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MxM — Termapolitan's Search Board


I spy with all my hundred little eyes
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Today 11:36 AM
pfp: João Bragato
  • . . .T H I S part will be kept rather short and dense; I'm just not that good at selling myself in with long intricate introductions. Private conversations are more my forte and so if you've found yourself here, and finding me on the dryer side, please know I'm much more easygoing, talkative and relaxed when writing to an actual person haha.
    Here I'll be listing some basic facts about myself that might be important for any future rp partner, as well as stating some things of my own that I require to feel comfortable with a little explanation as to why.

    . . .I ' M 25 years old from Sweden, sitting on roughly 16 years of experience in roleplaying with 4 of those being more of an on/off/hiatus situation. Nonetheless is that a pretty insane number and nothing I expect from any partner to match. The reason I state it is to show that I've probably covered most grounds within this field, am comfortable with my writing, have no issues adapting my writing language/style to better suit our plot and characters, will offer versatile characters and will take responsibility to drive this forward both in and outside the actual roleplay. From my partner do I demand only a few things, as I've noted that I don't need a whole list ticked off to enjoy myself. These are however really important and something I will call out to be lacking if they are, well, lacking:

    . . .balanced and interesting character(s). give me flaws, surprising qualities, goals, dreams, fears. give me someone that's more than three perfectly compatible traits and a sad backstory that hasn't shaped them in any way besides inflicting shock value. while we'll have assigned roles for the story, am i done with this meaning overused and pre-determined stereotypes being the go-to.
    . . .invested. i don't mind pulling a little extra here and there to make the plotting or story go forward, but i'll need response and something to bounce off of; some enthusiasm, if you will. if i feel that your responses (ooc and ic) are lukewarm at best, my interest will sizzle quite fast. this being said do i not mean or ask for multiple replies daily! and if you DO lose interest, please just tell me, there'll be 0 grudges held :)
    . . .20+ irl. as stated, i'm now 25 and i love darker themes (most, if not all, of my roleplays contain some level of heavy topics). to do this comfortably have i realized that my partner need to be 20 or older. i ask for this to be respected. with that said will i also respect if my age is too old/young for anyone would i reach out first without any fuzz or hard feelings; a huge part of writing depends on feeling comfortable with one another after all.

    . . .T H A T should be all for this sequence. More can be found under either GUIDELINES or PLOTS AND MORE and if anything still feels uncertain, send a dm! I'm always down to talk. :)
  • ( 001 ) REPLY LENGTH / QUALITY A lot of factors play into the length of my replies, but I always strive for a minimum of 500+ words although I prefer to reach at least 800 - 1000+. Both because I love to write and really dive into what I'm writing about as well as to give you, as my counterpart, as much to work with as possible. This energy is what I'm asking to receive back. You don't have to hand me the longest replies each and every time, as long as you give me a response to what I've written, something for me to work off of and your own initiatives to drive the plot forward.

    ( 002 ) REPLY SPEED / MIA'S My life and time free to spend in front of my computer varies drastically from week to week, meaning that I can offer a reply once to a couple of times a week. On some rare occasions, if all stars align, maybe even two or three in a day. This is however nothing you should expect. From you do I expect something similar; minimum of once a week. If anything comes up, you won't be as active for a while or similar, please just send me a little message so I know! I'll never ask for an explanation as to why, or come claw after you, because I'm fully aware that life outside of this website is a very real thing. I'll of course be doing the same!

    ( 003 ) PLOT / SMUT I'm really not one to split my roleplays into a percentage of this and that, as I view smut/sexual content as something that will occur quite naturally by itself if it fits the story and character dynamics. I will however not be rp'ing anything without a solid plot or a plot where sex is a key item. If this doesn't suit you then I fear we won't be a good match.

    ( 004 ) DARK THEMES I mentioned briefly in the 'about me' tag that I love incorporating darker themes/topics in pretty much all of my rp's. Again, if this isn't your cup of tea, won't we be the hottest match. Of course am I flexible about both topics chosen and just how dark it'll go, my only wish is to not end up in a slice-of-life situation where cussing is as bad as it goes. I like pushing the raw and real. Areas I won't be down for are played-out r*pe/noncon, prostitution, incestuous topics, and enslavement (more will be added as I remember).

    ( 005 ) OOC This is a pretty crucial part of successfully running a good, lasting rp; at least to me. I want us to have a good, comfortable communication alongside our roleplay to make sure everything flows smoothly. Just like with replying in the actual rp, won't I ask you to reply to me multiple times a day, every day. It's more so that we can plan for events ahead, connect and feel that we meet halfway.

    ( 006 ) CONTACT ME If this all sounds good to you, please shoot me a DM including just a little about you, your way of roleplaying and the name of a plot/trope found here which caught your eyes, or your very own ideas! What's listed are the things that have been on my mind lately, but don't let that limit you at all. I'm open to most things and ideas.
  • yc = your character
    mc = my character
    c1/2 = if i have no preference in any part
    . . . always up to discuss parts would you feel drawn to one marked with mc!

    . . .N O W you've reached the fun part of my plot-list. These are plots/concepts I'd love to work on further and play out with someone equally as intrigued. These are always open for tweaking if you want certain elements added or changes done, and once one is taken will it be crossed out; like so. The "name" of the rp will also get a link attached to it once it has begun.
    Simply send a DM if interested :D

    P L O T S
    ( 001 ) HELLO? ANYONE? ... hello? ...
    the earth has collapsed on itself, leaving the surface a distortion of ruins, miles of rocky deserts or flooding where water shouldn't be found. it's no longer meant for surviving, and the ones who have are only scraping by on borrowed time, outdated cans and prayers that the shelter they've found won't crumble under the next earthquake.
    c1 is, as far as he knows, the only one still alive. he found shelter within someone's private radio station; a small bunker below surface. he doesn't know for how long he's been there, alone, but he knows that the resources placed there are running out. fast. to not go completely insane, he eventually fidgets with some of the equipment, only to suddenly hear another voice coming through.
    c2 has also barely scraped by, now watching the water trickling in from every crevice around the apartment after yet another tsunami. neither are getting out, but at least now they're not alone.

    to sum it up: both characters are trapped and dying, but find comfort in the slightly distorted voice of one another through their various equipment. this will be a short and quite text/conversation-based roleplay (feel free to ask for an example). this is an mxm rp.

    all school wishes to rear spotless results and perfect students in each other's faces; some being more successful than others. NNU is a boarding school that, somehow, has managed to cater to this impossible standard without fail; outstanding test scores, successful graduates and a complete lack of either scandals or drop-outs. what is completely overlooked is the tyranny having its chokehold on the school grounds; how the teachers abuse their positions to humiliate and overwork the students, how any parent who's gone there prior to their own children hushes it down with money and how most attendees are too brainwashed to question all that's going on.
    mc is one of the prefects making sure all students follow the decades-old rules without question and with any means necessary. he's the teacher-pet, the "can do no wrong" who strikes as much fear into his peers as he strikes disgust from those who still have some sense of limits. but what choice did he have, when the only reason he can be there - among the rich elite - is thanks to a scholarship paying off the fees his family could never even dream of being able to pay for. he had to fight for this chance, and if it means to get blood on his hands to keep it then so be it.
    yc just transferred there, a rare occasion and highly unpopular among all the traditionalists who believe being there is a privilege, not a right, even if his family name is familiar to the elite. especially not for a "serial drop-out" (reason/s are completely up to you to decide) who seemingly can't stay in one place. he soon notes the outdated ways and inhumane treatments going around within the school walls, making it his mission to tear this all down with any means possible not realizing how far others are willing to go to keep him from it.
    one feeding into the abuse to get a chance at the same privileges as everybody else, and one who fights against it because he can afford to and because fighting is what he's had to do up until this point, anyway.

    to sum it up: inspiration was taken from a Swedish school named Lundsberg which got shut down due to constant abuse and elitism, in 2013, but also Kill your darlings and The Eclipse. this will be a rather dark rp, touching on topics of class gaps and elitism, physical and verbal abuse/bullying between students as well as from teachers, mental health, identity and group mentality, and to realize how not everything can be either black or white. this will be medium to long-term, slow-burn and mxm rp.

    T R O P E S
    ( 002 ) SUPERPOWERS
    ( 006 ) THE PAST
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