World World of Leera ||

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World World of Leera ||

Stoney II

♠ Stoney Skellington ♠
Inner Sanctum Nobility
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Today 7:50 AM


### World of Leera

  • Leera is a scorching world with vast desert expanses and scattered oases.
  • Oases are vital for sustaining life, and settlements have formed around some of them.

Native Races:
  • Four native races: Humans, Elves (Drae and Draena), Burrowers (Heelers and Beerks), and Likas (Bilimiid and Taalimiid).
  • Each race has unique characteristics and lifestyles, adapting to the harsh desert environment.

Technology Level:
  • Comparable to Earth in 457 AD, akin to ancient Rome.
  • Sandskis, wooden vehicles with sails, are a common mode of desert transportation.

  • Magic is nonexistent in Leera.
  • Devotees to deities may be granted "supernatural" abilities if deemed worthy.

### Pantheon of Deities

Male Deities:
1. Sol, the Sunfather: Domain - Sun, Light, Heat.
2. Pol, the Stormbringer: Domain - Storms, Rain, Wind.
3. Dar, the Wise Scholar: Domain - Knowledge, Innovation, Wisdom.
4. Vil, the Protector of Burrowers: Domain - Earth, Protection, Subterranean Life.
5. Lim, the Desert Wanderer: Domain - Exploration, Journeys, Survival.

Female Deities:
1. Lun, the Oasis Guardian: Domain - Oases, Fertility, Life.
2. Sil, the Healer's Touch: Domain - Healing, Health, Well-being.
3. Are, the Weaver of Fate: Domain - Fate, Destiny, Prophecy.
4. Del, the Peacemaker: Domain - Peace, Diplomacy, Harmony.
5. Ren, the Night's Embrace: Domain - Night, Protection, Dreams.

### Main Factions

1. The Dust Clan: (Militaristic and Nomadic)
- Known for formidable warriors and Sandskis, they protect territories and seek resources through mobility.

2. The Leeran Legion: (Militaristic and Judicial)
- Values justice and order, enforces laws and resolves disputes, maintaining a structured society.

3. The Leeran Divines: (Spiritual and Militaristic)
- Blend spirituality with combat prowess, serving as protectors and spiritual leaders.

4. The Fateholders: (Spiritual and Enlightened)
- Seek wisdom and inner harmony, focusing on spirituality and knowledge for enlightenment.

5. The Solren Cooperative: (Materialistic and Open-Minded)
- Pragmatic and resourceful merchants who thrive on trade and embrace new ideas and technologies.

6. The Dooran Empire: (Isolationist-Minded and Resourceful)
- Prefers self-sufficiency, mastering survival in the desert, and remains isolated from outsiders.

Leera's permanent Oasis settlements:
1. Oasis Name: Lux
• Aesthetics: Lux Oasis exudes an aura of grandeur and architectural marvels. Elaborate stone fountains with intricate carvings serve as centerpieces. Marble colonnades, adorned with statues of deities, line the streets.
• Atmosphere: Lux is a bustling trade hub, drawing merchants from across Leera to its opulent markets. The people here appreciate the finer things in life, including ornate jewelry and finely woven textiles. The affluent elite host lavish banquets and cultural events.
2. Oasis Name: Ver
• Aesthetics: Ver Oasis is distinguished by its practicality and utilitarian design. Sturdy clay-brick structures with flat roofs dominate the landscape. Shade is provided by woven reed awnings, and the streets are lined with market stalls.
• Atmosphere: Ver is a busy trading post where merchants barter for essential goods. The people are known for their industriousness, specializing in pottery, metalwork, and textiles. It's a place of hard work and resourcefulness.
3. Oasis Name: Eir
• Aesthetics: Eir Oasis is hidden within a lush palm grove. The buildings are low, constructed from woven palm fronds and mud bricks. Hammocks and cushioned rugs are scattered under the palm trees, creating a relaxed setting.
• Atmosphere: Eir is a serene retreat, known for its herbalists and healers who utilize the oasis's rich flora for remedies. The people here value simplicity and harmony with nature, often practicing meditation and offering hospitality to travelers seeking respite.
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