
  1. Radio Man

    Either Needed Gijinkamon: Ultra Eclipse - Open for Anyone Interested

    Gijinkamon It feels like it's been a while since I last attempted this but fuck it, Ima do it again. What you see before you is a post calling out to any RPer's out there who would be interested in taking part in a Pokemon-themed group RP, with a couple of twists to hopefully make it more...
  2. S

    Evermore-lore n OCs

    This post will be edited as needed for the expanding world of Evermore and her people. A mixing pot of cultures Evermore has lots to offer it's people when it comes to life. However there is a shrouded past around Evermore; which will eventually come to light as you discover more about the land...
  3. S

    D&D Inspired Pokemon Gijinka

    Hello my username is SealAwayHearts and right now my life is pretty busy so I'm looking for some extremely casual rping. Preferably something pg-13 unless I get comfortable with a user. I'm mainly interested in fellow enthusiasts of Pokémon gijinkas in a fantasy setting similar to D&D with less...
  4. S

    D&D inspired Pokemon Gijinka

    Hello my username is SealAwayHearts and right now my life is pretty busy so I'm looking for some extremely casual rping. Preferably something pg-13 unless I get comfortable with a user. I'm mainly interested in fellow enthusiasts of Pokémon gijinkas in a fantasy setting similar to D&D with less...
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