it would suit our characters and plot.) Of course, it won't be all boring Christian sex though. (Disclaimer: I am not mocking Christianity, just making a stereotypical joke. Please don't take offense to this.)
    No toilet play or anything pertaining to the toilet.
    No excessive gore.
    No underage stuff or things alluding to that nature.
    No non-con/dub-con.
    No incest (includes stepsibling/stepmother/stepfather etc.).
    No necrophilia.
    No furries.
    No vore.
    No filthy sex. Not "Oh, you're so naughty." but rather "Oh my god, this is so gross." That includes smelly/filthy body parts and any kind of play surrounding them. For example, in the event that our RP is at the point where the characters are in a forest and have to do it, they would have at least bathed in a river.

    Most things that are considered extreme are just not my forte. Please do query what you have in mind because I might be willing to do it.
  • I am willing to play either role in any gender for the pairings listed below.

    Noble x Servant of any kind
    Noble x Knight/Bodyguard
    Delinquent x Goody-Two-Shoes
    Banished Demigod x Human
    Vampire x Human
    Geisha/Taikomochi x Samurai
    Mermaid/Merman x Human
    Ancient East-Asian countries (China, Japan or Korea)
    Historical European kingdoms (Don't count on my competency in the details of kingdoms haha.)
    Saccharine siren songs

    YC is a prince/noble who has a hobby for sailing the seas and admires many of its beauties. He often goes when he has free time and will sometimes catch fish when he's in the mood for it but usually just soaks in its scenery for a bit before returning to his daily duties.

    One night, he simply cannot sleep no matter how much he tosses and turns and decides to go out to the shores to calm his mind as the ebbing of the tides have always lessened his anxieties and brought him clarity. It is that night when he catches sight of something humanoid weakly flopping a small distance from the waters. Upon closer inspection, YC realizes it is an alluring merman (MC) who has washed up on shore with an injury keeping him from being able to go back. YC treats the wound the best he can while MC is delirious and half-conscious and carries him back inside the ocean, releasing him into the waters.

    For the next few days, there's no sign of MC when YC visits the seas again and believes the merman has long gone. However, there are persistent problems arising in the kingdom that plague YC's mind and he is led to the shores again at midnight. MC recognizes it is the human who has saved his life and decides to repay him. He approaches YC and reaches out from the water to kiss him the way he'd observed humans do it before. Each time the other party kissed their partner, it seemed to bring them immense joy so he'd assumed this would be a suitable method of repayment to YC. After doing so, MC dives back into the waters while a befuddled YC calls for him to no avail. It could be that from this moment is when YC is bewitched beyond belief by MC's beauty and tries at anything to bring him back. He may even go so far as putting himself in dangerous waters where he suspects MC may dwell or regularly visit.

    Or alternatively, MC does not leave immediately and stays to examine the interesting gadgets that YC brought with him that night. Something seemingly small and insignificant but is a source of great fascination to MC's isolated world underwater. They may form the beginnings of a connection that night as they both begin to regularly visit that line where land meets water and each share tales of their respective realms of being.

    That was a potential start to their relationship and I had the idea of perhaps introducing some drama into this by having MC go through a transformative spell where he is able to exchange his tail for legs. The reason being is that MC is enchanted by the human world and desires to join YC in his world in the kingdom. YC may want to take him in to be his confidante in the castle or some higher ranked position where he is able to see MC daily. This could be because he finds that the wisdom given to YC by MC has been quite helpful to him in resolving the aforementioned problems marring his mind that led him to the shores in the first place. The people in the kingdom does not take kindly to this, however. They question and suspect the identity of MC who is a literal nobody but is able to reach the prince so effortlessly and is also the subject of YC's spoils.

    Will they be able to live happily ever after in the kingdom or will the insurmountable differences in their worlds prevail?
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