
  1. Saint_Lamb

    An introduction of sorts

    đź’«Hello everyone! This is my introduction to The Inner Sanctumđź’« __________________________________________ ____________ Y'all can call me Frank or Frankie! I am 21 years old and currently living between work & college. I came here to get back into the art of online roleplaying! I was once an...
  2. Hodrick


    Hi I'm Hodrick and I am new to this site. I love to roleplay and meet new people so please don't be scared to introduce yourself! I hope we can all be great friends!!
  3. Ashpunk

    Hello, folks!

    Hey, all! My name's Ash! I'm 23. I'm here because I like to write, and I like to write with other people! So, uh, a bit about me as a roleplayer: I've been roleplaying for probably about 12 years now, and got my start roleplaying feral cats, because of course I did. These days I stick with...
  4. Elizabeth’sComposition

    Elizabeth Here! Pleasure!

    Hello new friends! I’m Elizabeth (Never Liz), and I am super excited to get back into the role playing game! A while back I used to do role playing all the time, and eventually every website I was a hardcore fan of became a barren wasteland, so I’ve found all of you and am ready to get my hands...
  5. Mara_Blackmore

    Hello everyone

    It is a pleasure to be here. Having recently explored roleplaying possibilities from FaceBook and Discord, I thought I would explore other means. So apologies if I make any errors, it's my first time dabbling in a forum like setting haha. Will try my best. I hope to get to meet and greet, and...
  6. Angel Of Mystery

    Better late than never (i guess...) Anyway, Hiya!

    Hiya everyone! i have been on this site for a while (and i'm lovin' it...), but i haven't made an introduction thread yet. Some of you may know me, but to those who don't, i go by the name... (insert dramatic drum roll) Angel Of Mystery! (The Mysterious angel, Etc) so, what to say, what to...
  7. SordidSepulchre

    Salutations, hello, and have a great day!

    Here's hoping this place doesn't become a second Guilty Pleasures in terms of staff. I'm Sordid Sepulchre, I've been roleplaying for about five or six years, and have done just about every kind of RP on the planet barring some weird, creepy stuff involving things that aren't even the least bit...
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