
  1. Mana

    I am Mana, pleased to meet you.

    I'm not really good at introducing myself.. but I am Mana.. I'm 554 years old... I am not a good roleplayer but I'm good enough, I would say. I draw..I learn languages when I'm bored. I play Rubik's and loves music.. Well...i guess that's it. If you have any questions please ask. Thanks for you...
  2. Inotrope

    Any Planting the Seed

    Going to jot down a few ideas in no specific order and I'll be adding/removing as my interest changes so feel free to get ahold of me in any fashion and I'm sure we can come to an agreement. Scifi Pilot x Mechanic 5. Space Pirates Bounty x Bounty Hunter...
  3. E

    MxF anyone up for roleplays which are 90% smut.

    okay so the title is very accurate, i pretty much only do roleplays which are bassicly all about sex or some fetish or kink or about bdsm, or something fun like that, all that good stuff, and to cut things short and get to the point, i do not mind what fetish you have, long as you write a good...
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