
  1. Angel of Mercy

    Either Needed Good Trouble

    Going through the Outer Sanctum 'cast list', I have noticed it is filled with depressingly good people, many of which would consider a picnic on a sunny day with iced tea and a veggie tray surrounded by sweet smelling flowers a 'good time'. So… My latest character Mayna [ see here: Adventurer...
  2. Lynne

    Warrior Good day ya'll!!

    Hello, I'm Lynne, but ya'll can call me whatever! I just found this site today and I'm super excited for it, my chance to find role-player's like me. I have been roleplaying for about 8 years, and when I do roleplay its mostly romance. Almost always romance because I don't have any in my life...
  3. hilou10

    Character(s) Complete list of all my characters

    | Name: Asram, son of Mercen | Alias: The Unifier | Sobriquet: None | Title: The Conqueror | Actual Age: 28 | Apparent Age: 28-30 | Date of Birth: Not applicable | Race: Human | Gender: Male | Height: 182 cm | Weight: 81 kg, 100 kg with his armour | Dominant Side: right sided |...
  4. Yamiiga

    Closed Opposites Attract

    I've been really craving to do some sort of Hero x Villain/ Good x Evil rp Also I've been looking for a long term RP (preferable someone who replies often) This is the scenario that I have, I am very open to other suggestions! YC and MC meet at a bar (of course they know nothing about each...
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