
  1. Oplk234

    MxF Looking for a female to have a good rp with

    I’ve been rp for years. I’m not sure for how long, but it has been a good bit. I’m looking for female that is up to a more sexual driven rp. Now that does not mean it we’ll all sex, I do want some story, so it makes scene. On how many lines, it don’t have to be paragraphs, as long as it’s more...
  2. Very Paranoid

    All (Updated) She was a Satyr Girl

    Hey so I took a short break to have some me time (as well as starting a new job wish me luck lads) but now I'm here and I'm here with a plot idea. I've been thinking about Satyrs a lot As I've been playing one in my D&D group and I want to rp her more than just with my friends (Also talking...
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