
  1. palmtoptiger

    hi, I'm Lyn...

    Hi! I'm a sweet, twenty-something with almost ten years experience for role-playing. I like to do all kinds, and am fairly open-minded! I also use discord. Personality | INFJ-T Sign | Taurus Alignment | Neutral Good Occupation | Student/Server Character I Think I'm Most Like | Daria...
  2. SordidSepulchre

    Salutations, hello, and have a great day!

    Here's hoping this place doesn't become a second Guilty Pleasures in terms of staff. I'm Sordid Sepulchre, I've been roleplaying for about five or six years, and have done just about every kind of RP on the planet barring some weird, creepy stuff involving things that aren't even the least bit...
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