
  1. Double Plus Ungood

    Outer Sanctum Looking for platonic and bro-mance stories.

    My aim for this post is general, but I'm highlighting my desire for a writing partner or two to play with in THE OUTER SANCTUM. Any graphic physical romance there needs to be "off camera" in those posts. Who are you, how long have you been writing and what kind of things do you like to write...
  2. Ruby Waters

    MxM Getting back in the saddle

    Hello! Thanks for clicking! Testing the waters again for a few more different plots. First, a few rules! All site rules apply, I will not break any of them. I don't do one liners. I am trying to become a published author and as such I like to practice 'my craft' =^.^= Not to say that all my...
  3. Lady Wolfe

    Character(s) Cast of Characters

    :ONGOING: DEALS WITH THE DEVIL with ArsenicSoliloquist WHEN THINGS GET SPICY... with James Teller THE HUNT with Keillen (& Kupo) WILDLING TALES with Lochem THE HAUNTING by StarChaser A ghost of a deceased musician develops a relationship with a uni freshman girl. RARE PAIR with Rose for...
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