
  1. notlydialovelace

    Character(s) Lydia's Library of Lovelies

    This is intended mostly as a catch-all for collating character details that I want to keep organized, either to reference in single roleplays they are developed or adapted for, or to re-use outside of a specific containing roleplay. If I have a character here that is part of an active roleplay...
  2. Dei

    Character(s) Oh, you wanna know about my Deidara muse?

    My experience with this character is... extensive. Very extensive. The first character I ever started writing when I was WAAAY too young to be doing so- almost 9 years, now. I've analyzed this character to hell and back, and filled in as many blanks as possible when it comes to backstory and...
  3. Mediocritys Muse

    A Mediocre Howdy-Do.

    A very great and dandy yo and such to all of you who may be reading this introduction. My name isn't real important because everyone I know in the role play community pretty much just calls me Muse so lets just stick with that I suppose. Any who as for role plays that I like to do they mainly...
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