
  1. LaQueenTea

    Group RP Blue Is For Nightmares: The Secret Circle

    Name: Isabella Williams Nickname’ Izzie Name pronunciation: Is-ah-bell-ah Sexuality: bisexual (doesn't have a preference likes both genders equally) Age: 21 Gender: female Witch: specializes in everything Personality: Izzie is the type of person who is calm, cool, and collected. In the...
  2. LaQueenTea

    Closed Blue Is For Nightmares: The Secret Circle |Trilogy series| Currently on first| So far no extras needed|

    Hi, my name is Queen and this is what is up with this roleplay so far: Basically Izzie, Suki, and Ryan are witches in a private college who found each other and are friends. They would do normal fun practices, but lately Izzie has been getting weird dreams where her beloved dead grandmother...
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