
  1. Viper

    Druid Hello, hiss hiss and such

    Hi there! I'm Viper. I started rping about twenty years ago on Neopets, which is just an insane thing to type. I spent about 10 years off and on proboards. I've been out of the RP game for dang near a decade and am super excited (albeit a little confused lol) by the open world concept! I used...
  2. raccoonkneecaps

    Any RK’s Collection of Sapphic Story Requests [F/F, F/NB, NB/NB]

    Howdy :) you all can call me RK! I’ve been RPing since my early tweens, but took a break during college. I was still writing during that time, just not RPing too much. I may expand on this thread a bit more in the future, but here is what I can currently pull together in terms of current...
  3. Gresh

    MxF Under the Cover of Darkness (NSFW) (Monster x Human)

    A simple story here. A young female has had a frequent visitor every night. She doesn't know what it is and she doesn't want to ask around in fear of people thinking she was going mad. He just stands there in the corner of her room, directly beside the door (She's too intimidated to make a run...
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