
  1. ChaosGoblin

    MxM Goblin's request thread

    Greetings, Traveler I'm ChaosGoblin, and I've been roleplaying mostly through DnD. But I have written the odd roleplay before, so I do have some experience. Currently I am looking for someone to write with, as I've been craving more roleplaying than my DnD campaigns can give me. Please be...
  2. MarkMarc

    Rogue MarkMarc's intro thread :)

    Hello from a newbie on here 🙂 I've always loved words as a form of self-expression and discovery of dreams and longings, before I mainly embraced poetry on a hobby level. I hope to meet likeminded, friendly people for some nice roleplay sessions on here. I consider myself a peaceful...
  3. Galadial

    MxF My collated RP request thread

    Hi Inner Sanctum Seekers and welcome! About me My name is Galadial (male btw) and I have been writing (on and off) all my life! I generally write fantasy – LOTR style stuff – but in recent years I have been drawn to more realistic scenes where I explore character development and relationships...
  4. Topaz

    Any Topaz's shiny request thread

    (This is a request thread template designed to help less experienced users more clearly organize ideas. It is not mandatory to use and can be deleted or edited at your leisure. For general tips on creating a request thread, please see this guide.) You are currently posting in Adventures for...
  5. ShowMeYouLoveMe

    MxF ShowMe’s Request Thread - Story Driven, Novella, Original and Fandom Plots

    My name is ShowMe and I have been writing for a long time. The roles that I typically enjoy are based off of movies and TV shows with original characters. I like plot over smut. And when it comes to smut, I like the lead up more than the actually act of writing sex. That means heavy petting...
  6. Endalrin

    MxF Looking for Fantasy, Updated with Stories.

    Hi there, I'm Endalrin, and I'm mostly looking to write some fantasy stores, ancient times, mystical worlds. I like pairing up against elves, fairies, any kind of pretty lady with pointed ears is fun, but it's really just fluff and is by no means a requirement. Anything with swords, polearms...
  7. Brian Khan

    Warrior Late intro thread. I've posted a lot and have been here for a week. But hi.

    I hope y'all are doing great! I'm a proud athlete and workaholic in real life! I love reading and writing. You folks have a wonderful day.
  8. Elaned

    Any Elaned's Request Thread

    Thankfully there is a template cause whew this would have been tangential and filled with runoffs. Who are you, how long have you been writing and what kind of things do you like to write? Writing, Uh, Long but not long, I mean I've written somethings for characters but nothing big or...
  9. God-Onion

    MxF Onion's RQ Thread

    The red door opens, revealing a man dressed casually. He'd look normal save for the massive onion for a head but luckily he had a face, albeit a simple one. The man smiled and greeted his visitor with a wave, his cartoonishly large glasses reflecting the sunlight. "Would you like to come in and...
  10. Avariella

    MxF My request thread - 70/30 plot to smut, plots inside!

    Thanks for coming to my request thread! Now onto the good stuff, as they say... I will only play with partners who are 21+ and characters must be 21+. I am seeking storylines that focus on control, manipulation, violence, and dominance. Bring me your toxic, gritty, damaged, obsessive...
  11. ElegyForTheEnd

    Any Songs Heralding the End

    This is yet another thread I had to rewrite because my browser crashed and I forgot to save About Me: Learn about me in my introductory post! But bullet points are bellow! I like to write fantasy style roleplays, and I have been writing for a heckin time. My schedule is pretty varied right...
  12. JamesMartin

    Hibernal Secret Santa Gifts and Thanks Thread

    Hello Sanctum Santas!!! This thread is here as a place for publically sharing your gifts and thanking whoever gave them to you. Both of these are up to the person receiving the gift, please do not post it here until you have that permission.
  13. Ipsie

    Group RP The Collared Queens Character & World Thread

    @Bubbly_Mickey @JamesMartin
  14. Blackstone

    World Stardancer: A Princess' Tale picture thread

    Okay here is what I am thinking about for my character, Decimus.
  15. Jacket

    All Jacket's Search Thread!

    Jacket's Request Thread Howdy! Thanks for checking out my thread! I am: 23 Nonbinary (He/They) An Adv Literate/Novella writer with 10+ years of experience in the hobby. A slow writer. I can reliably promise one or two posts a week, more if life allows, but it is not likely. Patient. I...
  16. BingBongBangBam

    MxF Bang! My Thread for Requests :)

    Hello friend and thanks for visiting my RT! If you're wondering why I am here, it's because I want to be a future writer with published books. I haven't been writing long but I really love it and even more, sharing my writing with other people to create an awesome story. I prefer 80% plot and...
  17. bathtub

    Artisan Intro Thread: posted

    I'm bathtub and I've been RPing online since the beginning, when you still capitalized the word internet. I like compelling storytelling. I'd classify myself as casual lit.
  18. Atomic Soul

    Any ~Atom's Search Thread~ Plot with Me!

    ~Atom's Search Thread~ Fun Preface: I haven't written a female character in about 14 years, so here is my foray back into writing women! Wish me luck! Hi there, my name's Atom, and I'm a 27-year-old who adores the written word. I've been writing both creatively and (to a lesser extent)...
  19. Fox_

    One-Shot {Fox's} Tabooisms. Scandals. One-Shots. Play.

    {wERP wERP, EROTICA WARNING. EROTICA WARNING. PLEASE EJECT THE THREAD IF YOU ARE AS STALE AND CRUSTY AS AN OLD DIGESTIVE BISCUIT!!!!1111:SCROLLINGTEXT:} This is a nifty-difty thread where I'm essentially going to list all of the Tabooist one-shots I'm willing to play. All the usual Sanctum...
  20. WishBone

    All Wisbones Request Thread.

    Hey Team. Keeping it real simple and straight forwards. I love a good story - but dont just go with generic x generic. Please dont tell me what my character needs to be, instead lets discuss the theme and bounce ideas. Ive been Rping for 10+ years and really just want a story or group story...
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