
  1. princess pigeon

    MxF return of the superhero superthread [ truly just the biggest marvel/dc search thread you've ever seen ]

    Abandon all hope, ye who enter this thread has grown out of control and at this point I just do my best to keep it somewhat organized. → f-list (idk why the link isn't colored or anything). Please look at it. Sometimes people send me really long thought out ideas but they're based on a kink...
  2. Cheshire Cat

    Both Needed Web-heads and Spider-Fans Wanted (Two Spots Open!)

    "In the chill of night, at the scene of a crime, like a streak of light, he arrives, just in time!" Welcome, Spider-Fans, to the show! I'm looking for a few good people to do a story-centric, spider-man-AU-playing-on-canon RP ... kind of a sandbox that may or may not contain any story elements...
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