
  1. EllieInChainz

    Challenge Submission John & Bex in "Triple-X"

    "Are you sure?" Rebecca wasn't so sure. She'd gained a few pounds and the black lace teddy she had on seemed to show bulges in all of the wrong places. She felt like shrink wrapped ham as the skimpy garment clung to her frame. "I feel fat in it!" her voice rang around the en-suite bathroom of...
  2. Vuldarling

    Challenge Submission The Conference Call

    Hazel eyes peered at the clock on the wall, that was droning monotonously with every passing second in it's customary ticking. A sigh left a set of velvet, rose colored lips as a delicate hand swept caramel, swirling locks away from a deeply tanned face. Perfectly manicured nails tapped against...
  3. Fantastique Fran

    Character(s) Fran's Cast

    The Character Index The Character List from Fran. Go ahead and take a look around. Bonnette De SorenSoon your pain will turn into an indescribable ecstasy. Dossierfa-minus Name: Information Here fa-minus Alias: Bon (Nickname); Bon the Beautiful fa-minus Age: 26 years old (In appearance)...
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