video game

  1. orinxia

    Unspecified an update fandom trash thread by orinxia

    I have decided to light up my plotter by creating it anew. My name is Obsidian and I prefer going by gender-neutral pronouns, I am 26 years old and I just finished my two language majors, plus I am a graphics designer by education. I am currently looking for some role plays, do to being home...
  2. hastyhunter

    MxF [PROTOTYPE] RP (Alex Mercer x OC)

    This game is over a decade old, I hope y'all remember it. ☣☣☣ Anyone remember that game where you play as this amnesia patient who had some wild-ass shapeshifting powers that needs to absorb people to heal and survive the onslaught of American military straight stormin' NYC? Ju-just me? Alrighty...
  3. Lir_the_witch


    Yes, Hello, I know what I am asking for is weird, BUT HERE WE GO- Heyo! I'm Lir, It's nice to meet you! I may be a native English speaker but I drank dumb bitch juice since childhood so if I fuck something up, please know it's not on purpose, I'm just a dumb fuck. I'm also really relaxed...
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