
  1. Strawberry Scream

    MxM Scream of the Crop | Original Plots | Updated 8/29 | Doubling Welcome!

    Why hello there. You probably need to know a little bit about me and I need to know a lil' about you, so let's get right into it. I've been roleplaying online for 16-ish years. I tend to write a minimum of 500 words, up to 1,500 or perhaps more when a lot is happening or it's a starter post...
  2. free2bealways

    Eyris (Sci-fi/Fantasy) (MxF)

    Hey there! Call me Free. :) I've been rping for over two decades. I'm looking for a new, potentially long-term roleplay partner for this rp I'm really excited about and possibly others. (I play both male and female characters, but for this one, I need someone playing a guy character.) I'd...
  3. Lirica

    FxF Lirica's Dungeon

    Hi there, my name is Lirica. I am 20 y/o and from the United Kingdom of GB and NI. I have been RPing for the last 8 years or so and i was first introduced to it through friends and World of Warcraft. This doesn't mean that my RP requests are limited to Fantasy/Warcraft RP. Over time i have...
  4. S

    Project Griffin

    Circa year 2020: Mankind accidentally make first contact with seemingly friendly paranormal entities, who then sneakily take over from right under humanity's noses. The otherworldly entities used a wide range of tactics to take over without the use of invasion or brute force. Assassinations...
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