
  1. Bill12345678910

    Character(s) Cornelius, character notes and storylines, OOC Note Set 2 It is the year 2222. Wii is a female Japanese nineteen year old, who lost her parents in a subway crash, that the subway derailed, and the legal investigation doesn't know why. Wii lives on the planet Cornelius, in the underground...
  2. Lady Wolfe

    Character(s) Cast of Characters

    :ONGOING: DEALS WITH THE DEVIL with ArsenicSoliloquist WHEN THINGS GET SPICY... with James Teller THE HUNT with Keillen (& Kupo) WILDLING TALES with Lochem THE HAUNTING by StarChaser A ghost of a deceased musician develops a relationship with a uni freshman girl. RARE PAIR with Rose for...
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