
  1. Tits_and_Turmoil

    FxF It's a Pleasure For You to Meet Me, I'm Sure~

    Welcome to Heaven, Darling. Hello all, it's surely pleasure for you to meet me. My name is Amanda, and at the time of writing this I am 26 years old. About Me: I have been writing/roleplaying for about 7 years now. I can usually write anywhere from 500 words to 2000%, depending on what is...
  2. lidarovina

    MxF Looking for Love and Adventure in all the wrong places (FxM or NB)

    Introduction Good evening, noon, night, or morning, I hope this message finds you well! I'm Lida, and I've been doing this song and dance now since college, near two decades now hammering away at keys, putting figurative pen to paper to scratch a creative, and perhaps lewd itch. I primarily...
  3. Gresh

    Any Sister love

    Ahhh.. Help a hungry sister out here! I'm craving some weird stuff right now. Not too weird, but things I really don't see people openly dabbling into . I want some monster sex and incest! All in one plot! A woman stops hearing from her sister after she went on a camping trip. She goes to find...
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