All The Soap Konbini

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All The Soap Konbini


resident vampire ๋࣭ ⭑
Inner Sanctum Nobility
Local time
Today 11:07 AM

(updated 4/1/24)

Helloooo. I'm Soapsuds or just Soap if you'd like. I have 10+ years of writing experience :^)
♡ MY CURRENT STATUS: I am currently on a semester off and traveling for work. I usually am in college with two jobs, just so you know where I sit when life is normal. I can reply weekly as of right now, back home I can reply daily! I'm only human though and I can longer without replying if things are extra busy. Just know that I can post at LEAST a couple times a week. Don't worry, I don't expect the same from you if it's not possible.

♡ One: I'm pretty easy to work with! You don't need to explain your outside life to me if you don't want. It's not for me to know. We're all humans and we all have stuff to do. But, if you're going on a trip for like four weeks and you won't be replying... I wouldn't mind just a small heads up. Just 'cause otherwise I will probably assume you poofed!

♡ Two (LIMITS): Everyone has their limits, here are some of mine:
  • Non-consensual intercourse
  • Abuser, violent kidnapper, assaulter roles, etc. Sorry but if you're lookin' for a gal/guy to torture your character I'm probably not for you...*

* That being said, I can handle dark themes, violence, gore, and twisted characters. What I will not write is someone who does nothing but torture your character. And most importantly, no means no! If I state my limits to you, please do not try and negotiate or find a way to still include my limits within the writing, I will end my participation in the writing immediately.

Three: I can play female AND male roles! I feel I'm equally skilled and comfortable playing both. I'll indicate next to plots whether I have a preferred gender if I want to play a specific one. If not stated, I don't have a preference. :> I will say that I am currently craving female roles. I've been writing as lots of men lately and would like to even that out.


First: I like to plan! I like to sort of map out where we're headed, but it's not needed. Of course, the getting there is a free for all, but planning is a way my partner and I can know where to go and to have something to build up towards!

✩ Second: I love character sheets so I will probably make one no matter what for myself but if you don't want it, I won't send it to you. They are not necessary from my partners! When it comes to face claims, I honestly don't prefer IRL actresses or actors.

✩ Third: I enjoy PM-ing my writing partner and gushing over our story. Communication is a big thing to me! So if any of my partners have a problem with anything I do, I want them to feel comfortable bringing it up to me! There will definitely be some chatting about our story and characters if I'm getting the vibe that my partner enjoys it as well. :> If that bothers you, just let me know and I can keep it limited.

✩ Fourth: If we're in the middle of a story and you're not feeling it anymore, just tell me! If you want to write with me but not that specific story, I'm usually down to make something new. It's rare that I'm so attached to a plot that I'll deny your request to drop it. It would be weird if I tried anyway... I can't force you to write something you don't enjoy.

✩ Fifth: Multiple characters. I looove adding characters, creating friends and family members all with their own backstory. I can easily write multiple characters due to this love.


First: Please no god-modding. :< It's probably the quickest way to turn me away from a writing partner. If you want to go a certain way please just let me know! Or if you want to make a reply longer but you need a reaction from MC to do so, just talk to me. It's where that communication comes in. Another one of my biggest pet peeves is writing the subtle "she noticed this, she thought this, she found him handsome, she has never seen this before" etc. I consider that mild god-modding and like I said, if you want something to go a certain way… just ask! ;3

Second: Text talk. This one is pretty common, I assume? If you come at me with 'ur' or a 'u', it sort of takes me completely out of the writing. Just a pet peeve of mine! I don't mind that in my PM's and honestly I even use it a lot in that setting, just please don't do it in a response to our story. :< Same goes for writing actions within * * symbols.


I'm cool with smut in our stories. I'm cool with writing it, fading to black, or avoiding it like the plague. I go for a 70% story and 30% smut ratio, but it's not concrete. We can have whatever you'd like in our story! I won't have any solely smut plots in this RT, I'm rarely in the mood for that.

I'm not gonna put my kinks and limits in this RT either, due to the above reason. So if you're curious about it, you can just PM me.

That's all for now, thanks!


P L O T S!

X - Female preferred
Y - Male preferred
None - No current preference
STRIKE - Not interested in right now
*** - Craving rating

[NEW!] Sherlock Holmes-esque Romance - X***


In Victorian London, Muse A is a female aristocrat, independent, and forward-thinking. She becomes entangled in a scandal that could threaten her family's entire reputation and have her committed to a mental ward. (Framed for a crime of some sort, maybe? I haven't worked out the details.) She seeks the help of a brilliant detective known for solving high-profile crimes. Their interactions are marked by class differences and skepticism, Muse A not caring for the blunt or forwardness of Muse B. But alas, they must work together to try and clear Muse A's name before she is committed or hung. Along the way, they discover unexpected allies, dark secrets, and corruption.

#victorian era
#enemies to lovers?
#class difference

[NEW!] Con Artist & Lost Princess - X*


A down and out con artist meets a homeless woman who cannot remember a single thing about her past. The country's Queen is looking for her sole heiress, the lost princess. The con artist sees this as a way to make some money, he searches for a woman he can preen to play the part of said lost princess. Said homeless woman meets con artist and they form a team, one in it for the money, one in it hoping for a place to belong. But what happens when the woman starts to remember things no one else but the true lost heiress would remember? Not to mention feelings are brewing and betrayal lies in wait.

#literally Anastasia
#open to new takes/ a spin on the idea!
#con artist
#forbidden romance

[NEW!] Street Rat & Wealthy Woman - X*


(I imagine this is set in the 1930s!)

Muse A is a local street rat taking care of a younger sister, they live wherever they can find shelter and make money however they can- usually through illegal means. Muse A has been an orphan on the streets most of his lifetime and worked hard to barely even keep food in his stomach. Muse B is the daughter of one of the richest men in the city, though her father is very secretive about his business. All she knows is that she never has to work, always gets to spend her daddy's money, and never has to go hungry. Musa A and Muse B's father have been at it with each other for ages, as Muse B's father wants Muse A in jail for good. What happens after one day she meets a young girl on the street, therefore meeting her older brother Muse A?

#rich x poor
#gang/mafia themes
#sneaky relationship
#death (i plan on killing off a specific character...)

[NEW!] Intertwined Deities - X**


Ever since Muse A was born, she's had a connection with some sort of deity. (Or ghost, spirit, demon, etc.) She had long ago accepted this and always was labeled as the "weird girl with an imaginary friend". Strange things have just always happened around her, no one ever suspected she was truly to blame for them. It wasn't until an entire house of teenagers was brutally killed, with only Muse A to survive to tell the tale, did anyone really look at her twice. She had the visage of an angel, a tall, skinny girl who seemed completely innocent. She was taken into a facility to be studied by doctors, they had no clue what was wrong with her. Then she was sent to a mental institution, there they still were unable to label her as anything but neurotypical- perhaps a bit depressed if anything. Finally, with all options seeming to have been sought after, the mental institution was contacted by a secret military service that thought Muse A would be useful to them. Someone to be studied by their scientists that specialize in making sense of the unknown. To be tested on and eventually weaponized by the government.

(This journey could start wherever we saw fit. I'm open to different takes on the plot idea! Muse A would now be in her 20s. Muse B could be whoever we decide! Her military trainer/partner, a scientist, etc.)

#military themes

Jack the Ripper Detectives - X***


In short, Muse A is a man who moves to England to apprentice a local, popular forensic scientist in the 1800s. Muse B is the forensic scientist's niece who is secretly learning the ways of criminal investigation under the disguise of her uncle's shop keep. While secretly, at night, she is going down to the basement where she's researching cadavers with her uncle. One night, the Ripper murders start taking place in London. Coincidentally, that same night, Muse A starts apprenticing for Musa B's uncle. Muse B is very, very suspicious of her uncles new apprentice who seems to be very secretive of his past. Did he coincidentally just happen upon London the exact time the murders began? Or is he innocent? Things get more complicated the more Musa B's feelings start to grow for her prime suspect.

#crime solving
#dark themes
#violence / gore

[TAKEN] Vampire Hunter & Vampire - X


(This one is a bit short and underdeveloped, but I imagine it to take place in a darker Victorian era.)

Muse A has lost their family to a gang of vampires. Muse B is a trained, retired vampire hunter. Muse A becomes Muse B's protege and is learning the skills to enact their revenge on the gang that had killed their family. Muse B gives Muse A vampires to hunt down across the country, they travel together to do so and Muse A has no complaints. They hate vampires more than anything. But.. Muse B is hiding something. Muse B, the so-called retired vampire hunter is a vampire themselves and they've been hiding it from Muse A, even as feeling have begun to develop.

Muse B's whole plan was to train a human to kill their enemies, as vampires cannot kill or harm other vampires. Muse B has basically been using Muse A as their assassin, ordering them to kill Muse B's enemies as "training" this entire time. What will Muse A do when they find out their trusted mentor is the one thing they hate the most and they've been manipulated the entire time

#vampire x human
#violence / gore

Siren & Pirate - X


I've had this idea rolling around of a siren pulled up onto the deck of a pirate ship, maybe by a fishing net or something similar! Once dried, she gains legs and can walk around the ship or on land, but the second she touches water again (to an extent, not just a single drop) her tail returns. She also can't go long periods of time outside of the water, she needs to return to salt water at least once a day.

So after being caught by these pirates, she exchanges her skills for her life. Rather than sell her for some money, she promises she can help lure other ships in with her siren song and help them make more money then they'd ever get selling her.

#bitchy female (for sure)
#enemies to lovers....?
#possible friends to lovers

Detective & Assassin - X


Years ago, there was an explosion caused by a "terrorist group" that killed Character A's best friend, leaving them with survivor's guilt for the rest of their lives. Character A became a detective, as their main goal in life was to find out who in this group caused that explosion and bring them to justice for the many lives lost in the explosion- including her friend.

Character A starts getting close to finding the answer, but they're breaking rules. They're getting caught by their fellow detectives doing things they shouldn't. CA starts slumming around dangerous places on their off time, going nights without sleep and their coworkers are starting to notice something is off.

That's when CA meets Character B, an expert assassin working for this "terrorist group". They're well known, everyone knows the mark of this killer. In fact, no one has ever met this killer and lived to tell the tale. Character A gets caught up chasing Character B down after catching them at the scene of a crime, determined to bring them down and use them for information. CA and CB get caught up in a fight and for some reason, CB lets CA live. CB doesn't know why they did this and the two call a truce. CB escapes.

Later, CA is once again slumming where they shouldn't be where they recognize CB. What happens when CB agrees to help CA if they don't turn the killer in? How will CA handle working undercover with a well-known killer- the enemy- when they're supposed to bring people like that to justice? And how will CA react to finding that CB was never loyal to this organization in the first place, and wants to bring it down from the inside just as badly as CA does?

#forbidden romance
#secret organization
#hidden relationship

* inspired by Purple Hyacinth

Enemies to Lovers - X


It's only a small idea so far! Basically, Character A is the king of a rich, successful but dark and corrupt kingdom. Character B is from a kingdom nearby falling into poverty. Character B wants to seduce Character A and eventually kill them to become queen of the rich kingdom. The only problem is Character A/the king doesn't seem to want any of the women that come to his palace to try and win his favor.

#enemies to lovers
#bitchy female (kinda?)

Half an Idea?

So I kind of want to do a plot where two women plot to kill one of their husbands? And then fall in love? Let's go lesbians!! But that is literally all I have, it needs work...

Plots for Adoption

None currently!


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